UFO Leaker Bob Lazar Reveals Final Secret – Aliens Never Left Earth

UFO Leaker Bob Lazar Reveals Final Secret – Aliens Never Left Earth
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In this shocking video, Bob Lazar finally reveals the truth about aliens and their origins. According to his secretive research, these extraterrestrial beings arrived from space and are now hiding underwater. This groundbreaking revelation will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the alien mystery. Don’t miss out on this intriguing and mind-blowing information from the renowned whistleblower, Bob Lazar.

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36 thoughts on “UFO Leaker Bob Lazar Reveals Final Secret – Aliens Never Left Earth”

  1. Although Bob Lazar no longer has access to anything anymore, at least he has been diligent in thinking and reviewing what he had seen and experienced when he was employed. This also should easily and clearly point out that our current technology in space physics or energy generation or flight propulsion is still very primitive as we are all too lazy to explore alternative technologies.

  2. The name of the video is click bait. I thought he was going to tell us something new. This is all stuff I've already heard before. They just used a bunch of stuff from an old Rogan podcast along with various other old clips. Nothing new. No big reveal! B.S. For that I gotta give a thumbs down 👎

  3. The reason the craft has no rivets is because the material used is in its original state is fluid like Mercury that can separate and break up or solidify then liquify depending on what manoeuvre it wants to do in what time zone and in what place. When it is created in its fluid form of course there will be no seams or rivets. The material's state is then altered to become a solid mass. So figure out what metal can liquify in certain conditions and then resume its shape in other conditions.

    When people have seen UAPs in the sky that manifest as a light that separates into little lights it is because of this design feature that enables them to do this.

    The crafts do not bend gravity. They bend space time by covering vast distances at incredible speeds. And just like water warps the aspect depending on where you are looking, similarly you can look at objects in the sky and objects directly above objects because either the speed or the atmosphere or both has altered the perspective so what you think you see at one part of the sky might be slightly off kilter.

    Humans could not travel at that speed because of g force but thet have something within that counteracts that. Like concentric circles working in apposition to each other.

    The crat do not resist gravity in fact in part they use it. They use the earth's electro magnetic points longitude or latitude to propel the craft at high speed to cover vast distances in a short space of time. In short they hop or leap frog which is why sometimes you see them and then you don't and then you see them again in a different place. So imagine a grid or for arguments sake a square piece of paper covered with lots of squares. Thr craft can't go in the squares but jumps them from point to point. They use points on the earth to recharge. They aren't from outer space. They are from inner space and under water.

    I don't know enough about worm holes to comment but anything is possible.

    The way they drive the craft is far more advanced than we can imagine. The entities flying the craft need to focus as they are linked neurologically or even biologically to the running of the craft. There are very few controls. The nearest way to describe this is like when you put a head piece on or a glove on but you are in a completely different place using Artificial intelligence to recreate realistic environments. They are like smart helmets. . Your eyes and senses make you feel you are in a different place. But in the UAP craft whether psychicly or however, they need to fly the craft using their utmost concentration and think and feel with the craft so they become one with it. Just as we have sat nav or maps, they have similar only they are more holographic or epheneral. But wheb they fly they and the craft are one the craft beung an extension of them.

    The craft is almost a semi sentient entity and that is why the man who touched the craft at Rendelsham Forest was given a download of binary numbers. Binary code is the life code. The man went home and wrote down the binary numbers. The craft used the man as a data store or a memory stick whether to impart a message or whatever. And the reason they are rarely seen us because they are on a different light spectrum. And if they are seen it us because of a malfunction or they are changing their state to land and become noticeable.

    And if you doubt any of this ask how we have become so advanced in the last century especially when you look at your smart phone or upgrade your self-driving car. Artifial intelligence is much more advanced than most people think.

  4. Don't you just hate manipulation of the true narrative that spring from Bob Lazar. Nor, has he ever changed his story and has passed every polygraph test. The only changed narrative has been the sceptics and would-be trusted narriators such as this one (that readily lie and twist the facts). If, Lazar is such a fake, why did agents from the FBI and AEC raid and turn his home upside down, in search of that secret Element 114–that Bob couldn't known anything about–because after all, he's suppose to be a complete liar and sham worker, who never worked at S-4, Area 51. The government raids a fake Area 51 worker's house within weeks of Lazar's base disclosures. How does that make sense–he never worked there, but you raid his house. Common sense has to kick in somewhere here–don't you think?

  5. He only had gaps in his educational history because the NSA erased his history. That's why there are paper records of his time at institutions but he's been taken off the official records. Duh. And you call yourself informed.

  6. Those that made that craft to defy gravity had to have come from a far advanced being where they lived in a gravitational world much like our own and understood it enough to use it to there advantage an advanced world and why would they come back to our world being humanoid there here to study the backward life like similar to there’s they discovered as much as we would do if we discovered a forward life in our universe

  7. Juz like I always thought!! The US government will use this against their own people and push the blame to the ET 's and make the people believe that they are our greatest enemy which is not! Infact They Are , the US government is the human race greatest enemy and Terrorist!! Period!!

  8. He designed a rocket as a teenager that got the attention of the military so much so they flew him to area 51 to display and fire his rocket. At 12 he built a rocket bike. They were so impressed they hired him at Los Alamos in New Mexico. From there he went to S4.

  9. He worked at the highest level security facility and he can tell all kinds of stories about what's inside and what they do there, NOT LIKELY. All planned out, predicted 40 years ago. Plandemic then Alien invasion. I trust the people who predicted the plans they had coming more than the people playing them out

  10. I am inclined to place trust in Bob's narrative, it remains essential to acknowledge that the consistency of his account does not inherently guarantee its veracity. Rather, it could suggest a higher degree of sophistication in his deception. But I find it challenging to identify a compelling motive for deceit aside from the possibility of a sense (personal confidence), but the likelihood of that appears more ridiculous than his claims.

  11. "What if these craft's gravity emitter doesn't move at all but pushes the whole universe until it reaches its destination? That would demand a completely different type of technology altogether and may not be bound by energy as we understand it. Perhaps it takes less energy to move the entire universe than to move a car if you have a different set of understanding.

  12. I'm not interested in their transportation, I want to know how far they are in medical advance's. If there's an Extraterrestrial reading this? Please come abduct me and fix my spinal cord ?
    I won't say anything about it ?
    Come and get me and fix me?

  13. I have always believed him from day one. When he first came out at that time i had already experienced and seen quite a few things i could not explain. Being a child, people thought i was making up stories until adults experienced what i did and tere narrative changed. I'm now 49 years old and can't count the experiences i have had including a possible journey with the just far enough out to see that the earth is not flat, its not completely 100% round but roundish. There is no hidden continents on the other side of an ice wall. I think the only reason people believe that is because of the inconsistentcies in our maps on the size of the continents. I can also say that space is full of ships and space stations of many of civilizations throughout our universe. The moon is a artificial satellite that is a giant space station where people and beings that are part of the Galactic Alliance, meet and congregate and handle space matters. The words, "Civilians would never sleep again if they knew what we do", have stuck with since the first day i heard them. The real space world is more like Star Wars than anyone could possibly imagine. The difference is these beings are so far advanced, there's no need for war. If they wanted to destory us they would have done it along time ago with just a snap of there fingers or whatever that specific speices may have. For anyone to believe we are the only intelligent living beings in this entire universe, is completely crazy. We are probably not the only human beings neither.


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