Vision of the Dark Tracks

Vision of the Dark Tracks: This 30-minute presentation by Trey Smith covers a vision from 2018 by Henry Shaffer.

In the vision Henry Schaffer saw a very dark time that would specifically occur in the year of 2023. People were walking on a dark set of railroad tracks. There was no electricity, and food may have had shortages.

Where they were on these railroad tracks was darkness. However, where they were headed there was light.

At the time Henry Schaffer told me this vision of a very dark America in the year of 2023, I did not believe him. However, the vision he told me simply would not leave my thoughts. I believed that Donald Trump would have two terms back-to-back. I also believed you have a time of prosper that would last until the end of those terms.

During the year of 2018 (the year of the vision) America was booming financially. Even liberal TV shows and comedians such as Bill Maher openly called for financial devastation to come as it would injure the re-election hopes for Trump.

They got their wish.

However, what the prophetic words from Kim Clement and others actually contained were imageries of very dark times between those two terms. More specifically, Kim had had stated that following the second impeachment, Trump would be “Set-Aside” as is covered in a full-length film at

In short, whilst I focused on the positive parts of the prophecies, there were many dark parts. Those dark parts appear to be the catalyst of what many have described as a “Global Awakening”.

In such awakening both America and the world, at least for a time, would have days unlike any in our life-times.

VISION of the DARK TRACKS: This is a roughly 30-minute commentary on visions and prophecy surrounding the year of 2023.

Trey Smith
God in a Nutshell project


36 thoughts on “Vision of the Dark Tracks”

  1. While I usually enjoy your videos,I don't agree with this one, due to lack of research Russia is actually fighting the evil in the u.n. and other alphabet agencies,we know for a fact Ukraine has labs creating these viruses, they are releasing on us,we know know china released covid on the world on purpose!! As far as trump, he's not gonna get a second term,they stole it and will do it again,I don't know about this Kim guy,I'm leary about these so called prophets..we are actually under God's judgment right now!!! And it's not gonna get better if you read your Bible!

  2. Trey, the new war is hwo China has managed to attack the U.S. for within. The control people that control our food, Gas, and Financial System. They with rip the nation up and make people suffer. That the Drak ness your seeing and how it was planned to affect this nation, Even the rich are going to be impacted by it more than the realize. There plans to file their pockets back fire because of what China has done to the Financial System and the housing market. Plus how china wants the power to control the food in the U.S. and crippled the industry. These are things that have a great impact on the U.S.

  3. I wonder if our Lord & Saviour wants his message delivered like it's performance art? Sorry but Kim Clement's theatre gives off a vibe similar to the warning to beware of false prophets.🤔

  4. I will bet Trump is actually running things. It's a big setup. There will be two presidents. But the setup is taking down the deep-state. There will be a wealth transfer, and Biden will fall down speaking into his earpiece, asking Obama what to do

  5. I pray God keeps his hand on you Trey and gives you the prophetic words to speak at the appointed times. I pray he gives you boldness when you're at your weakest in your spirit. And to fill you with his holy spirit when you are furthest from him in your walk and in your mind. I love you brother. The word good has given you has kept my head above water so many times in the past and I pray you never lose that boldness for the sake of Jesus. God bless and keep you Trey your work isn't done. I know that it's been spoken into my spirit. I'll see you there. You know what I mean. God guide him and bless him in ways he doesn't know for your glory for your kingdom father. Amen

  6. There is darkness ahead. But America will be destroyed. We are under judgment. The only reason it hasn't been utterly destroyed yet is because God's people still live here and push back against the evil. We are to get people to the gospel lifeboats now because America is sinking. Time is up! Stop declaring America will be saved. It will not! The dead parts will be cut off.

  7. Interesting. Some wore it proud. The red hat, MAGA.
    Make America Great Again.
    But. I believe, a educated man.
    Probably has at least one degree in Latin.
    MAGA : ( Latin), Witch,

  8. False!!! Obama is coming back very soon as the Antichrist. The seven year Tribulation is literally at the door!!! President Donald Trump is not the Antichrist, nor is he coming back. We are living in the last hours of the last days!!! Please seek Holy Spirit discernment and wisdom in all things.

  9. This was so good I listened to this twice.its kinda gloomy but there light at the end ,so it's very positive , something we need to see n understand n ,we will get though this n become better ,but we have to go though ,so buckle up buttercup ,we r going for a ride of our lives.God is preparing us n we will make it though n Jesus name Amen n Amen !!!!

  10. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
    Why then brethren,?? Would we allow for such distopia nightmareish thoughts, whether they be conscious or otherwise to be from the same spirit that inspired Philippians 4:8?

  11. I'm going thru much anger…I know what YHWH said to CAIN," Don't you know Cain, that sin is at the doorstep:
    I pray that I can forgive only thru Yeshua can I truly forgive.


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