Video shows alleged assailant of high school student stabbed to death

Police have released surveillance video of a man who stabbed to death a high school student who was waiting for his family to pick him up after school in El Sereno.

Ellina Abovian reports for the KTLA 5 Morning News on March 8, 2023.


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49 thoughts on “Video shows alleged assailant of high school student stabbed to death”

  1. Vegans don't do this. Genesis 1:29, also Pythagoras. California and NY state prisons fed their inmates a vegan diet and cut down on violence, food bills, damage to the environment, and recidivism. Someone(s) in power are just too greedy to implement this practice which has been working worldwide for millennia. Ahimsa.

  2. 2 innocent people stabbed.
    1 fatally.
    And how's all that defunding the police thing working out for the murdered victim, the stabbed victim, and their grieving family members NOW?
    Did they really think that their homes, their communities, and their very lives were going to be safer without the police presence?
    Did they really belive all that Kaka?

  3. Get out of the Cities, we are all sitting ducks due to the of enforcement of laws and lack of accountability. Guarantee this psycho is known to law enforcement..So sorry for this families loss.

  4. Ughhh This makes me so sick. I just can't…what the hell is wrong with people!!! So tired of these senseless deaths! Such a bright shining star, snuffed out right as he is looking forward to a very promising HARD-EARNED future and a great, normal life.
    So this is his "reward?"
    Man, it just isn't fair. 🥺 So brutally unfair. 🦅 Fly high in freedom & happiness, Young Warrior
    RIP 💥☮❤

  5. I’m so sorry for his family I wish they could have him back but unfortunately they can’t. Hopefully the killer gets a life sentence or even better the death sentence.

  6. To much drugs in california, make a stronger penalty for these sick drug users. Years in prison instead of the state laws allowing you to get high in public. I will never respect a drug abuser, ever.

  7. You know what sad about this is that he had no connection to his victim he was probably out there just to kill someone like what state of mind do you have to be to want to kill someone just because that’s is so sick I hope who ever recognize hi turns him in I know it’s hard but you can’t protect a person who did something so horrible and be walking around with zero consequences that is how you make a monster I hope he is caught asap before he hurts anyone else or himself….

  8. In my day a grown man would not be riding a skateboard or roaming the streets with no responsibilities
    Liberals have made it easy to be a criminal/bum or be insane running loose
    Made it easy to illegally enter this country

  9. They should put that piece of crap out of his misery. If a dog bites a human they put them down. Same should go for people. If a human kills another humans they forfeit their lives. Crazy or sane. Justice for Xavier!!!

  10. TV stations keep using this ALLEGED crap when it is on video. Such a mamby pamby approach to showing the news…especially when you stop the video and the stabbing is no doubt captured (but you are afraid to show it). You always want to be so sensitive and not state the obvious.

  11. Probably a legal Hispanic…someone whom came across the border, willingly, to work, better himself and send money home to his long suffering wife and child. no doubt…No doubt in my mind….

  12. Great video: I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me, i still love her and most times I cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i don't know why i am bring this here for, i cant stop thinking about her.


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