Valentine's Day, Year of the Dragon, Super Bowl, and More! (February 14 2024 livecast)

Jamey is live to discuss Stonemaier Games news, answer your questions, and discuss random topics!

The “live” portion happens weekly on Wednesday on the Stonemaier Games Facebook page and YouTube at 10:00 am Central.

Thanks to Joshua for making the audio version of this livecast available here:

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16 thoughts on “Valentine's Day, Year of the Dragon, Super Bowl, and More! (February 14 2024 livecast)”

  1. The confusion I had on the final excavation space was because you always get to do the "when played" action when excavating a cave, but on that final space it has the symbols on it so I wasn't sure if I did the when "when played" for playing it and then again due to the symbols on the mat. It was late when it happened which could have attributed to the confusion. I played it correctly but had a bit of confusion even after clarifying in the rule book.

    I also realized that this was my 10th personal SM title in my collection (and 11th I've played overall with MLS)

  2. Building off the question of a second edition of Expeditions, this two questions. When do you believe a second edition is warranted? Do you see Viticulture Essential Edition ever getting a second edition as it approaches nine years old?

  3. 20:42 I read a Star Wars novel that was written in present tense. I guess it’s the modern way to write but I just could not get used to it. It’s hard to describe but I felt like when I read past tense writing I can allow the scene to build and unfold at a comfortable speed whereas reading present tense feels like watching an action movie with five second jump cuts because each present tense verb feels like it “overwrites” the previous one.

  4. 27:36 I haven’t reread any books lately (or done much reading in general) but I used to reread Redwall books regularly, even though I am already familiar with the story it is like eating comfort food and I sometimes get new insights or latch onto different characters and storylines each time. I want to reread the Leviathan trilogy sometime just because I loved that world so much. I also want to reread Duke of Caladan in preparation for reading the two follow ups because I don’t remember some of the intrigue that went on.

    I will reread books I grew up with too though less often than I did the Redwall books. LotR + Silmarillion, Harry Potter, Charles Dickens, and now that I think of it I’m probably due to revisit Narnia too.

  5. I don’t have a FB to interact live, but I have a question about publishing games. The creators of one of my favorite games “Lowlands” have posted on their BGG thread that they want to kickstart a reprint (retooling) and an expansion but they can’t do it because they don’t have a publisher.

    How does that work? Theoretically, can’t they just kickstart the whole project? You would think that a (assumed) popular game like Lowlands would provide enough interest from publishers to support the project. Hypothetically, what would make a publisher want or not want when considering supporting an existing property…

    I thought it might be an interesting topic to dive in on. I love your audio-blogposts about these types of topics.

  6. Jamey, for an April Fool’s video, “Top Ten Chocolates you can buy at your local drug store”

    And since Jim Butcher was mentioned, I highly recommend the Dresden Files series. The main character, Harry Dresden, is a wizard detective in modern day Chicago. It is without a doubt my favorite book series of all time!

  7. Regarding indexes, may I offer a constructive consideration?

    If a term is listed on multiple pages, it's helpful to have a bit of context with each page number. This could be similar to how a Bible concordance works. I really appreciate the work that went into the Scythe Complete Rulebook. Since I learned the game from the individual rulebooks, I don't have a good feel for where my answer will be in the complete rulebook. When using the index, I have to flip back and forth to multiple pages in the page number list to see which relates to my specific topic.

  8. 38:29 I like the idea of pivoting from pets to sweets related for April fools. Could be fun:

    – Top 10 Food/Candy Resources in Board Games (eg: Peaches from Euphoria?)
    – 10 Game and Food Pairings (Eg: eat ice cold mints with Expeditions)
    – SM Games Characters Favorite Candy (Eg: If modern candy existed in 1920+ maybe Tarkovsky would like Gummi Works or Bjorn would like Salt Water Taffies)

  9. 45:29 I have good memories of playing Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit but generally I find that trivia games are more frustrating than fun and they tend to highlight the disparities in our interests rather than bring us together, and I don’t usually feel clever when playing them. The one exception is this game I played (Fauna) that has animals where you place tokens in the map to guess where they live, how big they get, etc and you get points for being close. It’s the only trivia game I would actively seek out to play again.


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