Waffles & Whisky ep 177 – What you do over there…affects us over here

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20 thoughts on “Waffles & Whisky ep 177 – What you do over there…affects us over here”

  1. In my view, any public figure that can't, despite all their degrees, make a public speech without saying "Umm" should receive a Stroke Chit (Naval Term). And have their name blighted in their local news paper 🙂

  2. The guy who ran his campaign on bringing unity back to the country, has in other words just declared war against the republican party. If people are stupid enough to keep bumbling, stumbling, biden and his corrupt tyrannical cronies in office, then yes, we as a nation will fall. If we fall, the world falls. Thanks to technology and social media sites, the mentally ill have been given a voice and this is where it's gotten us.

  3. Please note COMMUNITY POSTS doesn't *&%! work on android!! It can only be read on a desktop. MICROSOFT UPGRADE has F'd up my desk top!
    YOUTUBE you suck! Although I get the notification. I only know the passcode is changing. FIX THIS YOUTUBE you dumb F*KS!

  4. G-MANN: Yay! I know Randwick. I have a dear Australian friend, who used to live in Coogee; and we would regularly visit Randwick for its restaurants in the evening. That was in 2012; when my partner and I were trying to avoid the London Olympics. Off to friends in Singapore and Oz!


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