Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA (20230622): Counter Expectations, RU Radio, Desertions, & UK Conference

Here is today’s UWU EXTRA giving you all the nuggets you need to add to your understanding of events.

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0:00 Start
0:10 Kinzhal & dams
4:50 Counter expectations
8:50 Prig & Marinka
10:25 Data
14:45 Comms
17:10 UK Ukr conference
20:50 Desertions

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45 thoughts on “Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA (20230622): Counter Expectations, RU Radio, Desertions, & UK Conference”

  1. Has Russia withdrawn it's forces from the ZNPP? If Russia is not under force and logistic pressure. Why would it resort to what Zelenski asserts? Has it in it's history ever done such a thing? Or does data points and British logic points to a big " Yes! " It's obvious that the defenses has bogged down the offensive. You are not doing your subs due diligence. Remember last year when the western media started to hype up Ukraines ability to continue? It was only last year, not a decade ago. Really funny how they're doing it again. What do you reckon? Who will be the patsy this time, jumping up and loudly announcing they will send 14 million men? Just waiting for western media to start hyping about the Russian offensive and the possible implications.

    I don't see Russia in any desperate crisis, they weren't before the dam blow out. They don't look like it now either. Their lines are not collapsing or being pushed back across the fronts in big swathes.

    As of typing this comment. Ukraine has managed to advance 300 meters to Rabotino's trench lines. I wouldn't put stock in any numbers from Pyatikhatki. Ukraine is bogged down there.

    Did it ever occur to you that you're being mule-'d?

  2. Anyone suggesting that Ukraine sould target ruSSian dams needs a morality check. Either you are trolling, or you're oblivious to the catastrophe that was Nova Kakhovka.

  3. To bad your not being told who the Western Officials are & Who is the US Military Official ! CNN Hear Say😮 The World Needs To Watch The Baby Steps Ukraine Are Taken.

  4. Time to send iron domes for top level critical infrastructure. The threat to destroy the dams is causing effects that reach into Nato countries so therefore we should be allowed to get actively involved in their protection. There is no way we should look on while Putin thinks he can get away with anything.

  5. ww11 dday landing we had fighter planes, bombers, ships firing all at the coast yet it took weeks for the armies to really break through, Ukraine as no fighters bombers or ships, armchair generals piss me off

  6. KLW just gone live john with breaking news. edit: he's saying that the US have intercepted comms with russia and putin has said that he is now willing to use nukes

  7. If a large swath of land is ruined by a nuclear terrorist attack, the reparation will need to include awarding Briansk and Belgorod oblasts to Ukraine with residents given a choice of becoming Ukrainian citizens or leaving.

  8. If rather on purpose or accidentally if the Nuclear plant is blown Russia should cease to exist, the destruction and uncaring of Russia has made me not care, sad about that but when Russia disappears I'll get over it

  9. Who are these " western officials" and are they worth sacrificing minutes of my life reading about what they said?
    The majority of people with any clue about what they're talking about have always said it's going to be tuff untill they break out.
    Why is anyone surprised that an army without air superiority and unable to hit back into the country that some weapons are fired from are having a hard time going forward.

    Anyway another excellent update , good job 👍

  10. I think NATO has to tell the Kremlin to demine the nuclear reactor, leave the staff behind and withdraw completely, and give them a date to do it by, after which steps will be taken….

  11. It’s Deeply Unfortunate that All of the Russian population will be judged for at least the next 100 years for the actions of the Russian leadership. The Lack of Actions by the Population makes them Equally Guilty of the death and destruction. The costs, when this War ends, will Cost Russia for Many Generations

  12. Who are these supposed "experts" talking to CNN?
    You can not base expectations against a NATO response. They neglected to give Ukraine the ability of air cover. Delayed, piecemeal deliveries. Material, that's not battle ready.
    I hope the 3 of them enjoyed their drink, dinner, 15 minutes of fame, or 30 pieces of silver. Whatever induced them to bump their gums.
    I no longer trust CNN as a reputable source. They have produced so much questionable reporting. There is no journalism, just reporting what someone told them.
    Ukrainian opsec is tight. This is their fight against an invader who is intent on destroying the land and committing genocide on its people.
    This is the type of war they have no idea about, no Airforce to bomb the enemy flat. Extensive minefields.
    Gum bumpers sit down and shut up.
    People like Kissinger and A N Wilson. Stop talking about the future. Just hurry up and age out so people who actually have to live in it can organise it.
    I'm tired of people saying just give up land for peace. Does anybody remember the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland? What about reunification for peace? Nobody was allowing that.
    The UK gets sovereign territory, but Ukraine doesn't?
    Sorry for the rant. I'm just tired of Ukranians and volunteers dying because old white men are playing politics.

  13. Why on earth would the Russians have to do something so dramatic when they are already successfully holding the Ukrainian "offensive" so well as to be able to launch offensives of their own? This is a conspiracy theory.

    You are completely bonkers to think that NATO would respond to a tactical nuke militarily. Because that would lead directly to WW3. You people are insane death-cultists, totally detached from reality.

    also, periodic reminded that the Dambusters Raid is one of the most celebrated events of WW2. But of course its heroic when we do it, and terrible when they do it. Western hypocrisy is infinite, this is just more crocodile tears.

