#UNGA77 General Debate Live (Somalia, Israel, Portugal, Armenia & More) – 22 September 2022

Join us LIVE for the 77th United Nations General Assembly debate! From 20 – 24 and 26 September 2020, more than 100 world leaders, thousands of diplomats and advocates come together to deliver statements and tackle global challenges.

The theme “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking
challenges” has been proposed for the general debate at the seventy-seventh session,
pursuant to resolution 58/126 (annex).

General debate website: https://gadebate.un.org/
Scheduled Addresses:
His Excellency Mohamed Bazoum, President, Republic of the Niger

His Excellency Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, President, Republic of Botswana

His Excellency Adama Barrow, President, Republic of The Gambia

His Excellency Rashad Mohammed Al-Alimi, President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Republic of Yemen

His Excellency Taneti Maamau, President, Head of Government and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Republic of Kiribati

His Excellency Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, President, Republic of Zimbabwe

His Excellency Úmaro Sissoco Embaló, President, Republic of Guinea-Bissau

His Excellency Azali Assoumani, President, Union of the Comoros

His Excellency George Manneh Weah, President, Republic of Liberia

His Excellency Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President, Federal Republic of Somalia

His Excellency Evariste Ndayishimiye, President, Republic of Burundi

His Excellency Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan Abdelrahman Al-Burhan, President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Republic of the Sudan

His Excellency Yair Lapid, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, State of Israel

His Excellency James Marape, Prime Minister, Independent State of Papua New Guinea

His Excellency Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister, Georgia

His Excellency Jonas Gahr Støre, Prime Minister, Norway

His Excellency Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President and Minister for Defense, Republic of Malawi

His Excellency David Panuelo, President and Head of Government, Federated States of Micronesia

His Excellency Hussein Abdelbagi Akol Agany, Vice President, Republic of South Sudan

His Excellency Philip Isdor Mpango, Vice President, United Republic of Tanzania

Her Excellency Jessica Alupo, Vice President, Republic of Uganda

His Excellency José Gabriel Carrizo, Vice President, Republic of Panama

His Excellency António Costa, Prime Minister, Portuguese Republic

His Excellency Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister, Republic of Armenia

Her Excellency Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister, Minister for National Security and the Public Service, and Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment, Barbados

His Excellency Micheál Martin, Taoiseach, Ireland

His Excellency Robert Abela, Prime Minister, Republic of Malta

His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister, State of Kuwait

His Excellency Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, President of the Government, Spain

His Excellency Andrew Holness, Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Economic Growth and Job Creation, Jamaica

His Excellency Bernard Gomou, Prime Minister, Head of Government, Republic of Guinea



Watch LIVE the debate of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in the Original Language Spoken: https://webtv.un.org

متابعة مباشرة باللغة العربية لأعمال المداولات العامة رفيعة المستوى للجمعيه العامة


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Transmisión EN VIVO del debate de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, en español.

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47 thoughts on “#UNGA77 General Debate Live (Somalia, Israel, Portugal, Armenia & More) – 22 September 2022”

  1. Dalai Lama ✍️🌿

    In big cities, on farms, in remote places, throughout the countryside, people are moving busily. Why? We are all motivated by the desire to make ourselves happy. To do so is right. However, we must keep in mind that too much involvement in the superficial aspects of life will not solve our larger problem of discontentment. Love, compassion, and concern for others are the real sources of happiness. With these in abundance, you will not be disturbed by even the most uncomfortable circumstances. So, if we really want happiness, we must widen the sphere of love. This is basic common sense.

    ─ His Holiness Dalai Lama ✍️🌿

  2. 🇺🇳 UN 😊 🎓🎓

    “We are living in a moment that is at once full of danger and of opportunity. For institutions of the state, the private sector and civil society – for all of us – it will be critical to be nimble, harness creative energies and mitigate risk effectively. A willingness and a capacity to do differently is now no longer about strategic positioning but about surviving in a world that is changing dramatically and will never be the same again.”– Sello Hatang ✍️


  3. 🎻 MUSIC 🎻

    🎵 Music 🎶 has always been a crucial instrument for fostering community, healing and conjuring liberatory futures. In this piece, Madiba explores his love for music and how, during a night out at a concert, he regrettably missed seeing Tracy Chapman and the Manhattan Brothers performing.

