UFO Fleet Over Pensacola – TRAILER

This is the trailer for the full-length Farsight documentary on a fleet of UAPs/UFOs that was video recorded over the Pensacola Naval Air Base using Farsight’s own cameras on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2023. The full-length video can be found on FarsightPrime.com.
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23 thoughts on “UFO Fleet Over Pensacola – TRAILER”

  1. Don't know what to think a lot of talking. I have seen an old cam Corder video and there were hundreds and hundreds coming from behind the sun. When they got much closer they were found slow. This was years ago. And not everyone who saw the video was able to see them, just static.

  2. God bless you. I am an advocate for :The Allies of Humanity". What you said about the intrusion into the minds of some sensitives with this pacification, "All is light all is good and we love you". Did you read The Allie's Briefings? It sounds like it and that is WONDERFUL, or else we just happen to corroborate
    borate what you guys and gals see. Look at Book II, end of the book, "Commentaties from The Teachers, 2,nd addendum, "The Effects of The Pacification Program". Here's a clip.
    "In another scenario, the situation becomes more complicated. Here the Intervention begins to show its darker side. Not everyone can be easily pacified. Those who cannot be pacified by the Intervention will be directed by the Intervention to judge those who oppose it. This will be particularly true for people who have extreme religious views and prejudices. These people will be directed to condemn those who do not share their views. Indeed, there are people in some religious communities who will receive messages that all the enemies of Christ must be eradicated if they cannot be saved and that the Second Coming will require the cleansing of the human family.

    There are individuals today who are being so directed, and though they do not necessarily represent the leadership of these religious communities, their emphasis will grow as their frustration grows. They are waiting for the great arrival of Jesus, and they think it is not happening because of the sinfulness of the human family, sinfulness that must now be eradicated and not simply resisted. And the Jesus who will come will not be the real Jesus, but will be the Jesus prepared through the Intervention. This will be a false Jesus that they cannot really recognize because they are not developed in Knowledge. This Jesus will not bring peace but a reckoning. This reckoning will be welcomed by the followers because they are full of grievances themselves and believe that their prophecies are not being fulfilled because of the sinfulness of humanity and that this sinfulness must now be removed in order to bring Heaven on Earth.

    Can you see for a moment how easy it would be for a Greater Community presence here, the Intervention, so skillful in influencing the mental environment and so aware of human tendencies and frailties, to provide this kind of influence? Can you see how, because of this manipulation, the righteous could begin to wage war against those people who disagree with them and against those who would preserve Knowledge in the world? Can you see how easy it would be for this to be generated?

    Even the true believers in Christ would be targeted, for they do not share these grievances, and thus they are not in conformity with those individuals who are being directed by the Intervention. True believers in Christ would emphasize harmony and recognition and tolerance. But those being directed by the Intervention only want revenge for their failed prophecies. They want God’s punishment to be exacted, and they are willing to be the executioners. They are willing to be the judge and the jury to carry out what they believe now is God’s will. How will the Intervention eradicate its opponents? Should it gain enough power, you can see how this can be done.

    Where pacification cannot be achieved, the Intervention will influence people to carry out their hostilities upon one another. As the world becomes more difficult, as resources diminish, as populations grow, as competition increases, as tragedy occurs more frequently, people’s sense of tolerance will diminish, and their grievances will be encouraged—not only by the Intervention, but certainly by those people who are ambitious and want to put themselves in positions of power. How perfectly this falls into the alien agenda, which seeks to simplify and restructure human allegiance. The Intervention does not care what religion they use so long as it can achieve these results. That is why a devout Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist must all learn the Way of Knowledge. Otherwise, how could they tell the difference between a spiritual influence and a Greater Community influence? To the un -discerning, well, it all looks like it’s coming from a higher place, from the Heavens. Who, then, can you trust?

