Ukraine War Update NEWS (20230815b): Pt 2 – Overnight & Other News

Here is today’s UWU NEWS giving you all the nuggets you need to add to your understanding of events.

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24 thoughts on “Ukraine War Update NEWS (20230815b): Pt 2 – Overnight & Other News”

  1. There are many in government’s from around the world whose politicians are guided by self interests. America is no different. Our government is heavily influenced by PAC money and no term limits. American political service is becoming less and less about seriously serving people. Self preservation and monetary gain have become the norm for many. Difference here is we have a means to push back against a minority opinion. We simply vote them out. We are due to clean house and toss the extremists out. Pendulum theory. 😂

  2. Six! pilots will be ready NEXT summer? What the hell is going on? Its outrageous that the US/West has dragged their feet on this for over a year. If i didnt know any better, I'd think the West doesn't want Ukraine to actually win. It seems we'd rather have this be a 'frozen' conflict, which suits Putin just fine. Infuriating!!

  3. Tommy Tuberville spouts Russian talking points. He lives in FL with his wife who works full time in FL not Alabama . He is a liar and a traitor in my opinion. If he cared about the US, he would support a strong military.

  4. Both sides of the aisle disagree with Tuberville's tactic of holding the military appointments hostage so he can accomplish a minority approved action essentially using blackmail techniques. The Republicans can stop him politically but their whole gig is trying to control the US with a minority and are not in favor of a country ruled my majority vote. Tuberville is widely considered to be intellectually deficient and unqualified for the job similar to the failed candidate, Herschel Walker. He doesn't work for the will or the best interest of his constituents but fir his own minority, personal perverse beliefs. He was never qualified for the position and not qualified now. I doubt if he would be allowed to return to work as a sports coach due to his radical, overt beliefs.

  5. Tuberville is at least partly the reason Colorado won over Alabama. Military readiness, and thus national security, is actually a thing. Who'd thunk it?
    Depriving basic human rights from people enlisting isn't exactly going to help enlisting rates. Rights that the majority of the people also want.
    Think there is a word for this disgraceful GOP behavior – tyranny of the minority, or minoritarianism, or something along those lines. Horrific!
    I won't be surprised if already existing bases starts looking for new more friendly states to operate from. Moving the associated economy with it.

  6. In regards to Senator Tubberville and his blocking of senior officer promotions, several clarifying items need to be stated as many don't know the facts on this item.

    First item, Senator Tubberville has simply requested that the Senate hold a vote on the new enacted policy by the Defense Department as a result of the Supreme Court ruling that States control abortion, not the Federal government. He has stated he simply wants to have the Senate have a vote on this new Defense Department policy and regardless of the vote outcome, he will release his hold on senior officer promotions. To date, Senate Majority Leader Schumer has refused to allowed a vote to occur.

    Second item, beneath each military branch head their are literally, dozens of other senior officers beneath each military chiefs who are effectively maintaining the defense readiness of the US Military. There is no slippage in military readiness as politicians and politics would have you otherwise believe.

    Finally, the Senate can bring up the matter on promotions and vote on each individual with a simply majority vote. To date, Senate Majority Leader Schumer has refused to allow a vote on the individual Joint Chief of Staffs open positions. Schumer would rather make this a political issue rather than solving the problem by simply voting either on the Defense Department policy or by voting on each open Joint Chief of Staff position.

    As clearly seen when the facts are know, this matter can be simply solved by a majority vote in the Senate which the Majority Leader Schumer refuses to do for clearly political purposes.

  7. Outside of perhaps Diane Feinstein who has gone fully senile, Tuberville may be the dumbest SOB in the entire Senate. He is stunningly stupid and lacks any understanding of the wider world around him.

  8. When talking about maps, one should not stress the world more than already done. A Democratic People's Republic of Moscow will no longer have nukes. Maps can and will be adjusted for aggressors as World War II has shown. There is no "oh was a mistake" and we withdraw in our borders and then party happy new world. There is a price and the longer this war lasts the bigger the bill will be.

  9. Senate confirmed political appointees at the top of each branch of the military are just that, political appointees. These people change out every so many years and are primarily policy wonks. The real work is done by three or four assistant directors below them, those are the people that make careers and climb the ladder over decades and are promoted based on performance. So if Senator Tuberville is blocking a political appointment, it's no big loss and no danger to national security.