    Through this playlist, we explore the present past and the haunting events that continue to contribute to current struggles for FREEDOM.

    We remember Mam’ Winnie and her sacrifices and feel our way through her pain, courage and temerity and draw inspiration from to continue to work for a society in which the constitution is a lived reality for all.

    Let us give practical recognition to the injustices of the past, by building a future based on equality and social justice .”

    – 🇿🇦 NELSON MANDELA ✍️
    Signing of South Africa's new Constitution ,
    Sharpeville ,
    10 December 1996

  4. The representative of the Republic of Georgia also does a good job at selling his country's strong points especially to entrepreneurs and to the financial industry. Nice work mixing New Landmarks realities into the speech, including the welcoming of Russians from Ukraine visiting Georgia. However his position on the Russian territories in Eastern Europe (Crimea, Ukraine, etc.) is not in line with policies worthy of a Soviet Republic. Also, Abhazia and South Ossetia – and the people thereof – made their decision already.. and it's not Georgian – it's Independent in case of South Ossetia and Russian in the case of Abhazia. I do thank my Georgian college nevertheless for his assistance in returning some of my Armenian military home from their war visit to Azerbaijan.

  5. Very soon, they will say "Peace and security!" This will mark the official beginning of the Great Tribulation. The world will soon end.

    A better world is near 🌎 🌱 Will you be there? All the prophecies are occurring across the globe at the same time. Not a few ir some but every one. Time to choose is now…

    Continue to follow human leaders and their political and commercial system leading everyone to their destruction forever, or support the God in the Bible Jehovah God, and his Son Jesus.

    Its over! We are witnessing the final hour. 🎒👟👟

  6. Norway followed suit in New Landmarks realities references.. climate change.. :).. I recommend the Heidelberg AW Institute approach on the matter.

    Btw, seriously speaking, Climate Change – warming of average temperatures on Earth (especially in the North) – is not a matter of global nor regional concern. So long as fluctuations are below the level required to make Earth into a Venus (runaway greengas effect) – which they aren't by far and are not even headed there -, climate warming is of no matter. Some costal cities without Ocean Dams (like in the Netherlands or St Petersburg) will be affected at some point (ie. Sink below the Planetary Ocean).. but this a matter of local govt and people concern (mainly for the poor who could not move to another region) – not even a matter of national security. What happens with Climate Change as per old landmarks is just an imperialist scheme to deindustrialization of subdued territories (eg. against Eastern Europe, etc.) and against their own people outside the ruling clique – to prevent independent people and entrepreneurs from raising up, conferring with each other independently and overthrowing in terms of influence, wealth and power the Western elites themselves – nothing more, nothing less: a scheme to impose economic monopoly in strategic domains by sitting political rulers. So it is here on planet Earth now – not how it is elsewhere across Objective Reality, nor elsewhere in the future here on planet Earth. But as for now.. this is it: not a real danger nor concern (just rich people asking the poor to fast and consume less energy heating their homes , so that the political rulers have more for themselves and more dangerously more power over the masses).

  7. I strongly salute the brave, frank and meaningful intervention by Mia Mo the prime minister and leader of the State of Barbados and sanction her calls for dissolution of de facto monopolies over economies of countries, nations and people by groups external to them (eg. the Anglo-Saxon G7 and G20). I also call on this interpretation of the main theme of her speech to ring loudly in everyone's thoughts as she herself put it: fairness. Let that mean Justice above all other interpretations. Fair Justice.. Q Justice. There is nothing below and nothing above. Just as with Liberty – it either is, or isn't. Just as with Truth. The are no degrees of Justice.. it either is or not. Equitablilty is a different concept of insignificant importance by comparison. Yet also important to note.

