Update from Ukraine | Drone boats attack on Ruzzian Ship in Sevastopol | Ruzzia sent more Crap Tanks

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43 thoughts on “Update from Ukraine | Drone boats attack on Ruzzian Ship in Sevastopol | Ruzzia sent more Crap Tanks”

  1. Just like December 2021 last ditch Putins offer to NATO and US for piece by NATO rolling back its membership to 1997, Ukraine rejection of China peace plan will make Russia and China to make the next move. This could be real mobilization of Russian force not a partial one.

  2. If anyone has actually watched the real video that this thumbnail was taken from, you’d notice pretty quickly that the story being told doesn’t match the visuals…

  3. Howitzers in north attack mid to high on map then move north then east north again again move
    Move troops in areas north
    Some moves east one dot position next needed area
    Reinforce from south again one time GERNADGE lay down tomorrow morning trying new stuff works friend friends using new technology in advance this time to go back air support up then down Great do they have new things and they can
    Mexico is next for Ukraine, logistics command tactics

  4. Hurray for terrorism and war criminals. Denys and many Ukrainians have no respect for the people of Crimea… so why do they want it back so badly? Crimea has been trying to secede from Ukraine since 1991. You know how Scotland keeps having secession referendums that fail to be popular… in Crimea these referendums keep having a majority for over 2 decades.

  5. One T54/55 is no concern. A thousand are a serious concern. They may not be effective against Uke armor, but the Ukes are running out of armor. These tanks will be great in that environment, can kill infantry and soft-targets to their hearts' content. We need a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine problem. We need one for our having fomented this mess in the first place. Our work won't be kind to us in the annals of history.

  6. I'm reposting something I came across in my research into F15s for Ukraine and I posted it on Insights on Ukraine and Russia and I hope it happens.

    I came across a great article that has given me hope. Here is the title: Ready To ‘Trash’ Russian Su-35 Fighters: Former F-16 Pilot Says Enough US Private Pilots Available To Defend Ukraine and the opening line is from an interview with VOA on March 14: retired Lt. Col. Dan Hampton, whose call sign is Two Dogs, touched upon the advantages of the F-16 over Russian and Soviet aircraft and the need for the Ukrainian government to take into account the possibility of hiring private military pilots to defend the country’s skies.

    The short version is that these guys, all retired F16 pilots, want to go up against Russia's SU 35 and kick Russia's ass. I've seen our National Guard pilots and how they fly the F16s and they were amazing and now those who are still active duty are flying our F35s. I'm researching if this has been done before because Imagine UA's pilots flying their Migs covering the battlefield below and slinging missiles at appropriate targets and the F16s piloted by pilots who have thousands of hours of flight time in the F16s and taking on the Russian's SU 35s and leaving the Migs to do what is needed unmolested. When I read it I could feel the elation that seeing those dog fights would give me and seeing Su 35s going down in flames for all the killing they have done in Ukraine.

    According to retired Lt. Col. Dan Hampton they've never had a chance to go up against the Su 35s and they are ready, willing and able if the US allows it. I dated an F16 fighter pilot and he often complained that when they intercepted a Russian Mig or other Russia jets the Russians flew off. These guys want to test their skills against the Russians and I hope that they get the chance. I've heard that our Air National Guard unit are itching to get in the fight but as they are now flying F35s and can't, because they are active duty, they would have to retire before their time and that would be a very financially expensive move as many have families. We do however have many retired F16 pilots and there is also a private Air Force in the US and they have all kinds of fighter jets including foreign models and they are hired by the US Air Force (Our Air National Guard falls under the Air Force) and Navy to practice their dog fighting skills so a private company of experienced F16 pilots would deal Russia a major blow.

    I hope President Biden does not veto this for fear of escalating the war with Russia. I think it has escalated as far as Xi Jinping will allow and his sudden departure leads me to believe that he is indeed following his own agenda. He, as China's President, has never accepted the Russian annexed territories in Ukraine and I think he has designs on parts of Russia that were stolen from China during Russia's Imperialist expansion and now that real estate is worth a lot of money. Xi is unpredictable and his sudden departure could mean that Russia has turned down his offer of land in exchange for assistance and so he's going home. China is a tough nut to crack but they have no fear of democracies along their border and there is nothing in Ukraine that Xi wants or needs. I think he is going to annex those territories stolen from China and argue that they are Chines territories that are being returned to their country legally. We'll have to wait and see how things shake out. While I'm not keen on giving China more territory it would serve the Russians right for supporting an unprovoked invasion of a neighboring country. They better start learning Mandarin which is the China's official language. Wishing you blue skies and a brighter future.

