#US to provide 4 #Avenger SHORAD to #Ukraine !

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The Ukrainian military’s air defense arsenal is set to get a new system.
This time it’s the Humvee-based Avenger from the U.S.

The Pentagon has announced plans to transfer four Avengers, apart from additional HAWK surface-to-air missiles, more artillery, small arms ammunition and a few other things as part of a new tranche of military aid valued at approximately $400 million in total.

This package is a so-called “draw-down,” which means that these items will come directly from U.S. military stocks.
This brings the total value of all American military assistance delivered or pledged to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February to $18.6 billion.

In this video Defense Updates analyzes how Avenger could help Ukraine stop Russian drone onslaught ?

#DefenseUpdates #AvengerAirDefenseSystem #ukrainerussia


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“Giant Wyrm” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


www.military.com / US DOD

www.npr.org / Roman Hrytsyna/AP

www.japantimes.co.jp / REUTERS

www.columbian.com / AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

www.military.com / US DOD

www.military.com / US DOD

www.military.com / US DOD

www.gzeromedia.com / Reuters

army-technology.com / US DOD


43 thoughts on “#US to provide 4 #Avenger SHORAD to #Ukraine !”

  1. The government officials. The president. And those who support war. Ukraine is an enemy Russia is an enemy of the American people. Under the United States declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. This is clear documented evidence. That are politicians must be put to death under law and order of the freedom of the United States of America. The supplier enemies with money in weapons. Is the highest ACT of treason now clearly documented by our president in the government officials. Our problem is to United States military. Has no honor in dignity to protect the American way of life in our freedom. They are after the money the capitalist power agreed. We are in great danger America. We must prosecute anyone. Who goes towards countries against the freedoms of America that we must put to death those who destroyed our Constitution and the declaration of Independence we are facing a great evil. It is time to put down what you're doing and we must go to war to protect the American way of life. To doctor money to our government our military who have sold us out in the acts of high treason the countries that will kill us in a moment

  2. I live in roswell nm , our local national guard unit used to be a air defense artillery battery. You could see like 15 avenger systems parked at our local armoury and driving in parades

  3. The Avenger sadly is not up for the task
    The 8 Stinger load is good for gunships and jets but against UAV , they need 50.cal replaced with heavier cannon
    Ironically, Taiwan's T-75 autocannon is what they need to replace the 50
    A 20mm cannon with 20mm HEIT-SD (High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer, Self-Destruct) ammunition from the C-RAM system in place of the Avenger 50 cal is the right option for Ukraine
    Heres the problem
    Normally the 50 cal can Slew-to-Cue (STC) subsystem allows the commander or gunner to select a FAAD C3I
    The Avenger is normally linked to Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (FAAD C3I) system
    STC and linked the FAAD C3I, the 50.cal is now a radar guided weapon which makes it highly accurate but Ukraine doesn;t have FAAD C3I
    Secondly 20mm has superior anti air and anti armor capability to the 50 cal
    Hence why the Stryker SHORAD opts for the 30mm cannon

  4. Dude can you do a video on the new MSHORAD networked systems that controlled by Northrop Grumman’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) please? It is supposed to replace the Stinger MANPADS with an M-SHORAD Inc 3 missile that uses the same launcher. I would like to see your angle on these new wave of networked systems. I think it's better than sliced bread to start catching hypersonic missiles😀

  5. Honestly that's very few really. They should just order the SHORAD stryker in higher numbers and hand over most of the avenger systems to Ukraine. Objectively it's really not the type of system you would want the US army to have in a high intensity conflict, so get rid of if to a place where it still can do a lot of good and get something better for the troops.

  6. US Army plans to upgrade its divisional air defense battalions towards 3 M-SHORAD/DE-M-SHORAD (Stryker based) batteries, 1 Indirect Fire Protection Capability battery (Iron Dome basically), and 1 counter-UAS battery using M-LIDS, Coyote interceptor, and other handheld drone countermeasures.

  7. This high tech gear is all nice and fancy and expensive, and also a complete waste of time and resources and especially MONEY!!!
    These cheap and slow moving drones absolutely do not need nor meet the requirements of these expensive defensive systems. They need nothing more than a cheap sensor or radar connected to an anti aircraft auto cannon. Bullets costing a few dollars a piece make a whole lot more sense than missile costing hundreds of thousands for taking out drones costing only a few thousand themselves…

  8. Biggest drawback…. Ukraine will Never be …able to .. Win the Hearts of Break away Regions ….by Force…… US is a failed country…. Not even they can Secure Free and Fair Elections …… and current Presidents is ? ….how will they ever win…? in ukraine…. Lost in Vietnam…. Afghanistan… Syria… ?

  9. They won't be used for city defense systems they will most probably join the Gepard systems. And only during a pauze in the fighting they will be used to protect valued items. For the point defense the NASAMS, IRIS-T and Ozelot would be a better choice as it works completely integrated.

  10. I have just one question . In a time when swarm missiles are a reality as seen in Ukraine. WHY DON'T WE SEE OUR WEAPONS WITH ALLOT MORE MISSLES ON THEM COME ON USA YOU ARE ASKING TO BE BEATEN

  11. First of all you need a new narrator. This guy is so annoying. Number two. You know how long it takes to train people to use this kind of weapon?
    Did you know according to some reports only 30% of what we're sending Ukraine is actually getting to Ukrainians? The rest is going on the black market.

  12. Best $18.6 billion this country ever spent. The return on investment was substantial immediate long duration and much appreciated. After the Afghanistan debacle it’s exactly what we needed to restore this country’s reputation.

  13. FOUR…!!!! That is awesome especially when intent is to defend that size of country like UA is… No drones would be able to pass thousands miles long frontline that id barriered by FOUR Shorads. No way… nope…


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