Under the Gaze of Jesus: A Priest Reflects on the Beauty and Difficulty of Eucharistic Adoration

Under the Gaze of Jesus: A Priest Reflects on the Beauty and Difficulty of Eucharistic Adoration
Presenter: Father Anthony Federico

In the third installment of the Eucharistic lecture series, Father Anthony Federico, offers practices for improving time spent in adoration.

Father Anthony Federico is the Vocations Director of the Archdiocese of Hartford. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2019 and has served at St. Bridget of Sweden Parish in Cheshire and St. Mary’s, now Blessed Michael McGivney Parish, in his hometown of New Haven. Before entering the seminary, Father Anthony worked as a sportswriter and editor at ESPN. He is the author of Joe B., a novel which reimagines the Book of Job in modern-day Manhattan, and the co-host of the Practically Catholic podcast, which, along with a young missionary mom, offers the faithful practical advice about living the Catholic faith in everyday life.


1 thought on “Under the Gaze of Jesus: A Priest Reflects on the Beauty and Difficulty of Eucharistic Adoration”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection! Hands down one of the best reflections I have heard. This has forever changed the way I will see Adoration. I will share this with my Council today! God Bless


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