  7. Hi I like your show and I like everything but I would like to know what are the losses to do with Ukrainian truth, I would like to know the actual amount of Russian troops that are surrendering to the Ukrainian troops stop.

  8. Why can't you create a color for the Russian regular troops and their paid troops that are the emit militia and also create a color for the different types of Russian troops that are there just not all one color also the same thing for the Ukrainian troops

  9. Does Putin really think he can keep this up for ever? He is a dead man walking. I bet a lot of Russians are sick and tired of a idiot running their country.

  10. Greetings from the good old USA ☕😎🇺🇲

    I just realized you lost your home town, that sucks, I know I lost mine too.

    When my parents and I escaped Cuba, there were a lot of Soviet soldiers and equipment all over the island, oddly enough the Russian soldiers back then not much different from Putin's soldiers.

    The Soviets used to pull up to the grocery stores in their trucks, jump off then cut in line in front of people waiting to buy some food, they showed no respect for others.

    They would grab anything alcoholic and take off, they even drank rubbing alcohol, back in the 60's rubbing alcohol wasn't treated like today so you can't drink it.

    New leader same trash. Worth to note, I'm sure not all Russians or Russian soldiers are like that but from my experience, I would say a great part if not most of their soldiers are.

    At least you can get your home town back
    Slava Ukraine

  11. Denys you have never thanked me for my feedback, ignored all of my comments… as it seems much of the time?

    And people attacked you some while back through me as to why you are not actually fighting, and I defended you…?

    Yet, I don't even get the decency from you to get any kind of acknowledgement, and while I recall some time back you explaining why you are not fighting… I cannot exactly remember now?

    And yes, we appreciate the work you do on here… but a bit more give please to those others such as myself who are trying to help would at 'least' be appreciated?

    I often feel as if I'm not doing enough, although I spend much time every day, mostly hours… trying to tweet and message and get military aid for the people of Ukraine.

  12. HELLO 👋 👋 👋 MY FRIEND.

    Take a look to the EXPLOSION. There are 2 BLOWS:- One near the water (for me, THE POINT OF IMPACT), another going UP TO THE SKY, SEEMINGLY FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SHIP… I don't think it is the projectile passing the ship FROM SIDE TO SIDE 😮👀… I see more likely that it is a cargo hatch through which the deflagration comes out…

    Either way, TREMENDOUS BLOW TO POO💩💩💩TIN😂😂😂


    Взгляните на ВЗРЫВ. Есть 2 УДАРА:- Один у воды (для меня ТОЧКА УДАРА), другой ПОДНИМАЕТСЯ В НЕБО, КАЗАЛОСЬ БЫ, С ДРУГОЙ СТОРОНЫ КОРАБЛЯ… Я не думаю, что это снаряд, проходящий мимо корабля ИЗ СТОРОНЫ В СТОРОНУ 😮👀… Я вижу более вероятным, что это грузовой люк, через который выходит дефлаграция…

    В любом случае, ОГРОМНЫЙ УДАР ПО ИНН💩💩💩😂😂😂 ПРИВІТ 👋 👋 👋, ДРУЖЕ.

    Погляньте на вибух. Є 2 УДАРИ:- Один біля води (як на мене, ТОЧКА УДАРУ), ІНШИЙ ПІДНІМАЄТЬСЯ ДО НЕБА, ЗДАВАЛОСЯ Б, З ІНШОГО БОКУ КОРАБЛЯ… Не думаю, що це снаряд, що проходить повз корабель З БОКУ В БІК 😮👀 … Я бачу більш імовірним, що це вантажний люк, через який виходить дефлагація…

    У будь-якому випадку, ВЕЛИЧЕЗНИЙ УДАР ПО ОЛОВУ😂😂😂 ПУХУ💩💩💩

    👍👍👍Nice… Intelligence vs. brute force…"GOOD" VS. "EVIL"===>>> "THE GOOD" WINS!!!

