Underrail (another Depot A run) | It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum


16 thoughts on “Underrail (another Depot A run) | It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum”

  1. do you plan on playing underrail again right before infusion launches? if so, i have some sugestions: play with a full psi build as gandalf, or harry potter, or whatever wizard you like, we've yet to see a full playthrough with a build that uses psionics from you, play on hard, again, something we've yet to see on a full playthrough from you, and finally, stream it! both on youtube and twitch, you already do lengthy videos, so streams would be great, no editing needed and interacting with the chat can be a lot of fun!

  2. Great to hear that you had a wonderful Christmas. I was lucky enough to spend a quiet one with my folks too. Fun as always, I wish I loved any one game as much as you love Underrail man.

  3. Well this was unexpected! Hi Tim. It's wonderful to hear that you had a great Christmas. And it's cool to see another Depot A run, on Hard difficulty no less. I personally think that this is the best difficulty, despite the fact that early on it's more complicated. It really makes the late game better, without you having to min max and over prepare for absolutely every encounter, but also not just mop the floor with everybody. I was very surprised about your encounter that needed an import. Never had that happen, but I believe the game is capable of that.
    It's interesting, right? Because sometimes you might create a character that uses the portrait of an old man. So how is he a lvl.1 hero after living decades in the UnderRail? Obviously the game is not about tying up every loose end, but in many ways it does take these extra nuances into account. You could basically write an entire story around the huge story already presented in the game. If you'll do a playthrough with a psionic character for a Let's Play, you could give them the Doctor perk, and just heal with bandages all the time, no waiting for anything and healing more than a hypo does😉.
    But anyway, the Duke character is very fun and lore friendly. Here we are at the end of another year. I wanted to commend you for all the work you do for us. It's another year and sure enough, without a fault, you uploaded every day. That's amazing and a sign of great dedication and discipline. I'm sure it's never easy, yet you push through, despite having some days where you just wanna chuck the PC out the window😅. So I would like to thank you again for everything you do, to wish you the best of health and spirits, and a wonderful New Year in every way possible. Thanks Tim, take care.
    Oh… before I forget. Because you were so good this year, Santa (the mod maker) brought you a late year update for Eador New Horizons!😲

  4. Merry Christmas Tim. I think I saw you passed up a bear trap. Those things even on dominating are OP. Sometimes a stack of 15-30 can save you. Thanks for the upload and hope you have a happy new year.


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