Unicorn Overlord Review

Despite an uninspired narrative, Unicorn Overlord impresses with gorgeous visuals and engrossing strategy action.

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37 thoughts on “Unicorn Overlord Review”

  1. I feel there are so many conversations, arcs and characters interactions that some of the story might feel uninspired, but there are some moments that are VERY good. So I do not agree with the uninspired narrative.

  2. Been looking forward to this one for awhile now and it does not disappoint. I'm absolutely loving it. I have some small gripes with it here and there but it's mostly nitpicky stuff. Like, I wish I could have more interaction with the towns such as to wonder about. The game is so beautiful, I want more.

  3. After a couple hours there's not much point watching the battles play out so i don't really see the hype. I've never been a fan of tactics games but if i was i'd probably be calling this a "My first tactics game". They shouldhave made a turn based jrpg.

  4. Just finished after 105hrs amazing hours, this has easily become one of my favorite games of all time. The one real complaint I have that plagues the game is the truly god awful inventory system its so unorganized and irritating to try and find anything.

  5. Really after hearing the whole thing I thought it would get a 9. I heard so many gamespot reviews saying much worse things about the games and they still end up getting a 9. I think this games deserves more than ever. It is so far the best game of 2024.

  6. A game's story doesn't have to be revolutionary to be good. A good, well told story, even if it is simple is miles better than a story that tries to reinvent the wheel just for the sake of being ''innovative''.


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