    💣KABOOM ===>>> 💥FIRE ===>>> FIREWORKS 🎇

    👍👍👍Гарний… Розвідка проти грубої сили…"ДОБРЕ" VS. "ЗЛО"===>>> "ДОБРО" ПЕРЕМАГАЄ!!!

    💣KABOOM ===>>> 💥ВОГОНЬ ===>>> ФЕЄРВЕРКИ 🎇

    👍👍👍Хороший… Интеллект против грубой силы…"ХОРОШО" VS. "ЗЛО"===>>> "ДОБРО" побеждает!!!

    💣КАБУМ ===>>> 💥ОГОНЬ ===>>> ФЕЙЕРВЕРК 🎇

    Didn't YOU RuSSians want war? 🤔 🤔 🤔… HERE YOU HAVE WAR.


    Didn't YOU RuSSians want to "PLAY BALL"? 🤔 🤔 🤔 SO LET'S "PLAY BALL"…
    Хіба ви, руси, не хотіли війни? 🤔 🤔 🤔… ОСЬ У ВАС ВІЙНА.

    Хіба ви, руси, не хотіли бомбардування? 🤔 🤔 🤔 ОСЬ ВАМ, ДІЗНАЙТЕСЯ, ЯК ВІДЧУВАЄТЬСЯ, КОЛИ ВАС БОМБЛЯТЬ НА БАТЬКІВЩИНІ.

    Хіба ви, руські, не хотіли «ГРАТИ В М'ЯЧ»? 🤔 🤔 🤔 ТОЖ ДАВАЙТЕ «ПОГРАЄМО В М'ЯЧ»…
    💣 KABOOM ===>>> 💥 FIRE ===>>> FIREWORKS 🎇

    💣 КАБУМ ===>>> 💥 ОГОНЬ ===>>> ФЕЙЕРВЕРК 🎇

    💣 КАБУМ ===>>> 💥 ВОГОНЬ ===>>> ФЕЄРВЕРКИ 🎇




    For me, NAZISM = COMMUNISM..

    Only ftom different approaches, different interests. That's the reason why, afyer being ALLIES, ended up as ENEMIES… BOTH SIDES WERE PURSUING THE SAME THING… TO RULE THE WORLD. It's the same as TWO MAFIA GANGS FIGHT AGAINST EACH OTHER FOR INTERSECTING INTERESTS.

    Для меня НАЦИЗМ = КОММУНИЗМ.

    Только у нас разные подходы, разные интересы. Вот почему, будучи СОЮЗНИКАМИ, в конечном итоге стали ВРАГАМИ… ОБЕ СТОРОНЫ ПРЕСЛЕДОВАЛИ ОДНО И ТО ЖЕ… ПРАВИТЬ МИРОМ. Это то же самое, что две мафиозные банды борются друг с другом за пересекающиеся интересы.

    Для мене НАЦИЗМ = КОМУНІЗМ..

    Тільки фтом різні підходи, різні інтереси. Ось чому, аф'єр, будучи союзниками, виявився ВОРОГОМ… ОБИДВІ СТОРОНИ ПЕРЕСЛІДУВАЛИ ОДНЕ Й ТЕ САМЕ… ПРАВИТИ СВІТОМ. Це те саме, що ДВІ МАФІОЗНІ БАНДИ ВОЮЮТЬ ОДИН ПРОТИ ОДНОГО ЗА ІНТЕРЕСИ, ЩО ПЕРЕТИНАЮТЬСЯ.


    💪 💪 💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 💪💪💪

    💪 💪 💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 💪💪💪

    💪 💪 💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 💪💪💪


  13. I really appreciate your news channel; I have been watching every day for the most informative news about Ukraine. I have been bothered though, about your disparaging comments concerning Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not in a position to make US policy and was just talking about what could be done to save thousands of Ukrainian lives. Many others that are in power have made similar comments. You your self have made comments about a possible compromise in the past. I disagree about any ideas about Ukraine giving up anything. If I could, I would give more support to make a big difference including cruse weapons to reach Moscow. It’s easy for me to say because I don't have family and friends fighting and dying. Most people get their political information from the US Pravda news called CNN.

    It was Trump that called out the corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs that stole Ukraine’s money and helped pave the way for Russia invasion.

