Valve Get A MASSIVE Win! | + Refunds, Breakout Success & MORE

Valve have smartly leveraged their community to achieve a surge in all time high players, Dreams is shut down, Dave the Diver goes from strength to strength, and 2008’s ‘Make Love Not Warcraft’ has finally came true.
00:00 Intro
00:25 The Story – Record Breaking Patch After 16 Years!
03:15 The Story – Doing The Right Thing By Backers!
06:41 The Story – Dream Is Alive For Upcoming Creatives!!
08:09 The Launch – Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Arrives
09:23 The Success – Diving To The Depths Of An ‘Indie’(?!) Delight
10:30 The Reality – No, This Isn’t The Mandela Effect Again!

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30 thoughts on “Valve Get A MASSIVE Win! | + Refunds, Breakout Success & MORE”

  1. To be fair, Valve’s been pumping TF2 with consistant updates (albeit tiny) ever since the last major update came out (2017). However these patches (landing around July, October, and December) never added more than 4-5 maps, and the ususal hats+warpaints+unusual effects that were community made.

    The Summer 2023 update is just, by far, the biggest of these updates to come out with its 14 maps and “new” gamemode (vsh has existed for years, its just offical now). It may of not added any new weapons, or really done much for class balancing, but iirc its the biggest injection of new maps the game has gotten ever. And Fourteen new maps to the pool in a single update is actually wild. Imagine if Blizzard released 14 new main mode maps to Overwatch at once?

    Many of us previous tf2 players have never given up on the game. We are just waiting for new content. 14 maps and a new officaiated gamemode is a good start to wet our appitite.

  2. As someone who has 5,000 hours across two steam accounts and hasn't touched TF2 in over two years. I'll break down what is REALLY going on here.
    Firstly: Steam Charts on figures for TF2 have never been accurate. The leading theory is they count everyone, be they bot or not. So, anytime there is a record breaking number of players, it's far safer to assume most of those are either Trade Bots, Idle Bots or Malicious Bots. That's part of the reason Valve puts no effort into the game, a large chunk of the player base aren't real players, but a decent amount of the bots still make them money so they don't do anything heavy about them. The other half is because of how backwards Valve is structured there is no incentive for people to stay on a project. Technically speaking there is no incentive to do anything ever as many of the senior staff at Valve have not actually done anything in decades, they just exist because they play office politics.

    The update it's self is actually depressingly less then what people were hoping because Valve themselves implied community fixes would be used in it as well, and they weren't. On top of that when they initially announced the Summer Update, they quite clearly said Weapons and Game Balancing, but stealth edit it almost immediately afterwards removing any trace of anything that had anything to do with weapons beyond skins.

    Versus Saxton Hale may get players now, but it's an almost guarantee that will not be the case two months from now. Players have proven consistently they aren't terribly interested in other game modes and Valve themselves have proven they have no interest in supporting outside game modes. It will collect dust along side Mannpower, Passtime, Medieval Mode, Territorial Control, Arena, Robot Destruction, Player Destruction, Payload Race and Special Delivery.

  3. I get a strong feeling most of the people in the comments talking about TF2 have not actually played it years. A whole lot of nonsense is being spread. The main one is "This is a major update" THIS IS NOT A MAJOR UPDATE. Realistically this isn't all that different from every other seasonal update.

  4. I’m amazed it took this long to get an actual Hello Kitty Island Adventure game, especially since Animal Crossing: New Horizons was such a big hit. Also, yes I am playing Team Fortress 2, I never left my brotherhood of arms, and I got one of the new unusual effects on one of the new hats (the Fireflies effect on Pyro’s Firestalker hat).

  5. I started playing tf2 a couple of weeks ago, so this was a treat! Playing Engineer is like playing original Torbjorn, and Mercy experience definitely translates to Medic.

  6. the funny part is that this wasn't even a big update. it was a normal summer update but with extra maps. i'm not saying it wasn't a nice addition, but the actual big updates we used to get back in 2016 are a completely different thing lol

  7. Valve is run by gamers, Gabe Newell is a gamer. Issues with games and company happen when management is not run by gamers and is run by investors, see Activision.

  8. "Diving into the success of an 'Indie'(!?) delight." It's not an indie game, Mintrocket is a brand of Nexon so it's really just a corporation.

  9. I know Valve dont know about the number 3, but it would be awesome if we got Tf3… The characters have so much soul and style that ton of characters now a days

  10. I have not returned to TF2
    But i had thought about it recently.
    With OW2 being the way it is, it finally broke me, and i have uninstalled it
    So TF2 was on the list of possible alternatives.

    I may have to try it out
    just look at all that content… for free… no battle pass, a much more reasonable in game shop, etc.

    And sure, it's community made stuff
    But Blizz had tried that as well with at least one of their maps which was a total sht show.

    And it can't have worse balance then OW2…

  11. At least Valve's long-time break from gaming industry (via Steam management) is worth to be paid off, starting with Half Life Alyx, Team Fortress 2 updates, upcoming Counter Strike Source 2, delisting worst games, etc
    Edit: 10:30 What! A real Mandela effect between South Park and latest Hello Kitty game? 🤯

  12. I remember there was group of dudes who made a full TF2 code clean that de-spaghettifies the spaghetti code of the game by a significant amount, improving performance and undoing some of the wonkiness a buncha items cause. I haven't heard about it in a while now.


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