Video: Dead comes alive on the streets as Mexico city holds annual zombie walk | Latest News | WION

Thousands of people crammed into Mexico city for zombie walk all decked up in masks and costumes. They also bought out their best fake blood-makeup for the parade.

#zombiewalk #mexico #worldnews

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31 thoughts on “Video: Dead comes alive on the streets as Mexico city holds annual zombie walk | Latest News | WION”

  1. Strange how the more wholesome and exciting the Latino community becomes, the more black and white americans attack them… I wonder why ๐Ÿค”…
    I desire the sun to shine brightly and warmly on these people. Should they live above the vile taint of lesser American cultures, the light will not burn them…๐Ÿ™

  2. Another paganism celebration. I wonder if the Christians will adopt this one like they have with Christmas and Easter.
    " will you bring this into your church too your eminence? "
    " i cant see why not. The people like it. And its all just fun "
    "Perhaps they could cary a statue of Mary "
    " oooo i like that "


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