Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia lost Big Ship and Submarine | Sevastopol Black Sea Fleet is doomed

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My name is Denys, and I am Boeing 737 Captain. Before I used to fly ATR 42/72.
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33 thoughts on “Update from Ukraine | Ruzzia lost Big Ship and Submarine | Sevastopol Black Sea Fleet is doomed”

  1. Well I don't know if it's a good idea to keep repeating what Russia had said they would do if this happen or that happen. Like we're trying to remind a criminal or a drunk person what he or she had said he would do if…. Please no need repeating what they had threaten us with. The shelling of our children women men, animals, drinking water destruction etc, is more or less like throwing a nuclear on our innocent civilians. They are getting help from their allies and we too deserve the right to get help from our friends. I think the Russian army will be very stupid to allow their leader to force them to use nuke; because that means destroying their own families and themselves…
    Simple arithmetic.

  2. "So how does Russia loose a ship and a submarine… Ukraine helped"… Denys … this is hilarious…. as always, I look forward to your blogs every single day. Very informative and truthful and timely… you do great work sir. Cheers from Canada.

  3. The Russian Army has committed many very serious war crimes, especially against Ukrainian prisoners of war, and the way PUTIN's army treats its own soldiers is certainly in many ways against both Russian and international law. The end result is that Russia as a country is hugely behind the U.S.A. in development,
    The European Union, Japan, Australia, at least now. I'm sure more people will be interested in examples. So let's start boycotting all products made in Russia together, let's not sell anything there either. Honestly, I think that the only way is to divide Russia into smaller parts and to try with all possible means to take control of the river and destroy and otherwise render harmless all Russian Nuclear Weapons.

  4. Elon Musk has stated that the sanctions imposed by the West meant he couldn't provide a service over Crimea, which is, whether you like it or not, Ruzzian territory. My Family has traded in Ukraine for 20-plus years . We provided troops with vests and helmets that they sold instead of wearing (2014). Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
    At one point on the economic freedom index, Ukraine was 3rd lowest, above Sierra Leone and North Korea. It's a bit rich that you keep blaming Musk when you failed your mission to attack Sevastopol due to an assumption Starlink would work in that territory. I drive vehicles to Ukraine for the troops to use. The jeeps typically last 2 weeks. Do not insult your Western viewers by harping on about Musk. You are wrong on this one.

  5. If I understand the USA news correctly, Mr. Musk turned over control of Starlink around Crimea to the the US military. Concerning Ukraine, I thought I heard someone else accuse him of not helping Ukraine and it turned out that Mr. Musk DONATED 10mil worth of equipment. How many million have you donated??? How many 1000s??? Or are you just ALL MOUTH??? People need to put up or shut the hell up and quit being assholes!!!

  6. Question: How many artillery shells does Russia use per day??? On another channel I heard in a translation a Russian soldier complaining that they were out of everything including artillery shells, and that was mentioned specifically. Russian military doctrine is VERY HIGHLY dependent on artillery. Maybe the Ukrainians should start dropping BIG BOXES of tennis shoes behind Russian lines for when the running begins. Wasn't Putin just seen begging NK for ammo??? I think so.

  7. NOx control for coal fired can be done in several ways, the cheapest is getting the fuel distribution right, then stage the combustion with over fire air, boosted over fire air, or advanced over fire air in two stages. This lowers the peak temperatures and has the same energy. The main burner runs lean to produce CO. The CO will burn with over fire air and you go from 1600 down to 900° C peak flame temperature. Then there are post combustion treatment with amoinia injectors, sulphur can be controlled with sorbet injection and this also knocks out mercury. There are various systems for this limestone or gpsum dust blown in. The solution depends on the power station and each is different. I can supply the products but we do extensive CFD modelling to depeteming the best locations for everything. Australia seems to have a don't ask don't tell for NOx and SOx and who looks at mercury? Our regulations are really poor compared to what is done in Europe. There is so far only one advanced distributions system being used in Australia, everything is passively set and subject to wear out, but that also assumes it was right in the first place.

  8. They need European equipment to repair their ships? No problem, Austria will give it to them… Listening to some Romanian news, Austria doubled the trade with RF in the last months…


  10. Hi Denys,
    What a pity this very good news video is spoilt by you slipping in your personal hatred and propaganda against Elon Musk.

    To sneeringly say he may be the only one to believe in the nuclear threats from Russia is pure bigotry and hypocrisy.
    Almost the entire western world's leaders have believed in Russia's red lines for almost 2 years now, and still do. That is why they have supplied too few arms too late, as they dithered and nervously dipped their toes into these perceived dangerous waters.
    And, as you well know, that's why Ukraine has still not received ATACMS nor combat aircraft. Nor USA tanks. A pathetic handful of (European) tanks, Patriot systems, HIMARS, etc have been supplied to date compared to what was used by the USA (over 3,000 Abrams tanks alone?) in its war against Saddam. I have seen it claimed that the USA supplied Russia over 10,000 aircraft and over 10,000 tanks to fight Germany in the second world war. I don't know if this is correct but certainly 1 or 2 orders of magnitude more than promised to Ukraine. The USA now promises 10 or 13 tanks; some time in the future! And none of their aircraft. But grudgingly now allow other countries to supply a handful of F-16's. Wow. Not because they are scared of Russia's red-lines!

    Also why the west has promised Putin that they will not allow their weapons to be used against Russian soil! Thereby granting Russia guaranteed sanctuary from which to launch their missile, drone and other attacks to murder as many civilians as they like. Again, not because of Russia's threats!

    But you prefer to smear and attack Elon. Even calling him a man-child in a previous video.

    First you claim, or think, it must have been Elon who switched Starlink off during this recent attack , then you blithely state that you know control had been handed over to the Pentagon. So, by your own words you confirm that this is just more anti-Elon propaganda.


    Also, no mention that it was Elon who voluntarily supplied Starlink to Ukraine when the Russians blocked all their military communications. This when the west was still too scared to supply anything of significance to Ukraine. Elon supplied this service free of charge for months, at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, before wondering why every other USA supplier of assistance to Ukraine was getting paid by the USA government but not Starlink.

    Without communication provided by Starlink Ukrainian may have lost the war in months.

    But don't let these facts, well known to you, spoil your anti-Elon hate, vitriol and propaganda.

    How sad and undignified,

  11. Pootins 3 day land war results with him losing navy ships and now a submarine to a first class military with no navy or warships.
    Pootin and his set of clowns announce everything is going according to plan 🤣

    Slava Ukraini 💪


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