Usher: Super Bowl LVII Halftime Show, ‘COMING HOME’ & Legacy | Apple Music

Over a 30-year career, Usher has progressed from humble beginnings to the world’s biggest stage—performing at the Apple Music Halftime Show at Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas.

Usher invites Zane Lowe to his rehearsal space in Las Vegas ahead of Halftime, where he focuses on bettering his mind, voice, and body. Zane gets a behind-the-scenes look at the setup, equipped with a portable recording studio, a jacuzzi, and more to help Usher be the best he can be. Usher also shares his experiences with Michael Jackson, Prince, and James Brown. Usher also looks back at his discography and dives into his latest album ‘COMING HOME’ as he works to cement a legacy that will survive the past, present, and future.

0:00 – On Las Vegas
12:35 – On Legends and Legacy
21:35 – On Prince and James Brown
28:03 – On His Discography
38:10 – On COMING HOME

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33 thoughts on “Usher: Super Bowl LVII Halftime Show, ‘COMING HOME’ & Legacy | Apple Music”

  1. As an Usher music fan this is a little sad.

    He's trying too hard and I don't understand why. Trying to sound informed on black history, trying to sound like he understands the industry, trying to sound like he's a genius. It's not him. He's the OG plant with the voice and the moves and we're okay with it. In fact we don't expect anything else just be yourself.

    Zane is the kind of interview that looks at the world with more perspective and depth. Usher can't go there because he doesn't see anything beyond the world he's built for himself. Zane asks about music, Usher talks about a hit record.
    Usher mentions "Hit record at 40" so much it's surprisingly insecure and very narrow. You have kids. You have a great career. You reinvented the Las Vegas show. Usher is trying too hard and it's surprising because he doesn't need to.

    He lacks the creative depth to produce at a high level on his own and this album tells me he needs better writers and musicians around him in order to inspire that 1 of 1 energy.
    As a performer he's impeccable, not a fault even when he falls it's smooth.

    "Independent" is not what you are when you've got LA Reid and Babyface who have successfully run an iconic label for decades. Relax, that's not you and it's okay. Just make the music. Sit with the musicians and make the music, I know there's a smooth jazzy, RnB album in there but he's gone for a "hit" pop sound with all the big sounds the world is into rn and it's such a "try hard" move. Usher you're trying too hard. Maybe a little more vulnerability would be nice
    Just be yourself, the rest will come. If you're just a fan you'll sound like a fan, be the artist, go and create…

  2. there ıs smt about my father? ıs ıt a bad thing? wıll ı gte a new key thanks to dad? wıll ı get sıck becasue of the leg? wıll ı sucess smt smt thanks to dad? what ıisit then? there wıll be a new door? thanks to dad? what kınd of door? ıs ıt good? is it between u and me? alesson is comıng to me thanks to dad? wıll u nd ı have one more u turn, usher? u re comıng to me thanks to dad? usher, ı am going to cook egg for dinner and make some tea, mom is sleeping, she got too tired today as always, ı wısh she never got tired anymore, anyway, see u after dinner

  3. A application that could make your existence simpler ticketmaster. It could make your financial advisor in travel and who what where when howmuch. Perez welcomes Usher into his development growing through Jesus in a Faith and may your seek to put a live for Spiritual living
    Lifestyle balanced
    Mentality water and exercise
    Emotional support
    Reading to build your brain.
    Seek out laughter
    I Perez am a miracle of being a holy Spirit. A priestess dose have and want the ability that want to be connected to the Allness of soul is in the brain and Spirit is in the diaphragm. Healthy in take of fellowship. Kip McKean is a brother in the LORD.Amen. may the vibration be of the helpfulness to one another. Having a focused effectiveness brings to Our lives as many but oneness. And be bold and keep mindset of when negativity happens that Usher is able to have a centering to keep your mind in Christness. Your of holiness within self.
    Much love as a creative creater of Creation. As a mortal.. humans are different. Learn how to be vercitial look up words and definitions of meanings of words. Being a brother's keeper do to Perez dose understand Perez dose bring life forms on this planet. I like my responsibility. Love is a big word popparazzi is a fun word you popparazzi the publicity. Adam and Eve cane into existence as adults already. Perez believes that your of this interesting aGenisis holy Bible to have a place to have answer's and get questions big maturity . Goddess Perez is a God mother and I have big image of being the creater in Perez Kingdom Come.byou are not in the hereafter as I am . Not cigarettes. The cigarette is never anybody's friend. Say, yes you learn qwicker and have more fun. Like Keanu reeves and health fann base in and out of looking up to dose make a difference.Bratlrjuice is a good fun movie and Shaft swag mentality. Love you as a brother in the Lord as an equal but man is of the Head in family that you may want to create in the future.

  4. Just phenomenal. I've never been happy for an artist in the way that I am for Usher. I was 10 when he was 15 and just coming onto the scene. I looked up to him as this cool, charismatic guy that all the girlies seemed to love lol Then, when I was 15 myself I turned into one of those screaming girls at a Truth Tour concert in 2004. It's been special growing up with you, Usher! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  5. So greatful for the music over the years n soundtracks to my experiences n what I've been going thru at times .A voice that ppl have herd for over 30 years n glad to see it mature n envolvs.Congratulations on ur career, music n marriage this one of them ones .


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