Upcoming LP Ideas, Steam Deck, and Limited Run Games' Physical Store – Update Video!



12 thoughts on “Upcoming LP Ideas, Steam Deck, and Limited Run Games' Physical Store – Update Video!”

  1. Outside of jrpgs, I generally like horror-based games and stuff that focuses around a good story more so than platformers and stuff that generally are lite on story.

  2. Most interested in Kao the Kangaroo! Colourful platformers are probably my favourite genre, and I've thoroughly enjoyed your LPs of, say, the Supraland games, Kirby, Crash and so on, so it ought to be a good time.

  3. Hello this is interesting yes but I want to ask have you ever played hollow knight on your channel and if you haven’t when will you play it on this channel in a bunch of old let’s plays you keep mentioning hollow knight a bunch but it doesn’t look like you have a let’s play of hollow knight on here why is that?

  4. Soldiers and card shark seemed cool. Live a live will definitely be worth your time. Xenoblade 3 would be great, but you'd want to cut a lot of padding I presume. Was Fallen Legion Revenants not up for consideration? Rabbids should be fun.

    Most of the other games did not interest.

  5. Kao looks really neat, and "please fix the road" would be really neat to see (a dev I follow actually played a short section of the game on his channel, and from what I've seen it looks super neat, especially for something made by a single person). Xenoblade has always sounded like a cool series, so it would be neat to see you play that assuming you have the time. In terms of other games to fill the gap I still recommend Will you snail, and "Glove" from the previous update still sounds like it'd be a fun LP. I had no idea that that you had THAT long of a wishlist though, 300 games will probably be enough to keep you going for a while, lol

  6. wow we were blessed this month 😎🙏✨ will try to watch as many of your playthroughs as i can. they all look super interesting. im especially into Card Shark, the idea and the art style are just ❤chef's kiss


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