  10. Don’t be surprised to find third line of Russian defenses have been stripped of trained troops and artillery. Happened in WW2 with the Germans. Russian doctrine is breaking down

  11. He doesn’t want the taxpayers to cover gender transition services. Including hormones therapy and surgeries. There is the worst recruiting shortfall in the history of the US military. The typical historical recruits do not want someone under going hormonal changes, which creates emotional problems protecting their life. They want psychologically stable emotionally sound people to depend on. With the US military aggressively recruiting free trans surgery and treatment potential soldiers, they are reducing the U S fighting capability. Look at the numbers. Just like law enforcement.

  12. Hi, Jonathan! Thanks for continuing to provide these updates.

    As a politically independent American US Navy veteran, living in deep red Florida, I thought I would share my thoughts on the Tuberville situation.

    It's disgraceful. It is pretty much every derogatory adjective in my vocabulary…and I've been a big reader my entire life. I have a great deal of confidence in the military leadership, however, so while this juvenile behavior is reckless, I remind myself daily to practice patience. I do believe that we (in the US) are engaged in a political war at the moment, and just like where the Ukraine is in real battle, we are slowly reclaiming our country. By we, I mean the silent majority who seek stability and tolerance and, well, sanity. Tuberville is a spot of decay that will be cleaned up. And, the military will be whole, and on the positive side, this may also be an opportunity to close some of these gaps in our democratic process to avoid abuse like this in the future.

    Meanwhile, though, it is just yet another exercise in patience and steady resistance to this and the so many, many other things that are happening domestically.

  13. Republicans cry about Fentynol and the border but attack law enforcement, make a mockery of the legal system and refuse to allow military leadership to be confirmed during a war.

    All they know how to do is complain and ask for money.

  14. In regard to Thomas Tuberville – they are usually associated with the religious conservative class in America, I've nick-named them the crazy baby or child people, because if you're not a baby or child; they have no use for you, and you just don't do it for them(in a feel good way, as well as political leverage), and if you're not one of them – you're going straight to Hell!(there seems to be a cut-off point though – I think it's 7 years old, roundabouts). I remember, a couple of decades ago, the conservatives used to use anti-gay sentiment as political leverage also, but this lost popularity and is no longer a viable option, so it's down to reproductive-rights as a morality tool to use as political leverage and to draw attention to themselves as the 'morality' party in the USA.

  15. I'm unaware of the US even being involved in the F16 training program, I'm not real sure what that guy's even talking about. That was supposed to be the European partner's responsibility, in the meeting back in May. I'm sure at some point they will be, but for expediency, it was supposed to be the fighter coalition countries in control of all that. The main hold ups I'm aware of, is that Ukraine could not find enough pilots that read and spoke English well enough to receive that training, and that planning to do it hadn't been completed between May and August. If anyone knows what he's referring to, I'd like to know it, so I can express my displeasure to my elected representatives, if the US is indeed at fault. At this point in time, I'm inclined to think he's uninformed and full of prune soup.

  16. I feel that due to the inertia of governments and the bureaucracies that run them, Tuberville's tactics will work against him. The tasks managed by those vacant offices need to be done, appointments or not. Those responsibilities will fall to the deputies within those departments in as much as they are able, and in so doing fill the vacuum of the appointees, circumventing their requirement. I am absolutely willing to admit that i have limited understanding of military bureaucracy, especially when it approaches the political level, but as I understand it, Tuberville is already receiving backlash within his own party over his stall tactics.

  17. Thank you, Jonathan, for your hard work here! Unfortunately, if the AFU does not show more success over the next few months (let's say, 3 months), then I believe the US will/should begin to rethink the level military support we are pouring into Ukraine. For example, it seems that the US is less committed to F-16s than the current public face being put on it by US officials. Its clear that F-16s are not going to be sufficient to clear the Russians from Ukraine, and much more air power and punch is needed. But no one in the US government will approve the next steps that would be needed — F-15s for air defense, heavy bombers for carpet bombing of trenches, F-35s to clear out Russian S-400, Tomahawk cruise missiles for long-range penetration, etc. Soon, "standing by Ukraine" may mean arming them with enough equipment and training to defend what is left of their country rather than to conduct an offensive that stands no chance of success.

  18. As an American the stuff with Tuberville is distasteful but we have to remember what he is doing is what his constituents elected him to do with regards to blocking funding for abortion services in the military.

    While the positions are technically open the staff that fills them in the interim are more than qualified to fill those roles and in many cases, like with the Navy, the person in the temporary position will become the permanent staffer once The Senate confirms them.

    There are plenty of concerns with regard to China (not enough boats, not enough munitions, ect) but if this is what people are spending their energy on then they are intentionally missing the bigger picture.


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