Unswerving Faith | Holding On – Part 3 of 4 | Beth Moore

The boldness with which we pray will never exceed what we believe to be true about Christ. Forced faith is false faith. We can’t force it for ourselves or for anyone else. Beth encourages us to ask the Lord to give us a true, unswerving faith.

Key Verses: Hebrews 4, Hebrews 10
Beth taught this message at a Living Proof Live event. We would love to have you join us at an upcoming Living Proof Live event. Beth always brings a fresh word. Check the events page on our website for dates and locations(https://www.lproof.org/events).
Living Proof Ministries is dedicated to encouraging people to come to know and love Jesus Christ through the study of Scripture.
“For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any two-edged sword.” –Hebrews 4:12
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17 thoughts on “Unswerving Faith | Holding On – Part 3 of 4 | Beth Moore”

  1. Praying for you Beth, God bless you! I'm a Catholic. What happened to you in your church is a Romans 8:28, God is leading you, listen to His voice. The way you find God's perfect will, includes first, renouncing Satan and all of his works, and affirming your belief in the God of the Holy Bible, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, affirming your faith and obedience to His Word.

  2. Have loved your Bible studies and teaching for many years . I recall when I was a women's ministry leader. We did breaking free. 60 women signed up. That was huge !!! We all loved you. I love you now ❤️😀

  3. My church taught me as a little girl about Jesus. But they treated me like I was dirty. I was the little girl who was molested very young and my mom smoked and was a single mom. She had lots of depression. So I was marked as the child you don't want your child around. Poor and sexualy abused. I just wanted to belong and be loved. So if not by Jesus people then who was going to. BUT JESUS NEVER LET GO OF ME NOR I HIM. THOSE PPL WILL ANSWER FOR THEIR ACTIONS SOMEDAY .I JUST KEEP MY EYES ON JESUS.

  4. The candle story!!! On our wedding day, we lit candles as a union. After lighting the middle candle I went to blow mine out and almost lit my veil on fire. One must lift the veil before blowing our a candle!!!!!!!!

  5. When I studied abroad in France we were in Paris a few days and a couple students took me to the American church. I wasn't saved, but I had started praying. Everyone stood up and said the apostles creed and I couldn't say it. I didn't believe what the creed said and I knew God would know I was lying. Years later I received Christ as my Savior and every service we say the apostles creed in my Presbyterian church. I am moved by it every time.

  6. I don’t agree with the last comment Beth made about wanting family members, and friends to
    to have faith in Jesus, so that my they can be happy.
    My unbelieving friends and family are highly successful and very rich. They are quite happy, which is why they don’t think they need Jesus. I tell them that they need Jesus, because everyone dies, and we are all sinners, and unless they repent, and place their faith in Christ the wrath of God abides over them. The 10 Commandments are the moral law. You and I broke the law and Jesus paid the fine. That’s what happened on the cross. Our sin will either be bore by Christ, or bore by the unrepentant sinner for all eternity. Hell is where the wrath of God will be poured on Satan and his angels, and the unrepentant believer.

  7. Also, many decades ago when I became a born again Christian everything in my life did not get better, but everything became a whole lot worse. Nobody warned me that as a new believer the enemy would attack me.
    The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual principalities. As a result I walked away from the Church for about 15 years. Christianity is not a life betterment program. It’s a relationship with Christ. Unless we read and study our Bible daily we will, become blind sided when we are tested and tried as we walk with Jesus. The Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Let me just say that we should be using our spiritual gifts and talents to edify the Church.
    Believers need each other.
    Our faith which means (trust) grows as we walk through suffering and trials all the while looking to Jesus. He is an anchor, for our souls, and gives eternal life.

  8. Beth is correct in her comment that we cannot make anyone believe. God is the one who saves, but we can surely reason with our family and friends. Just as the Apostle Paul reasoned in the Jewish Synagogues, and then the Gentiles. Jesus often used the moral law to open the eyes of an unbeliever. We need to follow in Jesus steps and open the Law. The function of the law is to show our condition, so that we can then see our need for a Savior. We could never keep the law. Jesus kept the law perfectly, and lived the perfect life we could never live. Then He goes to the cross to bear the punishment that we deserve. How beautiful the Gospel really is, when we look at what Jesus did for us. His love, mercy, and grace abound. Salvation a free gift for all who would repent and believe. 🙌🙏


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