Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1.1-2 – Emissary LIVE #TheSiskoDay


Seán’s here to take a trip through the Celestial Temple and list everything we loved, and some things that stung, in the debut episode for Commander Benjamin Lafayette Sisko.

Spoilers: that rank MIGHT change.

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46 thoughts on “Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1.1-2 – Emissary LIVE #TheSiskoDay”

  1. Emissary is the best of the Star Trek pilots not only because it’s the first episode of the best Star Trek show and brilliantly establishes the premise and mythology of the series, but it works as a standalone episode with a resolved story arc about a man who has suffered a loss and is forced to re-engage with life

  2. I think an argument can definitely be made that Kira is as much a main character in the show as Sisko. They both have the biggest character arcs on the show and even the final storyline in season 7 focuses on the two of them, with the final shots of the show being devoted to her taking over the station.

  3. I like the look on Kira's face when Sisco tells her it won't last long referring to his conversation with Picard. The look was like "oh crap. What is going on here?"

  4. One down for me is Sisko being a Commander at the start. He should have been a Captain from the start, and this was a sour note at the time for some viewers. Of course, this does not take away from Brooks' performance of Sisko no matter his rank or prophet status!

  5. I'll level with you I got into Trek because Spike TV channel 49 showed reruns of Voyager all day everyday. When that stopped Syfy channel 65 show re runs of enterprise all day everyday day. After that BBC 114 tng , Spike TV may have had tng at some point. After the BBC showed every episode so many times I no longer wanted to watch it, the only then began to show ds9. Tos was periodically on a local station at some point. When I tried to watch ds9 on Paramount Plus. That broke service randomly skipped episodes meaning I don't think I've seen every episode of ds9

  6. Avery Brooks is greatly overhyped as an actor. He has more than a handful of cringeworthy overacting/emoting moments on DS9. He is also responsible for making the tension on set during DS9's run where other cast members avoided him and often dreaded working. He is also an egotistical @sshat for ignoring fans and discussion panels afterwards.

  7. DS9 is my favorite 😊. Think about all the character development for everyone…think about the amazing SECONDARY cast of this series!! But watching this ups and downs it occurred to me something about Kira. We all know about the Ro Laren thing but think about that first meeting between Sisko and Kira, then while Sisko is in the wormhole It's Kira holding her own against the Cardassians, moving the station and taking command as First Officer…now think of the very last shot of the series. COLONEL Kira with Jake looking out that window. SO DAMN GOOD.

  8. Totally agree with you about Emissary being the best Star Trek pilot. I remember watching it lo those many years ago and thinking that it was going to be a very special show. I do have my own personal “down,” however. Why were civilians still on the ships a Wolf 359? I realize that, without Jennifer’s death, Sisko has no arc and much of the show can’t happen. But, the idea that they didn’t drop them off somewhere safe has always bugged me.

  9. Let me start by saying, I absolutely love this channel, and really love the retro ups and downs. I’m no troll. The live format does not work for videos like this. AT ALL. Please do not do this again. I clicked off after three minutes, and I usually watch your videos from start to finish. This is a HUGE trilithium, warp 9.975 down for me, especially for such an important, historical episode as “Emissary” Kudos for trying something new, but it was as successful as Starfleet at Wolf 359.

  10. I absolutely agree that this is the Star Trek show to watch and easily the most re watchable of all the series. It was so rich in story and characters. It also hands down hand the best cast in term of talent and depth. Now Voyager is my 2nd favorite series and also very re watchable. But DS9 will always be my number 1.

  11. Is there gonna be a "full production redress" version of this U&D? With graphics and editing and stuff?

    Also… Can we get some more videos featuring GARAK? Lore, canon, backstory, Easter eggs…..etc.
    I feel like he would make a list of the "top X (10-25) BEST WRITTEN (sub) Characters across ALL of Trek"

  12. My theory about Sisko's dad is that before Past Tense his father had passed. Due to a small about of the ole wibbly wobbly caused by sisko interfering with the timeline just enough little things were different that hos father hadn't passed yet and sisko just decided not to tell temporal ops about it.

  13. It just occurred to me that what made Star Trek so good during the late 80s and into the 90s is that it wasn’t filled with all the underlying BS that is being forced into Star Trek nowadays. It wasn’t filled with obvious and blatant political nonsense of the time we are living in right now. Also, unlike discovery, we were not being slapped in the face by overt characters with their chosen sexuality. I can barely stomach watching discovery with what they have turned Star Trek into. I get it you guys can’t and won’t ever comment on this type of thing because you have a channel and you don’t wanna get demonetized and you don’t wanna turn fans off, but it’s the truth. Too many shows nowadays do this and it’s a shame Star Trek has become one of them.

  14. Sorry I missed this live… darn linear time. I remember as the premiere of DS9 approached, I went from anticipation to doubt, but when I saw “Emissary” on that night in 1993, I knew this would become my favorite Trek.

  15. Where is the immediate down for we're going into a massive fleet battle… why are there any civilians aboard the Saratoga or any ship? They couldn't drop them off at a nearby colony or starbase????

  16. Up its captain picard.
    Down sisko was a complete ass to captain picard.
    2nd down picard was also a complete ass to sisko.

    3rd down kira is a complete ass towards quark. Also odo has no chill.

  17. Funny when I was younger I didn't care for DS9 but when I became older and watched the show from start to finish it's become my favorite. Really kool how it has both stand alone episodes and counting story. Absolutely loved the pilot. To see in real time the perspective of Star Fleet not the Enterprise for when Picard was with the Borg. To have Sisko directly and majorly affected by him makes that story even better. And I've always loved Sisko's and Jack's relationship as father and son. Avery did an amazing job at making that feel real.


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