VALKYRIE TO THE RESCUE #shorts #marvel #marvelsnap

Well… Umm.. I wudda done a short on the High Evolutionary for today, as just like everybody else I stayed up til stupid o clock in the morning only for High Evolutionary to… Evolve… Back into Howard the fuck… And according to some posts I saw on Twitter, some people are even being shown two copies of Howard the Duck, which is less than ideal.

I hear they’re working on a fix but shrug as to when that’ll b sorted.

In the meantime I thought I’d keep focusing on the two decks that have actually been able to help me climb this season, one of which being this Destroyer/Sentry deck.

Destroyer doesn’t come into play in this clip, but I’m sharing it just as example of how valuable Valkyrie can be in this deck.

If I hadn’t used Zero on Sentry, this combo would still have worked, and even would have given me an ever so slightly stronger final turn.

It’s a very solid deck and it has a number of reliable ways to shut down both standard destroy and Galactus decks, which I think is partly why it’s helping me climb.

It fares relatively well against bounce and move as well, due to the inclusion of professor X.

And the best thing is I almost never run into other players using this deck.

What I’ve been doing at the moment is using this deck until I start to sense a loss streak coming, then I’ll switch to Sera Control, until that one starts to lose, then switch back.

The two decks being fairly different to one another may or may not be part of why I’ve a tally started climbing now, after 2 weeks of experimenting because all my solid climbing decks got nerfed into oblivion in the last season or two.

Anyway, this is what I like to call “New Age Destroyer” – it’s just the classic Destroyer deck, with the addition of cards I didn’t have when that deck was popular, Sentry, Attuma, Valk, Viper and Hood have all made a pretty huge impact on this deck, and it’s gotten to a point where I don’t think I’d actually swap any of these cards out for anything. They all have at least 2 synergies with every other card in the deck, it won’t win 100% of the time, but when you consider that even the best decks have about a 50-60% win rate at best, that’s not a problem 🤣 bottom line is it is a powerful deck which can both put out high power cards as well as having the option to counter certain types of deck. And being able to reliably counter Galactus is very useful in this current meta.

#marvel #shorts #marvelsnap


3 thoughts on “VALKYRIE TO THE RESCUE #shorts #marvel #marvelsnap”

  1. Well… Umm.. I wudda done a short on the High Evolutionary for today, as just like everybody else I stayed up til stupid o clock in the morning only for High Evolutionary to… Evolve… Back into Howard the fucking Duck… And according to some posts I saw on Twitter, some people are even being shown two copies of Howard the Duck, which is less than ideal.

    I hear they're working on a fix but shrug as to when that'll b sorted.

    In the meantime I thought I'd keep focusing on the two decks that have actually been able to help me climb this season, one of which being this Destroyer/Sentry deck.

    Destroyer doesn't come into play in this clip, but I'm sharing it just as example of how valuable Valkyrie can be in this deck.

    If I hadn't used Zero on Sentry, this combo would still have worked, and even would have given me an ever so slightly stronger final turn.

    It's a very solid deck and it has a number of reliable ways to shut down both standard destroy and Galactus decks, which I think is partly why it's helping me climb.

    It fares relatively well against bounce and move as well, due to the inclusion of professor X.

    And the best thing is I almost never run into other players using this deck.

    What I've been doing at the moment is using this deck until I start to sense a loss streak coming, then I'll switch to Sera Control, until that one starts to lose, then switch back.

    The two decks being fairly different to one another may or may not be part of why I've actually started climbing now, after 2 weeks of experimenting because all my solid climbing decks got nerfed into oblivion in the last season or two. Dropped quite a bit these last two weeks, back into the mid 70s now and hoping to get at least 85.

    Anyway, this is what I like to call "New Age Destroyer" – it's just the classic Destroyer deck, with the addition of cards I didn't have when that deck was popular, Sentry, Attuma, Valk, Viper and Hood have all made a pretty huge impact on this deck, and it's gotten to a point where I don't think I'd actually swap any of these cards out for anything. They all feel like they have at least 2 synergies with pretty much every other card in the deck, it won't win 100% of the time, but when you consider that even the best decks have about a 50-60% win rate at best, that's not a problem 🤣 bottom line is it is a powerful deck which can both put out high power cards as well as having the option to counter certain types of deck. And being able to reliably counter Galactus is very useful in this current meta.

    #marvel #shorts #marvelsnap

  2. This deck is v good
    I often watch your videos and try your decks but, for me, this is amazing!
    Keep up the amazing videos!

    Also u should try a thanos destroy deck for fun!
    Or a thanos bounce deck


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