    Yes, they WERE imagining that the Ukrainians would just waltz through lines. Right here in the comments we see people repeating the conventional wisdom that the Russians were stupid and incompetent. You do that yourself; you just expressed bafflement that the Russians would retake lost positions. You have deceived yourself with your own propaganda. Here you are again claiming that the Russians are lying. Not even mistaken, but lying. You are ignoring the evidence in front of your face, constructing rationalisations and excuses.

    Of course Ukraine is going to be an "investment opportunity", because the entire country is being sold off lock, stock and barrel. The vulture funds will end up owning everything.

    There may well be desertions among the Russians, just as there are among the Ukrainians. Just a few days ago Der Spiegel reported that Leopard 2 crews were sabotaging their own tanks so as to avoid combat: "According to the magazine, “the 22-year-old loader, whose call sign is Gudzik (“button” in Ukrainian), said some soldiers refused to fight. Some people made it look like tanks were damaged in order not to fight.” Der Spiegel said the three Leopard 2 crews it spoke to did not condemn "soldiers who refused to fight" because if Russian shells hit the turret, "you would be turned into a heap of ashes.""

  14. Let's not do what the Russians do and jump to certain conclusions about war gonzo. However let's keep a ear out for him, then everyone can put tuppence worth in if you are right. 😊

  15. Any army with no air cover is going to have hard time against those defenses, I don’t care what army u are, but still they are moving forward, Russia can’t and they have the military power and air power. But they have shown they can not perfect combined arms

  16. The Counter Offensive is stalled – 7km so far and not even close to the Russian main Défenses.

    School boy Dmytro Kubela stated!

    “Ukraine is already planning for its next ‘counter-offensive’ using the US-made Abrams tanks, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told state broadcaster Suspilne on Thursday.

    Washington promised Kiev about 30 Abrams tanks back in January. Asked whether they might arrive in time for the current operation, Kuleba said Ukrainians should look to the future instead.

    “There is hope, but one should not think only in terms of this counter-offensive,” he said. “You should not look at this counteroffensive as the last and decisive one. There will be so many counteroffensives, as many as is needed to expel Russia from our territory.”

    The Abrams is a “much more complex design” than the German-made Leopards that Ukraine was provided in the spring, Kuleba added.

    Kiev launched its long-heralded attack on June 4, deploying several brigades armed with American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and German-made Leopards against Russian defenses in Zaporozhye and southern Donetsk.

    However, no Abrams Tanks have arrived in-country yet. First it was Himars, then Mig-29s, then Gepards, then Challengers, then Patriots, then F16s, then Leopards 2s.

    Now it is late summer for another try!

    They should have used the overwhelming force – all Panzers, all aircraft, all Brigades, all Armoured KampfWagens.

  17. The Zelensky sounds like a dictator -“Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced on Thursday that he had signed a law making it illegal to import and distribute Russian and Belarusian language products in Ukraine. However, some Ukrainian officials have pointed out that the step could hinder Kiev’s plans to join the EU.

    The move comes after Ukrainian citizens registered an online petition on the official presidential website asking for the ban, back in May. The petition reached the 25,000-vote threshold required for it to be formally considered by the head of state.

    The author of the petition noted that the Ukrainian parliament had already approved the law on June 19, 2022, but that Zelensky had never signed the bill. As a result, Russian books continued to be sold in Ukraine, which undermines “the information security of the state and the economic foundations of Ukrainian book publishing,” according to the petition.

  18. 6:42 Dont forget that this is CNN 🤔 who's credibility has def fallen in the last few years. They've forgone excellent journalism and due diligence in exchange for haphazard headlines and spastic reporting in order to compete with the immediacy of youtube, tiktok, telegram, twitter, reddit, bloggers, etc as CNN moved keep their engagement numbers up as more and more people (especially younger) opt for the aforementioned platforms.

  19. Paul Jawin has a video of 4 trucks terminated by bomber drone from incredible height. All 4 under supervision of Robert Madyar and his metal stick. Those guys are real professionals ! Don't forget his fundraising, it's worth every cents invested …

  20. They are horrific. Nothing will surprise me. Putin will only stop when a literal or metaphorical gun is against his head, as he has now, sadly only metaphorically, with any nuclear weapons use.

  21. Self-proclaimed Tsar Prigozhin reappeared

    "Ukraine has not bombed Donetsk for 8 years, only Russian positions. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with NATO soldiers, the Russian Ministry of Defense is deceiving the public and the president." (Noelreports)

    One dagger more in Shoigu's back 🙂

  22. Wow. Unlike David Cameron, who admits Britain and the US made mistakes in 2014, Barack Obama's attempting to rewrite history for the sake of his legacy.

    He even manages to blame #Ukraine for #Russia's initial invasion (Tim White)
    He didn't do anything but Ukraine is responsible … coward & lyer !

  23. Take the western experts opinion with a pinch of salt, experience says listen to Ukraine not the armchair generals safe at home with nothing to do, Ukraine is a very new army using very new equipment, fighting against a turtle styled army, Ukraine faces the same problems we would face if we went into Ukraine, Russia uses its forces as throw away and that is hard to fight against when every life to us matters, i spent 8yrs in the service training to fight the USSR and i can tell you now if the cold war went hot the west expected to loose nearly all the forces in Europe, our job was to buy time for the world to mobilise, we are talking 100s of 1000s of troops here, pay more attention to reports from Ukraine and not the ex general staff folks news agency's hire to sound important, there job is to big up story's to generate views. Anyway rant over LOL, Take Care Folks


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