Ukraine War: What missiles have Russia fired?

Defence and security analyst Professor Michael Clarke looks at the different types of missiles which Russia has weaponised against Ukraine.

He also spoke about Ukraine’s potential response to the channel negotiations between Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and French President Emmanuel Macron.

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40 thoughts on “Ukraine War: What missiles have Russia fired?”

  1. The problems with news anchors. They have no idea about strategy, tactics, history, equipment. So they can't respond. They just look at their notes.."they're all supersonic aren't they? Do they have… rrrrrrrrrrrrrr…let me check… terminal active radar homes " do those homes have a mortgage? Colonel, your response?

  2. It is important to understand that Putin has not given up the idea of occupying all of Ukraine. But because of his many failures, he is destroying cities. Look at the places where the Russian army has been

  3. Putin is infamous for breaking his promises and will stop at nothing to wage war, unless a bolstering of Ukraine's military and financial aid is provided to safeguard its citizens. In order to contain Russia's terrorist activities, the international community must impose strict sanctions and isolate the nation.

  4. Michael Clarke most be one of the dumbest experts in the history of the world. This war has to end in negotiation unless it is the Ukraine that is unable to negotiate. Anyone who thinks that the Ukraine is going to enter Moscow and conquer Russia, has brain damage. His point about all wars not ending in negotiations is completely moot.

  5. Hypersonic missiles are a serious treat. I'm not sure what we can do about it. On the other hand I think we need to provide everything Ukraine needs to win this war and then isolate russia for them to live with their best friends Iran, North Korea and China. Let them do whatever they want to each other, but they should not ever again be a cause of such destruction and suffering of normal people. The cIvilized world has no room for barbarians in it.

  6. There are roughly 750 US foreign military bases; they are spread across 80 nations! After the U.S is the UK, but they only have 145 bases. Russia has about 3 dozen bases, and China just five. This implies that the U.S has three times as many bases as all other countries combined

  7. Are we planning to do something about those missiles or we gonna pretend that Russia doesn't have like 30 000 of them and can attack like this for the next 10 years every day, and level every single effing building in Ukraine. And no, I don't mean sh*tty patriots that let's be honest even US knows barely works, has expensive ammo and simply isn't a solution due to area that needs protection. What kind of a war is this when one side doesn't use air force because it knows it would immediately win if it did. It's gonna drag out for years and the entire Ukraine will be sacrificed for Russia's internal and utter collapse. The most embarrassing war of the century, and easily top 5 since WW2.

  8. To be honest an it's a bitter pill to swallow, but this particular war need to be won by the Ukrainians because i can't see how people want the Ukrainians to negotiate with the putler because the putler wants peace with piece of Ukrainian territory an as zelensky rightly said Ukraine is not his to give away 🇺🇦🔥🇺🇲

  9. And don't forget the d7xxx missile was first used in 1862 and is made of tissue paper and grass, so they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, nothing to worry about.


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