Universal Naruto Debunk #naruto#debate#scaling


43 thoughts on “Universal Naruto Debunk #naruto#debate#scaling”

  1. You know the obito translation isn’t a debunk right? If you look up space-time and time space you get the same dimension. Also Naruto confirms Kaguya’s dimensions are parallel dimensions in the kage summit meeting before the chunin exams in Boruto.

  2. Trash debunk

    1. You never used raw kanji in ur 2nd scan and I have raw kanji.

    2. You can't just assume its a mistranslation lol first get the raw scan + There is a correct translation for parallel dimension and parallel dimension always is a parallel universe.

  3. in the boruto manga, you actually see sasuke saying kaguya's time space without any mistranslation, i can give the original japanese text for you to translate if you want.

    カグヤの時空間, Kaguya no Jikūkan, literally meaning: Kaguya's time–space dimension

    so no its not a mistranslation.
    plus, the people who translated it translate based on context, i think that they (who are in contact with kishimoto) know better than you do.

    lets not forget the fact that in the movie road to ninja, obito outright states that juubidara creates universes with the infinite tsukyomi, like literally.

  4. U do know the kanji space can also represent space time as said by deep l also space time is also 2 and 1 can ki so it’s not a mis trans as the anime said it to💀

  5. Actually in the naruto to boruto next generations light novel which is canon momoshiki stated that his dimension was to that of a pocket dimension which if you dont know time space equals to galaxy and pocket dimension equals to universe also in the same novel momoshiki destroyed a solar system with one blow and naruto was able to dodge and block his attacks at a weakend base so its not completely biased whoever it does sound a bit biased because of how naruto is depicted these days people are usually comparing naruto to planetary if not star level and those who do say hes universal usually have no evidence to back it up and are referring to ln naruto which is also the light novel im getting this feat from but yes momoshiki technically stated it was such as a pocket dimension 😐

  6. Is is true but naruto bm is a solar system level and light novel naruto is mutiversal + its true i searched it on google narutonhimself in so6p was huge star level or solar system cause his truth seerking orbs could destroy a p,anet so yes naruto is multiuniversal

  7. "It was later corrected"
    Proceeds to show the correction saying space time ☠☠☠☠☠☠

    Also, just go online and read the Boruto novel for yourself, I did, and I can say, it's not that long. It would take an hour or two at max to read out if you're entirely focused.

    I read the novels and the word parallel universe was actually never used. I can confirm this, however, terms such as subspace, parallel world and parallel dimension were used.

    If you didn't know, a parallel dimension is the same thing as a parallel universe, it's a dimension parallel to our physical universe, making it the same size. The same thing goes for parallel world.

    As for subspace, a subspace is a hypothetical space time continuum in science fiction and it should be common sense that Boruto is science fiction.

    Momoshiki in his base form alone had created this universal sized dimension and bc it was a subspace, that would make Momoshiki universal+ and Naruto himself universal+ too

  8. lmao bro no. the mistrans are saying that the dimensions are space times but the proper translations say time space not space. google translate is doing you dirty. use DeepL. space-time and time-space arent the same thing tho and actually makes a huge difference in powerscaling if you can properly argue it. but ur translations are wrong the proper translation is literally time-space lmao. google translate just isnt accurate. this has been proving thousands of times. literally studies all over google that show it. i can link one if needed aswell lol.

  9. 1) There are Multiple times kaguya dimensions refered as space time eg: Obito saying space time, Sasuke saying kaguya dimension space time in Boruto series..

    also that doesn't matter space is same as space time because space is considered as 3D space with time 👈 not said by me atleast search it on internet what is space both are the same thing lol 😂…
    You debunks nothing…..

  10. debunking the debunk{i dont think naruto is uni but still}.
    1)the kanji argument.

    it is saying kuukan and not ji-kuukan,true but also not.
    if you check the obito talking about kaguyas dimensions panel in the raw,he says jikuukan in the raws and not kuukan.

    if you check the anime,the voice actors say ji-kuukan and not just kuukan.
    even the infamous etso statement says ji-kuukan in the anime and the official translations.
    as space is often related to exist with time.

    2)the parallel dimension argument,
    1 thing is creation whatever the dimension is,he created it,he says how does it feel to be nourishing the nursery that i created.
    for the size,
    naruto himself says,that it was a parallel dimension in the anime.

    what is used in the raw novel is this,

    here,異世界 can mean multiple things,
    another world (esp. in fiction); otherworld; parallel universe; different-dimension world; isekai.

    as the anime mentions it to be parallel you can assume it to be parallel.

  11. Buddy If you know anything about power scaling and physics you will know Space doesnt exist without time Otherwise you just proved Naruto has inaccessible speed

    So which is it ?

    Kaguya is Universal

    Or Teen Naruto has Inaccessible speed and speedblizs Dragonball


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