Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks 3.1 – Grounded

From the 56-Year Mission in Las Vegas… it’s Sean with all the Ups and Downs!

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36 thoughts on “Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks 3.1 – Grounded”

  1. Did anyone notice the croutons floating in the transporter chiefs soup? Do they look like constellations to anyone else? I can't identify them if they are and would appreciate it anyone could….viewed from earth of course and assuming minimum Stella drift between now and then….chevron one encoded!

  2. As a native to Bozeman Montana, I always get really excited whenever Bozeman is mentioned in Star Trek so this episode made my brother and I extremely happy. My brother and I literally cheered when Rutherford said “We are going to Montana.”

  3. When Kelsey Grammer appeared as Cpt Bateman, originally the producers wanted to also have Kirstie Alley as Saavik be his first officer, as a nod to 'Cheers'. She was on board for it, but they couldn't work out the filming schedule.

  4. Two down?!?!?!? If ever there was a perfect show, this one was it! ( Unlike your rating system). A down for having too many Easter eggs? Then later giving them an up or two for having too many Easter eggs? A down for having non speaking cameos?!?!? Those are not cameos, they are seeds for future episodes. Remember, we ARE watching you 😳 Click-a-te Klack, Click-a-te Klack.

  5. Well My only up for the episode is that the princess finally got the tough love talk and her final final final final chance to stay in Star Fleet was with an officer that was dished and disrespected by her.

  6. So many Easter Eggs in this episode. The first farm girl to hit on Boimler was wearing a red bonnet, an nod to the "Sun-Made Raisin" brand girl. The FNN banner with every news story a previous Trek reference of which my fav was the Sonny Clemonds country singer revived from the 20th century being mobbed by teen fans.

  7. careful you just told the world your doin work in america on a holiday visa. an am not joking america has stopped youtubers from returning when they found out they filmed stuff with a holiday visa

  8. I was expecting that to be a shower curtain and the ‘what else could I do’ being have a wash; good save with Vegas haha!

    Really enjoyed this episode, and this ups and downs review. Thirst Contact; brilliant. That sounds like a good option for a Starbucks style sign to stick on the wall 🤔

    All the beat

  9. To be fair I didn't get the joke re the bridge… because there are transport tubes that take people back and forth across the bridge… it makes sense to be there. We saw the tubes in voyager's finale'.


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