Update from Ukraine | First Battelle of Leopatd 2 and Two ruzzian T-72 Tanks. Ukraine Advances south

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My name is Denys, and I am Boeing 737 Captain. Before I used to fly ATR 42/72.
I am making the videos on this Pilot Blog channel to encourage people all around the world to join our aviation community.
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33 thoughts on “Update from Ukraine | First Battelle of Leopatd 2 and Two ruzzian T-72 Tanks. Ukraine Advances south”

  1. good luck, Denys, GOOD LUCK!!
    … it's time to take a time out. – I know, I who lives in Western Europe and take a warm meal and a cosy bed for granted, it's so easy to do big speeches – sorry for that.
    But: Thanks for everything!

  2. I hope your flight training in France is a great success. The war will end and Ukraine will need pilots to restore passenger flights. I use facebook as my primary platform but post videos on youtube then link them to facebook. All the rest is just too much during my day.

  3. Once Biden lost the US presidency next year, will it be the end of the counteroffensive and will Ukraine settle with what Russia has now? Ukraine should have already foreseen these events if it might have happened..right now, Ukraine should be looking for their own funding and building their own arms if they truly wanted to free all of Ukrainian lands aside from giving their politicians the chance to steal from their limited funds..do you know that the running for US president is against sending money or help to Ukraine ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

  4. a think the atlas vpn that you proannonnse is a promotion to ukraina with no eviddance to bee securre in any way, to anywoane, i understand and approove to your commitment,but i am fed up with it not funkturing ,but only the logo that seem as an seccure loggo behinds the walls. pitty

  5. The Ukrainian tactics are really damaging for Russian forces. They are killing far more than they are losing, this is unusual in attack. The Russian people will reach a point where the losses are too much.

  6. Are you gonna show the first losses of another "game changing" tank that is failing against Russia or ignore the fact they are losing like usual? I'm gonna guess you will ignore the fact they are getting blown up bcoz american propaganda never ever tells the truth about their own losses and failures. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. To the Leopard-case:
    According to my information, the Leopards are vehicles that supported infantry troops in โ€œcleaningโ€ the trenches in front of them.

    For this they usually used HE/HEAT ammunition.

    When the Russian tank suddenly came into view there was no time to reload and so it was shot at with the already loaded HE or HEAT ammunition – and get hit!

    Which also explains why the Russian tank was able to continue driving.

    The large cloud of smoke is said to be the result of the smoke projectile being triggered (probably due to damage when the grenade hit).

    This in turn means that the grenade probably hit the turret. That probably took at least the commander (possibly also the gunner) out of the game.

    This Russian tank can still drive, but it is very likely/surely no longer combat capable.

    Undisputed a victory for the leopard !๐Ÿ‘

  8. Biden is sponzor of your channel?
    Half million young UKr is dead and you tell us storry about Leopard vs T72?
    RPG is capable to destroy anny thank on the world and what? You have intention to by one L2 for yourself? Stop this war don't heat this blood soup!

  9. After watching the video elsewhere, I think you were right the first time: that definitely looks like a hit to me. Dust kickup doesn't cause roiling flames and black smoke like that. I think there were three tanks, which would be a Russian platoon. One was near the destroyed tank, the third you can see waiting in the trees further down the road, and joins the second tank when it drives past.

  10. Curious why you picked France to get your flying license are you fluent in French I think your English is very clear you need to touch up a couple pronunciations that will be very simple once you start speaking with people that speak English. I think you do a great job I listen to all your videos

  11. Many other channels show most of these videos that are supposedly only available on Telegram. Basically if it is only explosions or fires seen from drones, it is not against any Youtube rules. If there is closeups of macabre scenes or blood and violence, well, I don't want to see it anyways.

  12. As a member of Armenian diaspora, scattered by genocide, I see the horrors my grandparents taught me of happening in Ukraine and I do everything I can to help. Thank you for mentioning Azeri governmentโ€™s actions, they are bulldozing ancient Armenian sites and erasing the language in the territories they take. Slava Ukraini, and fly high Denys. We will end this war and you will serve society in peaceful skies on safe wings, I know it!


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