Voice Of America Is Another Piece Of Garbage Outlet. Their Venezuela / Guyana Coverage Was Pathetic.

“Marxism is a tool for making revolution, first and foremost. But it is a useless tool unless wielded properly by the oppressed. Our traditions of Indigenous resistance wield Marxism, not to uphold European traditions, but to emancipate ourselves from the colonizers by destroying that which destroys us, and building and rebuilding our nations according to our traditions and cultures so that our human and nonhuman relations and thus all people may live. And we cannot merely destroy capitalism, without the foresight and knowledge of replacing it with a more humane and just system without rulers and without colonizers. That system is called socialism, which seeks to destroy the class system and the ruling classes, redistribute land and wealth to its proper owners, and restore dignity to the humble people of the earth” https://therednation.org/revolutionary-socialism-is-the-primary-political-ideology-of-the-red-nation-2/

Also important piece of information: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence/2020-04-06/cia-covert-operations-overthrow-cheddi-jagan-british-guiana-1964

Oh good heavens, would you look at the time? It is time to add Voice Of America to my shit list on this channel (which is literally funded by the American government, it says that in their fucking title). Their latest hit piece on Venezuela President, Nicolas Maduro was utter trash; first of all: he is the legit President of Venezuela (not these fake puppets that the US and the West considered to be “president” in their coup attempt). Secondly, instead of taking a balanced approach on diplomatic issues between Guyana and Venezuela; they have to jump into the fray and into something that they know nothing about, and parrot CIA talking points by saying Maduro lying about Guyana when he isn’t doing that. I tuned into News Source Guyana via YouTube because I study information globally across various channels, from News Source Guyana, MintPress News, The Grayzone, and from other places, particularly the day before one of my weekly live streams and this trash fire published by VOA is what I found first hand and I could not help but go off on a tangent about it off camera and to myself (like a lunatic lol) so I decided to do what I do; pull out the camera and rant about it for all of you guys to see; which is what I do and will continue to do. So enjoy & hope you learn something. 11/7/2023 will be my next stream, so stay tuned. Keep fighting and keep on rocking. Fuck VOA and people / organizations like them!


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