Viewers anxiously await bald eagle hatching livestream | NewsNation Now

Tens of thousands have been glued to their computers and mobile devices hoping to catch the first stages of hatching as three eagle eggs in California’s Big Bear Valley approach the end of incubation.

#BaldEagle #BigBearValley

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11 thoughts on “Viewers anxiously await bald eagle hatching livestream | NewsNation Now”

  1. There are sooo many other great eagle nests to follow on you tube. And what is this supposed non profit called Friends of Big Bear Valley doing with all the big money their YouTube channel is taking in? Why is this the only nest getting any local and national attention? This wild eagle nest is controlled by a supposed non profit called Friends of Big Bear Valkey. They were involved in a lawsuit against a land developer who wanted to build condos in Fawnskin a few years ago. The wealthy founder of this supposed non profit was also involved in real estate. The supposed experts who keep going on news stations to promote this nest are not biologists or animal doctors. It appears this non profit may have several paid employers too. Outside of placing a couple of video cameras and solar panels near this wild nest… what exactly is this non profit doing with the piles of money they’re making off their YouTube channel? Considering all the attention this nest is currently receiving, one could easily assume that FOBBV may also have a PR person or is currently paying someone to promote their YouTube channel. I love eagles. It’s the non profit that controls this nest that disturbs me. Where is all the money going? Who and what is actually benefiting from this non profit?


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