Ukraine War: Putin has an 'increasing problem at home' – Former British Army Head

Lord Richard Dannatt, the Former Chief of the General Staff, says Russian President Vladimir Putin is running out of manpower and resources, as thousands of Russians flee the call up to fight.

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25 thoughts on “Ukraine War: Putin has an 'increasing problem at home' – Former British Army Head”

  1. The problem with Russia is their citizens are stupid just like the rest of the world. Putin should just leave the country to its self and let it fail once and for all. It no longer is a country of pride and conviction.

  2. When will people realise this whole Ukraine thing is the very first step for Putin to have an excuse to have a go at the West. He is happy to loose everything to destroy the West. He doesn’t care about his people his country or himself anymore. I think the world is in trouble.

  3. Instead of referendum they should deport those Russians on Ukraine territory that refuse to integrate into Ukraine. After this war Russia will be in worst situation then North Korea.
    Trust me Ukraine will be better option to settle in.

  4. This is existential for Russia. Ukraine was to be used by NATO and the United States to dismember Russia. See the Czech Conference in June of this year talking about this very thing. The idea was to put somebody like Navalny into power and make the Russians so weak that they would be powerless to stop internal breakaway Republics, much like Russia has done with Donetsk and Lughansk and the others. Don’t be fooled, the Globalists hate Russia because they know that the stubborn Russians will stand up to them and stop them. It’s funny, the US fought for 70 years to bring down the Totalitarians in Moscow and now the Russians will be spending time bringing down the Totalitarians in Brussels and Washington DC. Quite the turn of events. Imbecilic Joe Biden will be gone in a couple of years and partly neutered in November. The people of the United States have about had it with the Woke idiots who are in it just for the money. Watch and Learn. There is a movement starting to turn Google and Facebook, etc into Public Utilities of a sort – turning them into Free Speech Bulletin Boards of a sort. We will see.

  5. Russians are running out of tourniquets they're asking men to ask for tampons and pads from their wives, sisters, girlfriends and mothers! They're only provided armor and weapon with little to no training. They're basically fertilizers and cannon fodders in the making! What's worse is that Putin doesn't give a damn about them while he sits comfortably in his bunker drinking Vodka!

  6. God bless Ukraine! May the Miraculous Virgin of Vladimir intercede with the Almighty for the removal of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu and their minions from power and help Ukraine to fight for a just peace. May Putin's evil regime come to a speedy end. May Saints Michael, Raphael and Gabriel help with this.

  7. “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned“…A Russian call-up of men resulting in an army of wives, girlfriends and mothers, I trust, a surge of reaction towards this pointless war and insane autocratic/kliptomatic leader.


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