Kennedy SABOTAGED Kenobi | LUKE Was Supposed to Be the STAR!

Kenobi Star Ewan MacGregor let it slip out at a Fan Expo in Boston that the TV show was supposed to star Obi-Wan Kenobi…and LUKE SKYWALKER! Kennedy derailed that, stuck it to Luke yet again, made him a nobody and elevated LEIA in his place! Here’s what MacGregor said about this horrible decision, and our reaction to this idiotic decision! #starwars #lucasfilm #disney

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35 thoughts on “Kennedy SABOTAGED Kenobi | LUKE Was Supposed to Be the STAR!”

  1. I just wanna know what dodgy shit she has on what high ranking person to still have a job. And I hope it's worth ruining entire franchises for. She's a disgrace to any IP.

  2. When Kathleen Kennedy dies there will surely be fireworks all over the world similar to what happened in Episode 6 after the Emperor died. I've already got mine ready for the day Star Wars will be free again from KK

  3. Why?

    A petty vandal fuelled by a warped and bitter soul seems to be all she is. Her behaviour no more than that of a cartoon villain.
    Does she even have a plan? Noting can be achieved by destruction alone.
    Does anybody know? From the outside her behaviour seems quite irrational and rather pathetic for all the harm she is doing.

  4. Well, KK’s nonsense has done one thing for sure, she’s made me appreciate the original 6 movies, TCW, and the excellent EU books and video games. Disney Star Wars just stinks save for a few rare exceptions. Wait until they introduce Snoke or the first order in the Mandalorian season 3.

  5. I'd comment, but, to be fair, I'd have to watch the show first, and I don't want to. Watching Star Wars has become a chore, and I have a rule about chores. I don't do them, unless I have to.

  6. All Ku Klux Kennedy did was make Sci Fi fans cynical enough to never buy or support anything from Disney, Lucasfilm, and due to how spectacular this became, Hollywood in general, without proof of quality or respect. She is fulfilling YOUR mandate for you DK, once the negativity of it all is overcome.

  7. Who in the HELL… 😑…. Is allowing this shit to happen…. I know she’s history, and pull in Hollywood… but Jesus…. Why would you allow, quite possibly, the greatest, MOST POPULAR👀, franchise in movie history… to be intentionally sabotaged, by this complete feminist HACK?! And… even more mysterious… why would KK want her legacy to be “the person responsible for ruining Star Wars..?” I don’t know how to reconcile that. NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE…

  8. Give it up. Star Wars or Marvel or any of the childhood fantasies your holding onto are dead. Like it or not they own the rights and they can wipe their butts with it if that's what they want to do. All this whining and chronicling about it is rather pathetic. It would be more productive if energy was put into people that were creating decent entertainment instead of giving Disney and Marvel free publicity. But hey I understand you're in a pickle. Nobody would click on it. They only want to hear the bad Kathleen Kennedy's farts smells. Meanwhile your country is on the express train to hell while grown men whine about fantasies and GI Joe with the kung fu grip.
    Freakin masochists.

  9. We've all heard the Spielberg recording where he says that she was supposed to just make coffee, and take notes in meetings, but all she ever did was sit in, and interrupt people in said meetings, minus the coffee. Well it doesn't take a genius to deduce that you don't keep a no talent piece of feminazi shit around for the better part of three decades unless she's "good at other things."

  10. Woah woah woah, wait one second.
    One Mis-Correction of yours (Your Lordship)
    Obi-wan and Luke are very much Knowledgeable of each other.
    They aren't Close friends or anything, by the fact he knows him as "Old Ben"
    But they have had close contact, and possibly a lot of it.

  11. Remember the video with George Lucas and KK, George was talking about how Kathy would protect the legacy and build on it… You could see the contempt in her eyes she knew she was gonna betray him. The numbers don't lie, Star Wars is a damaged brand, incompetency without consequence in a leader is always a bad idea.

  12. Yet why is Kathleen Kennedy still Putting her two cents on how to Run Star Wars 🙄 she Sucks as it and We the Fan Base Hate and Despises Her Work in Ruining Star Wars. If you want a solution Disney here Again a Million times said. FIRE Kathleen Kennedy and have her Butt Out Of everything Star Wars related and give John 110% control of Star Wars and Kathleen Kennedy 0 Fired Terminated and you will have a Profitable Star Wars and give is the Fans Good Star Wars Movies and Shows not 💩 That Kathleen Kennedy is Good in Makeing.


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