Cloud & Noctis Play Final Fantasy 16 Demo

Why did I decide to rush to make this video the day before the Final Fantasy 16 release. as I typing this right now, the game will be out in an hour.

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47 thoughts on “Cloud & Noctis Play Final Fantasy 16 Demo”

  1. Boy, how did I miss all the birds hate? πŸ˜‚ Didn't really think about it!

    Also, I love that it starts with just Cloud&Noctis and then all those people slowly join invading Sora's apartment. This truly has that old style comedy vibe and I'm all for it. Can't wait for the whole "in a nutshell" version. The Pancake would be so proud of how you're honoring his mantle 😁

  2. "Why does this game hates birds?" Was exactly what I thought lmao guess thats on purpose for a metaphor or something.

    Brilliant idea of having guest appearances, but I am surprised Squall did not said anything about the young Clive and Jill scene thats oh so reminiscent of his "go talk to a wall" moment with Quistis in the secret room of the training center within Balamb Garden.


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