  8. The speech of the representative of Ireland is eons behind on the current world affairs.. he is not even aware of the fact a Unitary Israelianopalestinian State now exists in the Middle East – fact compatible with the two state solution, since there is also a state of Palestine (currently territorially manifest in Gaza preponderantly only) – and these are recognised and accepted by both Israel and Hamas, as well as most Palestinians (on planet Earth especially I mean). The only true thing he said was that Jerusalem – undivided Jerusaliiyam – is the UNDIVIDED capital of both Palestine and of the Israelianopalestinian State. So both of Israel and Palestine one could say..

  9. Malta: "Peace can never be taken for granted."

    Of course not, idiots all over the World – security costs: a lot. I said this times and again – you idiots are not entitled to anything, in particular not to others fighting for or securing your rights, including fundamental rights as Living Beings.. you want rights.. feed your scientis and engineers to build weapons and your military to use them in your favour. Or, if you can't succed that way.. pay for security to states or organizations like my own Permanent Digulescian Authority. But do you have anything to pay with????? Anything of value TO US, THE SECURITY PROVIDERS?.. Anything which we don't have nor could legitimately BY OUR OWN MEASURE take ourselves regardless of you??.. doubt it, – you (and I'm talking just to the idiots now) are idiots. And as Napoleon had put it: "Who does not want to feed his or her army, will soon end up feeding the army of the enemy [na.: by force]".

  10. Honourable Iran – speaking from the hall.. no need to dignify the charade of representativity of the people and peoples of the world which is the current Anglo-Saxon ruled UN framework as per old landmarks by walking to the roster. Did they, the CIA heads walk to the UN roster to ask for approval or opinion of the peoples of the world.. or of the international community at least before they perfidly assassinated Soleimani while on Diplomatic Immunity visit to a state which they, the USA, officially recognized as a sovereign state – namely Iraq?.. no. No need for Us in Iran to walk to the UN roster.. not the one in New York city.. they can't even resolve to issues UN visas to hard-line opposing administrations' members.. . The new UN main HQ building in Yalta, Russia – Republic of Crimea will suffer from no issues such as this.. neither in form nor in essence. I promise the people and the peoples of the World that much. My word as a Q and as QRP-MAXIM. Cross my heart and hope to die.

  11. I reject attempts to divide Morrocon territory, but do remind the government there that any state needs, in accordance with UN charter, be governed by its people, for its people and, generally by a government of its people – in order to enjoy statehood. So.. monarchy?.. A referendum is needed. But territory of Morroco remains unchanged.

  12. We call on the UN to give Morocco its right on its land the western Sahara and stop the Algerian fake propaganda that's full of lies.

    UN must and should be aware of the dangers that Algeria is bringing to the region by supplying Russian weapons and even Iranian terrorist training to the Polisario front to go and attack the Moroccan on its motherland this is a clear terrorism act and breach of international law by the Algerian regime.

  13. Can you imagine being raped repeatedly and promised to have your kids held as Ransom tools and then have that aided and embedded and be expected to pay for it financially as if you hadn't already been paying for it financially and physically?

  14. How much money should you have to pay to be tortured in war crimes and laughed at about having your kids used as Ransom extortion tools? How is everyone so numb to it that they just keep pretending it's fine?

  15. Exactly there isn't a point in protecting the environment when we can't even raise the kids to be smart enough to understand set your phone down and come here or do your homework because they have too many guns to understand what no means

  16. a notorious Warmonger from Occupied Palestine is preaching peace and love, stealing other Peoples Land( Golan heights and more) and Lives, killing poor Palestinian's every day, Bombing Syria weakly to expand and create Ezer Israel., professional killer and Thieves From Kiev or Brooklyn.

  17. भू-गर्भ की स्थिती चिंताजनक हैं ,पृथ्वी में गैसों के कारण गर्मी तेजी से बढ रही हैं। विनाश नज़दीक हैं। खाडीदेश तेल के कुओं को बंद करने की कार्रवाई शुरू करें संयुक्त राष्ट्र कार्रवाई करें।


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