Ups & Downs From Star Trek Lower Decks 3.8 – Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus

Dilithium is rare in a post-burn galaxy.

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45 thoughts on “Ups & Downs From Star Trek Lower Decks 3.8 – Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus”

  1. This was an amazing Episode. The music cues were amazing, the callbacks to the previous trek movies and of course George. Just wonderful. This episode could have been the entire season imho.

  2. Two things.

    First: Imagine an bad guy who gets transporter cloned and the clone turns out to be a good guy.

    Second: Can we please get a voice cameo of Chekov too before Walter Koenig dies?

  3. I was really high when I watched this episode and I completely melted trying to take in Boimler coming to grips with mortality through a computer generated subplot inside a holographic alternate reality movie sequel parody. I really need this video right now.

  4. I love that the planet with the "rock god" planet is named after Shatner, insinuating that when the holodeck has to badly improvise you get Star Trek 5. Made me laugh so much. And Sean, I think the These are the Voyages reference is definitely the set-up to William Boimler's faked death, referencing how Trip was "fake deathed" into Section 31 in a post-Enterprise novel.

  5. another note on the back flip off of the "cycle" , its a near recreation of the time Trinity does it in the Matrix .The group is attacking the machine code and a "power plant" needs to be shut off in order to get access to a door . Someone fails and Trinity jacks in on a motor cycle and crashes it with a backflip same as Tendi and Rey .

  6. Great video as usual. Sean mentions the red light tubes appearing again. Wasn't the red tube prop also seen in Airplane 2 on the moon base and the original V mini series in the landing bay?

  7. OK, I haven't read through all of the comments, so I don't know if anyone else pointed this out. This is a super deep cut for Cetacean Observations. The guy with the map on his skin is a reference to MAD magazine, of which there have been several Star Trek-themed issues, and whose last page you would fold to get the secret message.

  8. "All transporter clones eventually become evil": maybe nature does not like the fact that they share the same brainwaves, so some kind of decoupling takes place? Does that mean that mirror universe transporter clones eventually become good?

  9. Rutherford’s character is ‘Sylvo Toussant’, a French name. First he tries on an accent, but soon adjusts to “playing it straight”. I think that’s a jab on the very British Patrick Stewart’s French capitain.

  10. Romulan's speeder thingie looks a lot like the speeder from Star Wars Rogue One when Jynn and Andor first saw the Partisans raiding the kyber crystal. The one used by the Empire and stormtroopers transporting kyber crystal. The speeder is from Rebels cartoon series (I think), not 100% sure.

  11. Did not like this episode very much, except for the Sulu scene. Hate when they try to include a Star Wars scene as Star Trek. Would I be Marylin Monroe if I put on a blonde wig and a flowing white dress? Rather not.

  12. For those of you who haven’t watched “Field of Dreams”, when Boimler asks “Is this Heaven […]?”, and Sulu says, “It’s Idaho…”, which alludes to the Ray Liotta/Kevin Costner exchange in the cornfield-turned-ball field.


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