Unintentional Eureka Moments: History's Most Incredible Accidental Discoveries

There have been a lot of great scientific discoveries over the centuries that took a lot of hard work and dedication. However, sometimes they happen entire by accident. Today we’ll be looking at some of those accidental inventions including penicillin, microwaves, implantable pacemakers, friction matches, synthetic plastics, and chocolate chip cookies.

Biographics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnDI2sdehVm1zm_LmUHsjQ
Geographics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHKRfxkMTqiiv4pF99qGKIw
Warographics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9h8BDcXwkhZtnqoQJ7PggA
MegaProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0woBco6Dgcxt0h8SwyyOmw
Into The Shadows: https://www.youtube.com/c/IntotheShadows
TopTenz: https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
Today I Found Out: https://www.youtube.com/user/TodayIFoundOut
Highlight History: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnb-VTwBHEV3gtiB9di9DZQ
Business Blaze: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYY5GWf7MHFJ6DZeHreoXgw
Casual Criminalist: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCasualCriminalist
Decoding the Unknown: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdWrz8pF6B5Y_c6Zi6pmdQ


29 thoughts on “Unintentional Eureka Moments: History's Most Incredible Accidental Discoveries”

  1. 4:02
    The absolute legend (unintentionally) tested his work with a meme; him sitting there watching a magnetron popping corn while he eats a bowl of popcorn.
    Percy lived the meme before it was a meme, and thereby also embodied another meme before its time, as he was speed.

  2. "A myth holds that she accidentally developed the cookie, and that she expected the chocolate chunks would melt, making chocolate cookies. That is not the case; Wakefield stated that she deliberately invented the cookie."

  3. Actually there was another guy a few years earlier who faced with the same issue with mould dumped everything and restarted his original experiment – not realising what he had stumbled upon. I don't remember the details. (Google might help). What Fleming did was brilliant – he took notice of the unexpected event and investigated it further and so got the credit – deservedly so.

    May scientific discoveries begin with "Hmmm….that's funny" – hence this video 😉

    Edit: This Wikipedia article talks about pre-Fleming science and traditional treatments using moulds such as penicillium. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_penicillin

  4. All of the topics of this video are so old and well known and so recycled through youtube already. Literally thousand of videos about these same topics. Useless video

  5. love to see the myth of the microwave purported by the west is still alive, let us ignore the Nazi microwave ovens in use in the Russian theater of wwii and give credit instead to US fiction….

  6. I heard a much darker tale of the discovery of microwaves. Something about a scientist leaning over his equipment, becoming ill, and dying shortly thereafter. The autopsy found that a significant portion of his insides were cooked. Can't say if there's any truth to that story, though.

  7. I bake the Tollhouse cookie recipe with my Mum! Its in one of Margaret Fulton's books, we use cut up melts though instead of chips so you get bigger chunks of chocolate, double the amount roughly and we usually mix milk and white. PSA you can break a kitchenaid mixer by adding too much chocolate so I add the chocolate at the end by hand 😆

  8. I want to know if you will do a video about the Donner Pass/ Donner Family in California? I seriously can't believe you haven't covered this yet as fascinating as it is and what happened there! Especially with the blizzard and weather patterns going on in California right now.

  9. The discovery of the B-3 variant Nicotinamide Riboside ( AKA Niagen) by Dr. Charles Brenner when he was at Dartmouth College is intros category. He gave flat worms the molecule, and learned that it was a vitamin when he saw its efficacy with the worms. The vitamin seems to be uniquely beneficial, and has many trials listed at clinical trials gov. See also "About NAD" and "Raising NAD"

  10. Re: Bakelite — phenol is an organic compound. Bakelite was not the first plastic to not require such. Side note: a primitive plastic can be had at home using milk — casien plastic.

  11. NEVER HAPPENED. The so-called "Battle of Spilia" seems to be an almost complete fiction. I can find no trace of 127 dead for the date in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. I fear that the presenter has suffered his own friendly fire incident by shooting himself in the foot!

  12. Last 4 videos over 10 days are really dull. I wish you'd slow down and do more proper informative and entertaining videos rather than rush out cheap filler.

  13. Sucks that Howard Florey and Ernst Chain never get the credit they deserve in regards to Penecilin. While Fleming made the discovery, without the work of Florey and Chain it would never have become a useful drug that went on to save millions of lives. Just saying.


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