US & UK Navy Join Forces To Defend Israel – Naval News

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The USS Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group is reinforced by Royal Navy Axillary ships who bring additional helicopter, resupply and hospital capability to the region. Royal Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft are overhead providing real-time intelligence data for the fleet.
Petty Officer Zhao pleads guilty to providing intelligence data to a Chinese officer and taking about $15,000 in bribes.
US Army intelligence officer is arrested at San Francisco airport for contacting the Chinese consulate in Istanbul with intent to sell SIPR NET encryption keys.
War Thunder community is impressed.
Plus, a special guest from the future….

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38 thoughts on “US & UK Navy Join Forces To Defend Israel – Naval News”

  1. My tax dollars should not be spent propping up and providing military support to a regime in Israel with an extensive track record of human rights abuses. Getting further mixed up into that quagmire, especially on the side of Israel, is absolutely not worth it.

  2. "The Marines have been at sea a long time and they're ready to go ashore and break things".

    Not only does that fully check out, I'm confident the Brass of that particular vessel are at the end of their respective ropes keeping the Marines from breaking stuff aboard and now that crayon supplies are running danger low, its more important than ever that the Devil Dogs are cut loose in a general direction. Woe to any enemy in their path.

    Hoping a speedy resolution with minimal casualties to us and our allies, and I'm once again wondering why the middle east isn't already either a parking lot or U.S. territory; lord knows we've spend enough blood, lives, and money in that sandbox over the past 40 years.

  3. Nah, the DoD will still throw your ass in jail. It's fun. But tactical MI soldiers are some of the most low IQ individuals. Especially HUMINTers since they think they are actual MI (not the glorified infantry). Hopefully they did not have offspring and convict them under the espionage act so we can legally remove them.

  4. I've been banging this drum for a decade……. this seems like a good place and time to go for it again……. Could we look into taking old, tired warriors, the retiring Nimitz class ships, and demilitarize them….. remove the catapults, arresting gear, ammunition lockers, combat related radars, and any unnecessary gear from them and convert them to, let's call them "Emergency Response Ships". Say there is an earthquake in Japan, or a typhoon that rakes Guam, an industrial disaster like Fukushima or Beirut, or a brutal but brief spasm of warfare ala Gaza……… the Nimitz sails in with lots of helps and the hanger and the machinery deck between the flight deck and hanger deck redone as operating rooms, clinics, recovery rooms. The crew quarters now house the helo crews who fly in with equipment and supplies and fly back with wounded and the sick. The ship has two nuclear power plants, so if it can get to a place close enough to run cables to the shore, power can be delivered, perhaps to jump start an on-shore power station. It can make fresh potable water and prepare good hot food. It has machine shops to repair pumps and generators, make fittings. One for the Pacific, one for the Atlantic, one in the Gulf. Perhaps one for WestPac. One for Europe or the Med, maybe out of Gibraltar. Good training for nuke techs. Great for flying the flag with lots of good will. It would be expensive, but the benefits could be incalculable.

  5. How about asking, what's making these guys want to sell information and back stab the country that made them who they are. Military must be pretty rough on these people to cause this type of bitterness.

  6. Dude! Have you heard anything that would confirm or definitely deny the rumors around a Chinese CCP submarine casualty in late August of this year? The rumors keep swirling I know that you’ve commented on this before but the rumors keep swirling.

  7. Good to see our Navy is still on the ball and ready for anything.

    As for the dummy getting caught trying to sell US secrets to China, it should be a given that you would be put on a list upon exiting service when you had security clearances… and booking a flight to China probably raised all kinds of red flags.

  8. The people of Britain do not stand with terrorist Israel's ongoing siege of Gaza, the stealing of Palestinian land, nor the murder of innocent people. We stand with Ukraine for the same reasons we stand with the Palestinian people.

  9. Not to besmirch your sponsor… But I find the need to efficiently organize journalism by the current American (kind of arbitrary) versions of "left" and "right", a little disconcerting.

  10. It seems obvious that the US naval presence is to deter attacks on Israel from the North, while the IDF operates offensively in Gaza. Hezbollah and Syrian groups will have to content with the Marines and Navy if they choose to go in.


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