UNSOLVED: The Oakland County Child Killer

Discover the chilling story of the Oakland County Child Killer investigation. Explore the mysterious disappearances and murders of Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson, Kristine Mihelich, and Timothy King. Was the killer a trusted authority figure or someone the victims knew? Despite pleas from the families and an intense investigation, the case remains unsolved. Follow the trail of evidence and theories, including possible ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s network. Remember the victims and their families as they search for justice in this gripping true crime story.

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49 thoughts on “UNSOLVED: The Oakland County Child Killer”

  1. I grew up in Oakland county, my parents were teenagers when this was happening and they never said anything about it. It makes a lot more sense now why I wasn’t allowed outside, even in our backyard without a parent.

  2. It's okay Simon, I was always taught not to go to bed angry with your loved ones for the same reasons and to this day I hold to that. I don't think it's morbid just emotionally practical.

  3. Simon I don't see why you can't get GPS chips put in your children. Or why anyone else can't. They've been putting them in dogs for years. My dog is six years old and has a GPS chip in it from when it was a puppy in 2017. I don't see why they couldn't do the same thing to a kid and then remove it at 18.

  4. So I listened to this on the podcast, and they said they showed the drawing of the boy, so of course, I had to come find the video so I could see the drawing. I think this means that I have crossed over into some uber true crime middle-aged white woman level that might be on a different plane of existence because my mind is now so corrupted I MUST see that horrifying image. Thanks, Simon, Kevin, et al. You guys rock.

  5. speculation that someone was punishing the child of rich people??? what a crock. the rich are such cronic deviants, more likely local lunatic too lazy to drive to the poor area and victimize those children.

  6. Simon, there's a lot of songs and poems and stuff on the subject of preventing harsh words from being the last thing you said to a person, or letting a person know you love them before they're gone etc. As far as I know, there's the song 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' by Garth Brooks ("Tell people you love them because you never know when you or they might be gone"), I've heard the advice of "don't go to bed angry" a time or two on Cinema Therapy, and there's an old song in Dutch, 'Ga Nooit Heen Zonder Te Groeten' by Dolf Brouwers, which says you shouldn't go away without showing a person you love them because either you or they might not be there later…
    It's a common theme in many places, it's not morbid. Besides, if you go to bed without resolving a conflict, nobody sleeps well anyway.

  7. … I got distracted by Simon's rant… but I had indeed got pulled over twice in my life for driving too safe… reasons are both exactly because I drove at speed limit but everyone else normally speed over the speed limit 😅😂

  8. Okay,I was quite surprised when Simon said that 13 seemed too young to be home alone… I'm pretty much the same age as him and know for a fact that I would stay home alone at 9 (that is, for a short periods of time, a few hours tops – when my mom had to go for some work-related meeting), and at 11 I would just come home from school around 12:30 and wait for her to be back from work three hours later. Unless "home alone" means home alone overnight – then it's a different story, I'd probably be much older for that…

  9. Just to add to the months/years long conflict in simon’s head about the death penalty, what if we did it in the old school USSR way. One bullet to the base of the skull, instant death, no pain.

    I disagree with the death penalty only because of the risk of innocent people getting convicted, but if I was sentenced to death a quick bullet to the base of my skull would be me choice every time.

    If it doesn’t work, just do it again 2 seconds later. The lethal injection only makes it more humane for the person administering it. In Britain we had professional hangmen who where kind of forced to take the job because their dad did it, but they at least took pride in executing people quickly and painlessly. It’s fucking weird, but if I had to be killed I’d want a pro to do it.

    Kinda tough on the executioner though

  10. FYI Simon if you somehow manage to see this comment I wanted to let you know that in the USA and Canada it's common to embed a small GPS tracker under the skin of dogs, especially purebred ones so the technology exists. I have turtles not dogs so I've not used it personally & don't know how effective it is or what it's range limits are but again it exists so you could totally chip your kids.

  11. Simon, I know the ones with kids suck for you. I have a kid too, and they make my stomach sick. But I was half way through this episode before I realized I've heard this case before. Other podcasts go into grousome detail about what happened to the victims and that's why your podcast is basically the only true crime cast I listen to anymore. They say all the details like it is almost exciting. You still are horrified by just someone being killed! Like a normal person! I appreciate the work you do to bring voice to these stories and victims without fetishism being a part of it.

  12. The Simon Whistler dystopia is getting fleshed out now. AI detectives profiling doctors and nurses, GPS tracking chips implanted into people, massive DNA databases of people's genes, death penalty. It's a Sci-Fi hit waiting to happen!

  13. I've left alone at the age of 9 or less back in the 1990's i was more grown up than most people my age my parents and i talked a lot about things like this way before more stranger danger came into life


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