US to Send Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, CNN Says…

CNN is claiming Washington may finalize plans to send the Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine. However, what CNN doesn’t say is just as important:

– The US says it will send the missiles in days after the decision is made;
– It takes MONTHS to train crews to operate the Patriot missile system;
– NATO personnel will likely operate the missile system posing as Ukrainians;
– The Patriot missile system is suffering a global missile shortage;
– Lockheed will double missile production but it will take years to do so;
– Both current and future production numbers CANNOT match the number of cruise missiles alone Russia is producing per month;
– Russia is also using Iskander missiles, Geran-2 drones, as well as a number of inert decoys which will place even more pressure on Ukrainian air defenses;
– The performance of Patriot missile systems in Saudi Arabia has been poor;
– Patriot missiles will face more sophisticated and more numerous threats in Ukraine than in Saudi Arabia;


FT – Military briefing: escalating air war depletes Ukraine’s weapons stockpile:
CNN – Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine:
Al Jazeera – Saudi Arabia may run out of interceptor missiles in ‘months’:
WSJ – U.S. Sends Patriot Missiles to Saudi Arabia, Fulfilling Urgent Request:
Defense News – Lockheed to double Patriot missile production as orders explode:
NYT – Russian Cruise Missiles Were Made Just Months Ago Despite Sanctions:
NYT – Russia Is Using Old Ukrainian Missiles Against Ukraine, General Says:
NBC News – Why U.S. Patriot missiles failed to stop drones and cruise missiles attacking Saudi oil sites:

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22 thoughts on “US to Send Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, CNN Says…”

  1. Correction: regarding Patriot missile production numbers – the article noting the doubling of missile production was from 2018 – this more recent announcement claims Lockheed may be able to produce 500 by next year:

    But as I pointed out – even 500 missiles a year and if ALL missiles were sent only to Ukraine – this would only match Russian cruise missile production IF Russian production was 40 missiles a month as Ukraine claims – the number is likely higher. Also – these Patriot missiles would have to have 100% effectiveness, and would still not have enough missiles to down other long-range precision weapons used by Russia.

  2. Russia pulled out of Kiev region when Ukraine promised to not join NATO. If patriot system is to be given to Ukraine that's a back door path for NATO troops to operate in Ukraine. That means that Russia will have to make Kiev (regime change) a priority once again. Unless of this is diversion by Ukraine from the Dombas war. To thin out the Russian forces in the Dombas by inviting an new front near Kiev.

    You can't take media platforms for what they say only. You have to see what they are not saying. If you are smart you can see things clearly.

  3. Whole transcript of what was said by Russian commander Alexander Khodakovsky.

    "You know, we are aware of our current capabilities. We have a number of units which are being rotated so they can recover at bases in Russia, there are now battalions which have been formed and are being formed. For example, the Ural-1 battalion, which was formed in Yekaterinburg, is now moving to the front. That's around 500 men, of whom basically 95% are shock troops, very highly motivated guys. They've been equipped not just with body armor and helmets, but armor and armored vehicles like the Typhoon. That's to say, in Russia training is underway. But nevertheless, we realize that our resources, of course, have their limits. And the next spiral of escalation can only be one – nuclear. Therefore, if for example, NATO countries cross certain boundaries, they're already feeling so frivolous when they say openly, like the heads of the German Defense Ministry, that it would now be good to test out (their) Leopard(s) (tanks) in field conditions, and see how they hit the Russians, we can no longer say that they're just quietly supplying or selling arms. They're now directly involved! Correspondingly, they're very close to crossing that red line. So everyone realizes that the next spiral of escalation can only be the nuclear stage of the war. And how prepared the West is now for the situation to develop in this way, I don't think it is, because they're constantly stressing that this can't be allowed under any circumstances. But they're already approaching the threshold of their capabilities. Beyond that red line the conversation must be an entirely different one. We don't have the ability, we're a country which is now fighting the entire Western world, and we don't have the resources to defeat the NATO bloc with conventional means. But we have nuclear weapons for that. We built them specially for such situations. That is why there is only one option." — Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the Russian military forces stationed in Donetsk

  4. Trump wanted to normalize relations with Russia and reduce conflict. Good thing he can’t meddle is this important project of operation global freedom! All pony-soldiers unite for Ukraine!

  5. Russia should not worry much about the supply of the patriots by the US to Ukraine. This is the opportunity for Russia to test any of her drones to supress the patriots system. Russia at the same time could also request Iran and China to test their drones over the patriots sysytem in real combat situations

  6. Watching this guy say "these will be impractical because of logistics" after he said the same thing about HIMARS 6 months ago and javelins 8 months ago isn't giving me much confidence.

  7. Что мы украинцы вам сделали плохого, почему русские нас хотят уничтожить? То голодомор, теперь война. Не навижу тех кто поддерживает войну.

  8. An American military advisor to CNN hedged his bets saying the Patriot system is properly used as a layered defense. Meaning more than one is used to stop a single missile.

  9. There will be lots of dead nato troops coming back from Ukraine very soon more than the western alliance can hide and Western propaganda censorship media on all platforms, once they realise the real truth supporting neo-Nazi doctrine in the government military of Ukraine and the killing of thousands Ukrainian people by the government military Ukraine +nato . I don't think anyone will be trusting western media or their own governments kind of sickening to think the majority of Western societies are so easily brainwashed they are so so dumb it's embarrassing to watch .


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