Uncovering the Savannah Way: HECTIC Tracks, DAMAGE Reports, and an ICONIC Pub Caravanning Oz Ep 19

So, you have seen our East Coast Adventures and our West Coast Adventures we thought it was a good time to show you how we got from the East Coast of Australia to the West Coast of Australia crossing the mighty Savannah Way from Cairns to Broome. What an epic drive it is from bush and waterfalls to barren desert to coastal towns with epic fishing. Its vast scenery is the biggest draw card so much to see along the way. Given the distance travelled some 3000+kms we thought it best to show you in multiple episodes this being the second upload we pick up where we left off leaving Karumba heading toward Leichardt Falls, from there we track toward and beyond Hells Gate to tackle one of the worst roads in Australia Hells Gate to Borroloola. This road honestly almost broke us the corrugations we insane and relentless, but we got the job done just. After days of driving horrendous corrugations, we finally make it back to the black top and find ourselves in need of a Beer and a warm bath so why not hit the Iconic Daly Waters Pub and Mataranka thermal springs. Hope you enjoy the upload. Cheers for watching Legends


5 thoughts on “Uncovering the Savannah Way: HECTIC Tracks, DAMAGE Reports, and an ICONIC Pub Caravanning Oz Ep 19”

  1. Agree with you about driving to conditions. I normally go down to 24psi all round on bad roads and can be as slow as 15-20kph. Had plenty of people complaining about damage for them to only overtake me the next day at stupid speeds. Self inflicted damage if you ask me.

  2. Did that road a few weeks ago on the Postie Bike Challenge , definately the worst road I have ever ridden ( or Driven ) ! Hells gate to the border wasn't too bad but it turns to absolute shite as soon as you enter the NT . The corrugations were so bad that the vibrations cooked the battery on the wee Honda . The 300kms took me about 12hrs , including waiting an hour for a restart after the battery died , the last 20 or so ks in the dark were about 3hrs . Also it was mid 30's and I was wearing proper riding gear , that resulted in me drinking 3.5 lts of water and 8 beers before I had a pee !


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