    The Intervention can create wonderful spiritual scenarios to activate those individuals who are most prone to be their messengers. It is not difficult for the Intervention to do. They simply stage a drama and put someone in the middle of it, and this person cannot tell the difference. People do not know what a Greater Community presence is. To them, it is all coming from somewhere else, not at their level, but from a higher place. So, in one scenario, an image of Jesus is projected to a zealous person, and the zealous person says, “Jesus has come to me.” And the Jesus says, “You must gather my true followers and you must denounce all others!” And the zealous follower says, “Yes, Master, yes, Master!”

    Incredible? Yes. Impossible? No. If the alien agenda is to create a unified and compliant human allegiance, it must eradicate the dissident elements, the non-compliant elements. They will not do this themselves because then everyone will know that there is an Intervention. Instead, they will have human beings do it for them in the name of people’s religious convictions and prejudices. And no one will know what is behind it all. Some people will think it is Satan or Lucifer, but they will not know.

    It is humanity’s ignorance that is its greatest weakness. It is humanity’s Knowledge that is its greatest strength. The Greater Community, the inhabited universe in which you live, is a very sophisticated environment of interaction and influence. If human beings are going to follow their prejudices, their hatreds and their grievances and cannot tell the difference between a spiritual and a Greater Community influence, then the Greater Community is an extremely hazardous environment. Someone in the Greater Community will eventually win you over to their Collective or to their cause. How will they do this? They will simply use what you already believe in rather than teaching you something new.

    This is why learning the Way of Knowledge is so vitally important because this teaches you about the reality of life and spirituality in the Greater Community. It teaches you about the nature of manipulation and how to safeguard yourself and others. It teaches you how to recognize the effects and the manifestations of the Pacification Program and what you can do today to develop your own immunity to these forces, which are so influential on other people.

    This is vitally needed in the world today. Every day men and women of good conscience are falling under persuasion that they cannot discern. It is a gradual process. But eventually they end up not even having a clue about what is happening in their lives and being hostile to any kind of correction.

    As you begin to develop this Greater Community awareness yourself and to share the Allies’ message with others, you will see this resistance. You will see people’s inability to respond. It’s like someone has pulled the plug within them and now they just don’t know anything. And if they do respond at some level, they may try to pacify themselves. They will say, “Well, it’s just one point of view, and you know, we have to look for the good in this situation. We really have to embrace this situation. If the visitors are here, then they must be here for a purpose, and we have to open ourselves to this purpose. Maybe some of them are not good, but some of them are, and we have to love them to understand them.”

    This is all pacification mentality. This is the easy thing to do. Just give in. And if happiness is the goal of your life, you will give in. You will compromise your integrity. You will deny your own anxieties. You will overlook the signs and the flags and the clues that tell you that something is not right here. You may tell yourself, “Well, it is all just part of the drama of life, and I will be above it all.”

  3. Just wondering..how does it seem..that the camera is following the descending pattern kinda keeping up with the craft..if you couldn’t see it until further investigation?

  4. Interesting! I live just outside Pensacola in Alabama and about 8 yrs ago I was on my neighbor's property taking care of his horse's while he was gone. I got done one afternoon and locked up the gate and turned to walk to my car. When I looked up, I could see something standing maybe 60' up past my car in the tree line. It was a figure in the shape of a man but it was see through, but I could clearly see it's outline. It jumped like it was startled I was looking at it and then it fell to the ground and crawled very fast into the woods. I'm not far from NAS Pensacola at all and what I saw terrified me. My heart fell into my stomach. I have not been near the woods again since that. I won't even take my dog out at night, my husband has to do it. I've tried googling what I saw and found that other's have seen this thing in woods all over. Some call it the glimmer man, and other's call it the predator like creature after the movie predator when the alien was cloaked.

  5. will the hot temps continue thru summer? It does not require intuition, of course it will. The better question is how will this effect the economy? Use a little intuition.

  6. Courtney Brown you need to stop spreading your misinformation! You state that the malevolent ETs are in control, this is not true. Elena Danaan has physically met with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the malevolent ETs are gone only a few pockets left! Your the one chatting bullshit


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