    It was Trump that warned the world about Russia preparing for war.

    It was Trump that called out NATO for not funding defense at the agreed amount and not being ready for war with Russia.

    It was Trump that wanted to arm Ukraine to discourage Russia from invading.

    It was Trump that in fact started arming Ukraine against the democrats stalling and road blocks.

    It was Trump that gave Ukraine Javelin Anti-Tank weapons that saved Kiev.

    It was Trump that called out the European Union for making deals for Russian oil, saying Russia would be embolden to invade knowing the European Union needed their Oil and wouldn’t do anything about it. They laughed at him.

    It was Trump that wouldn’t approve the Nord Stream Pipeline.

    It was Trump that wanted to continue and increase sanctions against Iran to curtail their war buildup and nuclear bomb development.

    It was Trump that opened up US oil production on land and sea.

    It was Trump that removed red tape designed by democrats to stop oil production.

    It was Trump that opened up fracking in the US and made the US a net exporter of oil, making the price for gas as low as $1.83 per gallon (48.3 cents/liter)

    It was Trump to approve the Keystone Pipe Line and many other Pipe lines to ramp up global energy production.

    It was Trump to put America on a path to be able to supply the western world with oil and end dependence on Russia.

    It was Trump that got us out of the Paris clement agreement which strangled western energy production which Russia would never adhere to and set the stage for war against the weakened and dependent west. Trump lost in a Venezuelan style election.

    If Trump was still in office the Ukrainian war would never have started. Ukraine would have been armed and US oil would provide for European needs. And thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians would still be alive.

    On the other hand,

    Biden stopped US oil production, Re-entered the Paris climate accord, lifted sanctions on Russia, Stopped arming Ukraine and said they would send blankets and offered President Zelensky a ride out of the country.

    Biden approved the Russian pipe line, stopped US pipelines, banned fracking, closed oil exploration and sold our oil reserves to China.

    Biden ended sanctions on Iran, now it is agreed they either have or will have very soon nuclear weapons.

    Biden freed up Iran’s economy to produce and sell weapons including drones and weapons to Russia.

    Biden retreated from Afghanistan in a humiliating way, to further embolden the enemies of the west by make America look week.

    Biden stopped investigations against corrupt Ukrainian Russian leaning oligarchs (because they were paying his son).

    Biden will let A-10 Warthogs sit in storage and hold back advanced tanks, planes and weapons because it could end the war prematurely. He wants to be a war time president that will help him in the next election. I understand you can’t bite the hand that feeds you by criticizing Biden, but to criticize Trump is to be uninformed.

  14. Russia has not collapsed under the current unprecedented sanctions. Behind the media fabrications about a giant on clay feet, it is beginning to peek out that Russia has bought back shares in its Gazproms and Yukos for a few pennies from the West. It bought a shadow fleet of tankers for a similar price. There is no hunger in Russian cities, the shelves are full, there are enough goods, there are no street riots, and whoever wants can insult Putin.

    Look, does anyone really think that there are idiots in the leadership of this country that have done this? Is it really enough for Putin to lock himself in a bunker, someone brought him strange books, and the Russian ruler freaked out? The same ruler whose army has been running out of missiles for a year and still hasn't? And would the Chinese leader who brought China to the top have fun with this nut? Does anyone here really believe that?

    Saudi Arabia and Iran have restored diplomatic relations… The Chinese brokered it. Bashar Assad has restored diplomatic relations with the Sunni world. The Russian brokered it. Erdogan is willing to talk to Assad again… poor Kurds. Half of Africa is waiting for the arrival of the Wagners to "make order…"

    No, I really don't understand how anyone can think that China has managed to become a superpower, but as far as Russia is concerned, it is making mistake after mistake. Although the Russia was able to get back on its feet and modernize the economy, it was able to withstand Western sanctions, it hasn't run out of ammunition for a year, it was able to agree with the Chinese on the biggest changes in a hundred years, but in Ukraine the Russians decided to turn off all the brains and does everything wrong. That's just nonsense. They are either incompetent at everything or at nothing.

    So allow yourselfs Goebbels a requiem … for Ukraine, for the West, for everything you believe in. Biggest changes in hundred years and you look at them and talk shit. Or go to the front to delay that twilight for the hegemon a little more.


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