US Coast Guard provides update on search and rescue efforts for missing Titanic-exploring sub

The U.S. Coast Guard provides update on search and rescue efforts to find the missing submersible carrying five people trying to see the remains of the Titanic at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. MORE:


27 thoughts on “US Coast Guard provides update on search and rescue efforts for missing Titanic-exploring sub”

  1. This is so very sad. I really hope they can find it and cut it loose in time to float to the top if it is in fact tangled. It feels eerily similar (albeit a much smaller scale) to the crash in 1912 where the rescue boats arrived too late for all of those in the freezing water. It was a distress call that went unnoticed by a nearby ship for hours- had they seen it in time, so many more lives could have been saved.
    I really hope for these men and their families that their fate is not the same and that we will have a rescue story to accompany the Titanic disaster versus another tragedy 🙏 I can't imagine the fear and desperation they feel if still alive

  2. Why is that vessel NOT Coast Guard inspected and certified? After all, it is a commercially operate passenger carrying vessel. Calling the passengers "crew members" or "mission specialists" doesn't change the fact that they are fee paying passengers.


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