UK seafood could be a product of illegal working conditions, investigation finds

Seafood allegedly produced using the forced labour of Uyghur people in China may have been sold in the UK, an investigation has found.

An investigation conducted by The Outlaw Ocean Project, a non-profit journalism organisation, and shared with Sky News, found that nine large seafood companies in Shandong, a province in east China, have received at least 2,000 Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities from Xinjiang – and that many of them supply the UK.

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17 thoughts on “UK seafood could be a product of illegal working conditions, investigation finds”

  1. Until this world is in barbaric slave regime we will not be forgiven by God.
    God if tired with us… these people don’t see and don’t do any good… what a barbaric way of life

  2. Note how Murdoch's Sky News says "could be" because it has no real evidence to support its accusation, just as the accusations about forced labour on cotton picking proved to be false. But it knows even fake accusation can do harm to China's reputation. It's a common ploy used by the west. There's no hope for China-British relations. If such mischief continue, China should ban all Chinese students and tourists from UK.

  3. Finally a mainstream media dare to publish and speak against the Forced Labour of Uyghurs and other minorities in China which was silenced since the Xinjiang concentration camp stories been uncovered 3 years ago. All the major brands claimed to have their ethical standards in providing supplies to us, but how effective it is in protecting the vulnerable people that producing our needs from scratch? Are those policies still valid or just a PR communication tactic to protect their ethical “image”? “Difficulty in traceabilities” is not an excuse, it’s the effort and priorities these companies has not put enough to protect the human rights of the workers from their suppliers and our daily needs providers.

  4. Isn't that a brexit bonus, the whole point of brexit apart from protecting Tories & their party doners from a tax avoidance clamp down by the EU was to get rid of all our worker's rights.

  5. Why bother with any health or safety regulations? If people are sold contaminated seafood and die, then let the courts handle the case as a criminal matter. At least Britain has freed itself from the EU nanny state thanks to Brexit? 😂


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