Unbelievable! A Part of the Sun Broke Off. What It Really Means

A part of the Sun broke off, leaving everyone stunned. Astronomers saw a huge plasma filament erupt from the Sun, surprisingly pulling itself apart. And after getting detached, it furiously rotated till it reached the star’s north pole, creating a terrifying vortex, just like a gigantic tornado. But how is it possible for a solar chunk to break apart? What’s the physics behind this intriguing event? Finally, and most importantly, does it mean that a solar tsunami is on its way to hit our planet? These are some critical questions, and to answer them, let’s look at what happens on the Sun step by step.

Created By: Rishabh Nakra and Simran Buttar
Narrated By: Jeffrey Smith

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27 thoughts on “Unbelievable! A Part of the Sun Broke Off. What It Really Means”

  1. oh yes, this solar tsunami soon to take place is going to be more powerful than the media makes it out to be. we are going to see a lot of interviews with mainstream engineers and inventors of artificial intelligence. the stock market might even crash during this time. tsunami in the ethers a Sun catacalysm. it is all prophecy. i just pray God's people be in the Sun within so we can enjoy these changes that are taking place to bless our lives.

    this is going to be a truly beautiful time for the underdogs. the real scientist gone shine in this period. right history gone be materializing. too. anyone who does technology for the purpose of non demoralizing the Human Race and just outta pure nature will be blessed amazing during this time.

    underdog businesses who really rode out with God gone feel so good. 666 is the number of Man which deal with false technology, air bending in a destructive way. it deals with manmade computers and Mans idea of nature. it is so deeep. 666 is none of that what many people think it is. It is also a computer crashing and a human man crashing because of doing too much. us humans need to stop acting like we are robots and people who are employers who treat their fellow man like they are robots aught to have to a heart. 666 also means one who emotionaless; no compassion, a carefree jerk of an azzhole. Solar Tsunami gone give y'all what you give your employees just in a different way~

  2. I disagree with the ending, that solar weather affects just satellites. It’s been know to affect Earth-based communications, then there was the Carrington Event of 1859 in which a strong solar storm directly hit Earth. It was only felt by the resulting overloads on the existing power grid at the time setting different electrical things on fire, including telegraphs. If such an event happened now, I’d imagine it would fry nearly every electronic device on the side facing the sun, instantly throwing half the world back into the dark ages before there were electronics.

  3. The sun did not have a part of it 2 blast off it was just plasma it does that all the time. So people need 2 stop fear mongering and fact check b4 u post stuff like this the nerve some people u guys would say anything to get views


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