UFO Nuclear Missile Shootdown (Big Sur UFO Incident) – Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

In 1964, the US Air Force was conducting tests of nuclear weapons off the coast of Big Sur, California. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the claim that a UFO shot down one of those missiles designed to carry nuclear devices, whether aliens were responsible, and whether it was meant as a warning to humanity.


Further Resources:
• Robert Hastings’s book UFOs & Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites: https://amzn.to/3QHYVw4
• Edwin Ruppelt’s book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: https://amzn.to/3SGatT8
• Bob Jacobs’s article “Deliberate Deception: The Big Sur UFO Filming”: http://www.nicap.org/reports/bigsur2.htm
• Kingston George’s article “The Big Sur ‘UFO’: An Identified Flying Object”: https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1993/01/22165151/p77.pdf
• Robert Hastings’s article “A Shot Across the Bow”: http://www.nicap.org/reports/6409XXShot_Across_Bow_hastings.pdf
• NICAP’s resources on the Big Sur incident: http://www.nicap.org/6409XXbigsur_dir.htm


30 thoughts on “UFO Nuclear Missile Shootdown (Big Sur UFO Incident) – Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World”

  1. Another great episode. Great work guys.
    Keep up the great work.
    From newly found fan. Melbourne, Australia.

    PS. Any chance of a future episode based on the conspiracies/ mysteries of Australia's Pine Gap.

    Thanks. 😃👍

  2. Its such a major flaw in our modern world that we've entirely discounted good testimony as proof. We're either too paranoid or too stupid to discern a crazy liar from a genuine person.

    Even worse is that it's both. We'll quickly believe the random guy on the internet about the latest geo-politics narrative (zero research ourselves), but if our friend or close relative says the wrong opinion they become an instant moron.

    Idk about this story, haven't read any of it myself. But I don't call people liars just because their story doesn't fit my narrative

  3. I saw this missile explode in 1964 as an 11 year old boy. Ridding in my parents car in Oakland California looking south west towards Monterey… There was a very bright contrail in the sky. As a child I thought it was a high flying jet plane. Suddenly it exploded like a huge Roman Candle fire work. I felt upset because I thought a pilot just died. When we arrived home we checked KTVU news and they announced that a missile from Vandenburg AFB had exploded. We could often see missile tests from Vandenburg in the San Francisco Bay Area. Years later I witnessed another rocket explode. Note I had a clear view of this test but the actual missile was small like a dot and I saw no other crafts or UFO's.

  4. This is one of the best MW episodes in a while. Has anyone actually seen an interview with Mansmann? The researcher reportedly exchanged correspondence with him, but if I were extremely skeptical, I would ask how we can be sure the researcher was actually in contact with Mansmann, as opposed to Jacobs or someone pretending to be Mansmann. If Mansmann really did corroborate Jacob’s account, then this incident constitutes fairly strong evidence for the reality of extraterrestrial craft.

  5. Great episode. I have a few holes to poke in the UFO theory, though. Why, if you want to make a demonstration of your laser/plasma missile annihilator, do you do it 600 miles from land, where the only thing that can observe the test is a special camera? If I were to demonstrate such a technology, I would make sure it was in sight of land to prevent cover-ups. Also, why only demonstrate it once? You implied (my apologies if I misunderstood) that all of the missile tests that month went as planned and landed on target, except for the UFO one. If the aliens knew about the special camera, why would they not make multiple demonstrations in case the camera malfunctioned during one?
    If I had to guess, I think the UFO got added later, probably unintentionally, in the Lieutenant's memory and was actually just debris shedding off a damaged missile. Why the cover-up?
    Maybe someone did something dumb, like leave pieces behind during assembly, and it would have been embarrassing for a big wig.


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