The Shadows Speak Part Thirteen | HFY | SciFi Series

The Shadows Speak Part Thirteen
This story was written by reddit user Dagaz9565, it was narrated with his knowledge and permission.
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Check out part One here:
The Shadows Speak Part One


The Shadows Speak Chapter 13
The Shadows Speak

Chapter 13

Shadowcrest Commander Xelios of clan Starstrike

After the recapture of the capital, the Umbra alongside our new militia army went out to recapture lost settlements still under the remnants of the Xyrran forces. Their navy was utterly destroyed by the Terran fleet that arrived in between them out of FTL travel. That should not be possible with ‘standard’ FTL but if there is anything I know about the Terrans by now it is that they are anything but standard. They break every mold that have been recognized and tested for millenia.

Their medical knowledge is extraordinary as well. After the conquering of the capital, and surrender of the Xyrran forces there, the large triage ships of the Terrans came. They were large but were still dwarfed by the three steel behemoths of the fleet.

The triage ships had large red crosses painted on them. It signified that they are a ‘humanitarian aid’, or in this case Alerian aid. The Red Cross has a long history about being in the thick of warzones, helping in any way they can. Medic centers, food aid, finding lost family members, they did it all and they did it well. After they landed it took a few hours and all their setups had finished and they began treating my people with the same diligence as they would with their own kind. It was wonderful to look at.

I looked over the remnants of what was once a bustling town. It became a makeshift stronghold of the leftover Xyrran soldiers. From the information of my scouts I got that the enemy forces numbered roughly 20000, and since I split up my forces to go to other locations I only had roughly 14000. The enemy had hunkered down on the top level, blasting away every entry point from the bottom, and turning every possible gun they had at the trees around them and the sky above. Guess they think they know what they are fighting here. They are even sorting out lights, making sure they have every part of their fortress lit up.

“Guess someone high up there knows about the Umbra soldiers.” came a voice from beside me. It was a subordinate commander of mine, Torian of Clan Sunrider. He was a friend of mine from my days in the planetary militia and a great warrior, able to shoot on the wing with such precision it would even make Gray impressed. “Indeed, Torian, and I don’t think we can do much about their sturdy defenses. I do believe we will need some assistance from our Terran allies here.” I said back as I studied the makeshift fort, looking for any weakness in. “I suppose. It feels wrong though, we should be the liberators of our homes.” Torian said with a huff. “Do not forget, my friend, that it is thanks to the Umbra that you are able to be here right now. They rescued you from being shipped off as a slave.” I answered back humorously. “And they also changed you. They mutated you, they are unnatural beings.” he said as he glanced at my COTAD, his feathers puffing a bit.
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