Ukraine’s counter offensive intensifies & deep-dive into Russian defences | Ukraine The Latest |

Day 473.

Today, we analyse the latest news from the front lines as Ukraine’s counter-offensive intensifies, discuss the Russian fortifications that Kyiv’s troops are aiming to break through and we report on suspected partisan warfare as more railway lines in occupied Ukraine are blown up.


David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Reporter). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter.

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16 thoughts on “Ukraine’s counter offensive intensifies & deep-dive into Russian defences | Ukraine The Latest |”

  1. Even the totally biased Telegraph will have a hard job spinning this as anything other than a hopeless waste of Ukrainian lives.
    It looks like the Ukrainians thought they could push forward to the first line of Russian defense and meet up with a force that had crossed the flooded (but now drying out) part of the river. This has been thwarted as the Russians have stopped the Ukrainian attack before it even reached the first line of defense.. What the Ukrainian plan was once they reached the first line of defense..? Who knows

  2. Quatsch. Propaganda und der Versuch, die Bevölkerung auf der Krim zu verunsichern. Die bescheuerten ukrainischen Lügenmärchen sind einfach nur noch öde. Erfolgen werden auf dem Schlachtfeld entschieden und nicht mit einer großen Schnauze mit eurer gleichgeschalteten Propaganda.Der britische Geheimdiesnst ist ein Haufen von LLügnern und Propagandaschweinen.

  3. Surely anyone with just average intelligence can clearly see this is a globalist EU / NATO /White House / war against Russia. Russia stoutly refuses to bend its knee to the new dystopian multicultural queer new world order. This is the reason why they all want Russia crushed. They will fail spectacularly, its inevitable.


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