Vittert: Why didn't Boston University tell feds about COVID research? | On Balance

A report in the Daily Mail said researchers at Boston University created a deadlier strain of the COVID-19 virus, a report the school said is inaccurate and misleading. A new report says the school did not inform the National Health Institute about its research. Dr. Amesh Adalja said he is not worried about lab leaks, but added that transparency is important.

#COVID #research #boston

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33 thoughts on “Vittert: Why didn't Boston University tell feds about COVID research? | On Balance”

  1. I will be the Real Reporter and tell truth.
    1) NIH and NIAID gave a one million dollar grant to EcoHealth. This was announced by EcoHealth on August 30,2022. This helped Boston University to use the one million dollar grant to build a deadly virus to kill almost all of humanity (or us carbon based beings).

    2) Boston University created the bioweapon and bragged enough about their victory to make the news.

    3) News of this got to the military brass and Special Forces went into lab at night and found three scientists/students on fifth floor lab.

    4) Lead scientists said, "You can't be here. We have an NIH Grant!"

    5) The three were arrested and lab destroyed.

    And that is the real truth news. Not the fake news.

  2. The experiments done by Boston University did Not show 80% kill rate as certain videos on youtube said!

    This is what really happened:

    BU took 10 mice, infected them with Wuhan strain, resulting in all 10 mice dying. This was the control group. This was because, mice normally mostly die from Wuhan strain, whereas people mostly do not (only about 2% of the population, mostly oldest)

    Then BU took another 10 mice and infected them with the modified Wuhan strain that had the added Omicron spike protein, to prove that it was the Omicron spike protein that increased transmissiblity, and it was. The new virus produced 5 times more viruses than the original Wuhan strain.

    However, the new 10 mice that got infected with the modified virus, only 8 of them died. So the virus had an 80% kill rate in mice, but that virus is known to only kill around 2% of people, because it is the original Wuhan strain.

    So the reports were very misleading.

    World is still a safe place to live!
    Still, this new strain should be destroyed, now that the experiment is over.

  3. This isjust sick, they should all be charged and close all these researches down. No these kind of viruses should be created for any reason! It's all about depopulation I don't care what they say, this is wicked.

  4. What a total joke: Yes the chimera is "only" 80 percent as lethal as the original Wuhan strain but way more deadly than the currently circulating strains. And what he doesn't mention is that it is way more infectious because it has a "better" spike protein from the evolved Omicron variant. The monster they created is like the old super-lethal virus in a new coating that makes it – a little less deadly than the original strain if infected – but way more infectious, namely as infectious as the current strains of Omicron. In summary, they created a potential civilization killer, and to their defense they can only tell us that their lab procedures are "very very" safe? And this in a time when every week or so somewhere on the planet we have a lab escape of pathogens because of some sloppy lab procedure. Like oops! there goes Boston. They're nuts!

  5. your "expert" is the advocate of the devil.
    3:50 he said "this type of research is necessary and the key is if it's done safely"
    no, it's not necessary whatsoever, and no it's not done safely. there are always leaks.
    you are creating the human extinction.

  6. This is an outrage. These people are defending deadly gain of function research here in the US. I don’t care how transparent these people are. Screw this guy


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