Monsters of War | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi Adventure

Monsters of War – Something has awoken, and a city must work together before a giant Gorilla, T-Rex and other deadly creatures take back the planet.
2021. Stars: Chelsea Greenwood, Sofia Lacey, Chrissie Wunna
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44 thoughts on “Monsters of War | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi Adventure”

  1. Unlike many I made through to the end and as soon as I finish writing this I will go and sit in the corner rocking back and forth banging my head against the wall till the brain damage destroys all memory of it.
    The story is fairly basic and time worn, cheap CGI assets, I mean monsters have risen up from beneath the earth. Why don't know and don't care and are on the rampage. A mother and her two children join up with a group of monster munchies, I mean generic monster movie tropes, sorry survivors and hole up in a hostel before deciding to flee as the are pick off one by one by the bad CGI, sorry again monsters.
    The acting is bad to mediocre (I'll give the child actors a pass), The script is both formulaic and poorly written, The SFX are limited to some CGI creatures (I've seen worse ) and poor digital effects. The best I can say about the cinematography is it's in focus.
    I like a bad movie seeing The Asylum Sci Fi original or Rodger Corman Presents on movie and I'm in but even I have to draw the line somewhere and this movie is on the other side of it. There is nothing to recommend this film it isn't so bad it's good and the actors for the most part put so little heart in to their roles you can't even give it the old they tried their best give this movie a miss.
    I did some research This movie was made by Jagged Edge Productions which as far as I can tell is an English version of The Asylum and if this is any indication somewhat less talent they seem to focus on low budget creature features and horror movie including and I shit you not there upcoming movie "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey" a movie about Winne the pooh and Piglet going on a murderous rampage when Christopher Robin leaves them to go to college. All the movies seem to star a core of the same actors who's acting talents run from minimal to no existent.

  2. A thought provoking, literally incredible film, where the effects, story and acting all reach the same standard. The combination of dinosaurs, space aliens and dragons into a seamless mythos was a brave creative decision. Fortunately, the plot easily supports this conceit, while moving at it's own pace; from home to car, to foot, to cave, to hostel, then back to car again (via foot, obviously). Here, the cunning and guile of the film's characters and audience are tested. Dialogue is often angry, and mainly (though not always) audible. Ultimately, (*spoilers*) most of the cast get eaten in a variety of 1 way by the assorted CGI creatures plaguing this film. Some scenes are accompanied by a highly rockin' sound track that creates tensions. Although not much explanation or examination is given to events, and there are no surprises, developments or twists, the film does end on a cliff-hanger – right back at the starting point; where the last survivors then drive away from danger, having achieved the intangible. If only they'd done that in the first place, there would have been no need for this film!

  3. ……..just thinking. Closing the curtains would be a good idea ? Turning off the lights too ! 😂 That daughter I would have left at home to wait for her father……! NOPE….I JUST CAN’T 👋🏽

  4. OK since there's ,not actually any plot or explanation througout the film.. I can only guess it's about population control.. where all the really stupid people get eaten. After all, if a monster is chasing me I'd obviously stop the car, and get myself and the kids out too so we can run away and get eaten…
    I can't finish this POS movie.. sorry.
    And to the CGI creators.. hey there's been a lot of improvements in the field since 1990.. maybe try upgrading?
    And to the script writers.. sorry I can't make any suggestions for y'all.. other.. there's good work for ya bagging groceries instead.

  5. I feel the comment section doesn't know what low budge film means XD for what it was as a small low budget project its a lot better than most things I've seen take this from someone with an open mind and watches more movies than most people while working from home. take it for what it is and you'll enjoy it just fine, be critical and well you'll end up in the comment section of negativity. Let's put it this way if you don't have the money right onw to do something better quit bitching.

  6. Thanks MC for Great Exciting Movie👍 Good Ending for Mom & kids & Mel🚗 just drive & never turn back🦖 G'luck to them👋 We Enjoyed This Movie MC😊 after Church⛪️ 9/4/22🌞4:45pm🥳🎉

  7. The female Chinese or Korean whatever she is actress it's just sorry she is just a sorry actress and a guy with the flashlight headlight sorry actors the kids are better actors than they are she is just horrible and a guy that got killed by that big giant insect he is just horrible too man they should have found some better actor and actress then them to cuz those two are just absolutely sorry

  8. Crap, Crap. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP. Hard Rock music creates a Headache producing syndrome with the ugliest and least talented actress with annoying g brats in tow. Save your sanity and try a different movie!

  9. Why does the little girl have an English accent? Or does England now have mountains and half of the people running around with American accents? And at first, they drive on the same side as America (the UK and Australia drive on the other side of the road). And the nun has an accent from literally no where- it sounds like she has mud in her mouth and all she says are dour things. The casting director should have been sacked. Along with whoever wrote this. I love monster and alien films- but three minutes in, if you have ME wondering who had money to throw away making this garbage, you’ve really lost the plot.

  10. Some volume would help, either that, or I need an hearing aid. 🎧
    Well, I watched it. Special effects were how can I say…dreadful and the acting substandard.
    For me it was a waist of time but the concept has potential.

  11. Did they run out of fuel? Why the heck did they stop and then not drive off when there was something on the roof of the car? Also ummm isnt the monster just a large soil worm? Can they even survive out of the soil? Or have the ability to see?


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