Virgin Mary APPEARS to a 5 year old with "Heaven's message" for the Pope!

In 1950, as Pope Pius Xll was preparing to promulgate the dogma of of the Assumption of Mary into heaven, he privately prayed to God for a sign to confirm that the proposed dogma was indeed God’s holy will. This is the story of what was believed to be heaven’s remarkable answer to the Pope’s prayer.



Background Music:

🎶 Track: Where the Stars Fall by Scott Buckley

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37 thoughts on “Virgin Mary APPEARS to a 5 year old with "Heaven's message" for the Pope!”

  1. According to sister josefa in the book the way of divine love our lady told her she died and after three days the angels came and reunited her body with her soul and then assumed her body and soul into heaven

  2. Thank you for this beautiful testimony of The Blessed Virgin MARY. O MARY conceived without sin-Pray for us who have recourse to THEE. O MARY assumed into heaven -intercede for us . Amen.

  3. I don't understand why church authorities had always tried to cover up apparitions of the Blessed Mother Mary, almost as always, through the ages they declare them false alongside private revelations which is clearly going against heavenly Truth.

  4. Thank you, for this special story. Gilles could very well become a canonised Saint one day. Here on 0:33 he is playing Priest, as many pious boys in those days did. He had a special mission from Our Lady, the Mother of God, to tell the secret about Mary's Assumption to Pope Pius XII.

  5. Fantastic I had never heard of this lad before. But there is a medical phenomenon where when mother is pregnant cells from baby travel up umbilical cord. So Our Lady's baby could not die! When Jesus died he didn't stay dead. So Our Lady couldn't die as had her sons immortal cells in her body!
    There is a technical term for this.
    I have a daughter so some of my cells are in her body and vice versa!
    As I am not perfect she will die unless rises in Rapture when Jesus Returns.
    This occurs before Battle of Armageddon.
    Our Lady had immaculate conception So did Jesus. Both perfect couldn't die. Unless fell from Grace. Neither did.
    Adam and Eve were perfect too but fell from Grace when disobeyed.

  6. His holiness Pope Pius XII,said that protestant’s are NOT Christian. St Pius IX,said protestant’s are NOT Christian. And Leo XIII said Anglican communion orders were null and void and protestant’s are NOT Christian! Yet Rome still disobey’s these saintly Pope’s. You have the Baptist Cult,the Episcopalian Cult,the Presbyterian Cult,the Methodist Cult,the Cult of England,and the orthodox became Cults when they broke with Rome in 1054AD,plus they reject the Filioque! Protestant’s including the Orthodox say with Satan WE WILL NOT SERVE the infallible Magisterium of the holy Catholic Church which is the ONLY CHURCH THERE IS!
    Question where do protestant’s do there so called baptising because it’s certainly NOT a church? Protestant so called churches DON’T EXIST!!! Please watch the warning or illumination of conscience by Christine Watkins. Then The Papacy can NOT be destroyed. Then Following Padre Pio. Then Don’t call protestant’s Christian! To call protestant’s Christian is unbiblical heretical anti Christ,and blasphemy! God bless. Praise Jesus and Mary always!!! Ps as St. Louis de Montfort rightly said there’s NO salvation without devotion to Mary please read True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis de Montfort.

  7. Yes. That's why we catholics considered Mother Mary as a Queen. And add her in our prayers for our intercessions. Because Mary has a purpose. Thanks for the video. The more information about the apparition the more I believe and strong my faith to my religion and to Jesus Christ. Amen

  8. My Simple Questions Is Why Is This Mary Appearing To Children ?
    Why She Is Not Appearing To The Pope
    This Is Just Baseless Bullshiting Ungodly Unscriptural Unholy Stories Created By Antichrist Pope, his Corrupt Hypocrites Bullshitters Promoting IDOL WORSHIP In The Name Of MARY Accompanied With Bullshiting Stories

  9. My Simple Questions Is Why Is This Mary Appearing To Children ?
    Why She Is Not Appearing To The Pope
    This Is Just Baseless Bullshiting Ungodly Unscriptural Unholy Stories Created By Antichrist Pope, his Corrupt Hypocrites Bullshitters Promoting IDOL WORSHIP In The Name Of MARY Accompanied With Bullshiting Stories

  10. My Simple Questions Is Why Is This Mary Appearing To Children ?
    Why She Is Not Appearing To The Pope
    This Is Just Baseless Bullshiting Ungodly Unscriptural Unholy Stories Created By Antichrist Pope, his Corrupt Hypocrites Bullshitters Promoting IDOL WORSHIP In The Name Of MARY Accompanied With Bullshiting Stories

  11. That’s a lie she was only a virgin until she gave birth to JESUS then her and her husband had plenty of sex, and had other children that were from both nit GOD”s own blood just JESUS CHRIST was GOD”s SON the others half brothers and sisters Mary was from a man and wife wow

  12. GOD's salvation by his free grace alone through faith alone and NOT by works is given to each true believer personally NOT through anything or anybody else then to you. Your only mediator is GOD the Son, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5 KJV). None other. The just shall live (eternal life) by faith (Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, all KJV).


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