Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Very Short Treks

Seán goes through every episode of Very Short Treks, produced in celebration of Star Trek: The Animated Series’ 50th Anniversary.

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46 thoughts on “Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Very Short Treks”

  1. "…The problem is; that joke wears off like snap that…" Sean forgets that this is Casper Kelly, who gave us "Too many Cooks" in 2014; Ten minutes of a single punchline. That's like downvoting when Jeff Dunham pulls out the puppet.

  2. Never saw these Very Short Treks before. Just looked them up half way through watching this. Glad I didn't watch them when they came out… they almost make me want to give up watching Lower Decks. Trillium downs all around

  3. Holograms All The Way Down started off well. I thought they were going to give Trip a better ending. Again, the joke stopped being funny. The cameos didn't save these shorts for me. These shorts demonstrated the writers know how to beat a dead horse. *cue deadhorsian. There was one scene out of all the shorts that made me laugh out loud. It was Spock saying, "It is funny because he usually has legs." I think it was Ethan Peck's delivery.

  4. 4:00 "every time I say anything someone pops up to get offended…" was the single funniest line of the entire episode. Offense has become the "national pasttime" in the US and much of Europe for crying out loud! What better way to ridicule this asininity than to joke about it?

    Come on now, unbunch yer knickers!

  5. I completely skipped the part of the video where you talked about Worst Contact…because it was Worst Contact. But the fact the downs jumped by 4 in that short period of time confirms my opinion nonetheless. Well done.

  6. I just wish that the majority of the humor in these hadn't been "[CHARACTER] gets very offended by [OTHER CHARACTER]". These shorts very likely came into being because of those fan animations which redid scenes from TNG and VOY in the TAS style, and they were funny just in their understanding of all the visual and music quirks of the old animated series. the Very Short Treks probably would have benefitted by going that route, instead of these warmed-over TV Funhouse gags.

  7. I thought Spock's "In Memoriam" presentation in "Holiday Party" was hilarious! But I also think dark humor is funny.

    Remember, not all of these gags were meant for a singular audience 😉

  8. I'm not sure if Burnham was whitewashed or not, but maybe they should have added Commodore Robert April from the Counter Clock Incident, and then changed him to resemble Admiral April from Strange New Worlds.

  9. I'm going to assume that Sean was not having a great day when he did these Ups and Downs.

    Taking issue with the mention of people being offended seemed to be the trigger and it was just a bit awkward after that.

    The jump to whitewashing was way too far for me and then breasts being ridiculously large?

    Sorry, but this is the first time I've ever not enjoyed Ups and Downs. 🫢

  10. I normally love watching Sean's Ups & Downs, even though I do disagree with him from time to time (I Love Peanut Hamper!). But I gave a Thumbs Down rating to this episode and to be honest it was a Trillium Down for me. I enjoyed all of the Really Short Treks. They were meant to be ridiculous and they delivered! Not all humor has to be high brow. Chill Sean.

  11. 1:10 Klingon Battle Cruiser (aka D7) was the best. I loved the AMT model kit that was produced in the 1970s. K'tinga is cool too but really its just a pimped up D7 for the big screen. Kudos to Matt Jefferies for his design of it.

  12. How is this a retro ups and downs? Or was that an ad promoting them?

    Maybe SMG wasn't available to provide a voice and as a result they swapped her for a no one, instead of letting her be a silent background character. It's the wrong choice, but at least it's wrong without being extra wrong.

  13. I didn't need any of these shorts. I found them mostly disgusting. I enjoyed very much seeing all the characters back but that's it.
    Has this been written from no-writers while the strike? Or are there just showing their new real faces? 🤢

  14. By far the most tedious one of these ever made. Endless salivating over Prodigy—the no holds barred weakest Trek—a 2014 Buzzfeed level analysis of all the unwoke horribly offensive gags (hey, just like Kirk said, he couldn’t say anything without you popping up to Be Offended!), all topped off with the ludicrous—genuinely I wondered if I was hallucinating—claim they were “whitewashing” Burnam. Does that feel plausible? The animators here just explicitly decided they would prefer that character be white? And they were going to do that by replacing her with a random no name officer? While she was canonically in the brig? And there’s “no coming back” from this? Ok man. This sucks.


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