Universus Academy: Public Service Announcement l MHA CCG l League of Villains I UA podcast 312

This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by, Chris and Matt. Remember to remain calm and leave a comment below.



9 thoughts on “Universus Academy: Public Service Announcement l MHA CCG l League of Villains I UA podcast 312”

  1. "Rotate Set 1" is commentary on the designs of sets 2 through 4. Its certainly not a minority of people who play the game and talk about it a lot publicly. Its not meant to actually encourage them to rotate the entire set. Its looking at Top Cuts at events and seeing that Set 1 Dominates most of those lists with some really strong Outliers(that also majorly upset people) from set 3.

    If you build decks without many set 1 cards thats awesome, but please look outside personal bias before condescending to people looking at the data.

  2. I always love listening to you guys, TCGs can be so toxic for some reason and you always seem to just have a healthy postive take on things and I'm here for it.

    I certainly don't think rotating set 1 at this stage of the game is a good idea, however i do think they need to take a look at power creeping the next set(s) especially defensively or making it a little easier to find combo pieces in a panic mode situation.

    Outside of the US its very difficult for new players to obtain set 1 cards which just so happens to be a lot of staples so either power creep or reprints will be needed at some point.

    I just hope we get Fat Gum!

  3. Wish y’all could still get these up on pod catchers..
    I’ll have to set my YouTube to notify me because I’ve missed a couple episodes.. YouTube didn’t put them up on my feed


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