USS Voyager (Fleet Museum) – Star Trek: Picard 3×06 "The Bounty"

Seven And Jack Check Out The Old Starships
#picard #picardseason3 #startrek


35 thoughts on “USS Voyager (Fleet Museum) – Star Trek: Picard 3×06 "The Bounty"”

  1. If I could be part of any crew, I would pick Voyager, even though I sure it was the the most dangerous. How many times were we marooned on an unknown planet?

  2. Voyager started when I was just coming into young adulthood, playing Doom, X-COM TFTD, Die Hard Trilogy and FFVII on my Playstation. Voyager was new generation, state of the art, something no-one had ever seen before, kind of like the Playstation; and like the Playstation it's been long retired and replaced, but will never be forgotten.

  3. ther was only two ships ever that made such a impact in history and in our hearts picards enterprise and janways voyager

    no one will ever replace them ever the awe we felt from every warp. to every battel won….to every lesson lurn on those ships
    we will never forget them

  4. 0:55 to Seven Voyager was home she spent most of her life her life aboard that ship. All the stories Seven can tell you of her adventures. Janeway, Nelix, Doctor, Torras, Tuvok, all of them she even trained Naomi and Icheb to be the best officers they are. Naomi went on to command a space station trust me she is good. and Icheb he was killed by Bjayzl who stole his implants and sold them on the black market to the Ferengi crime boss Sneed. Seven found out about this and vaporized Bjayzl for what she did.

  5. I genuinely beging tearing up as soon as I see Voyager and hear the Voyager theme in the background. Janeway will always be my favorite Captain and Star Trek: Voyager will always be my favorite series.

  6. "I was reborn there. She was my home. Her crew were my family." Really makes me wish more of the Voyager cast had cameoed. That crew really did feel like a family. Because they were so far away from home, they had to be.

  7. I love this scene, but I feel like it's a little on the nose with Seven's dialogue. Something like this would work better IMO:

    – – – –

    Jack: Which one is that then?

    Seven watches Voyager on screen. She is flooded with memories from the times she had abroad. Part of her longs to return to that old life, even for a day. Though it is long behind her now. Jack becomes confused by the several-second pause.

    Seven: It was home.

    Jack realizes this is the famed Voyager, and he feels embarrassed asking Seven about it.

    Jack: And now, You're just trying to find another. We all long for connection. But we're just a little bit alone, aren't we? Stars in the same galaxy, but light-years between us.

  8. I grew up watching scant, random episodes of TNG and TOS as a kid but Voyager was the one I got to journey with from start to finish. Seeing her in Picard S3 in high detail and hearing that memorable theme again was genuinely heartwarming. A real love letter to the fans.


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