UAP videos shown during 2022 UFO hearing

A new video shown in front of a congressional panel is piquing the interest of UFO enthusiasts. Congress is holding a hearing on threats posed by unidentified flying objects and unexplained aerial phenomena. This marks the first congressional hearings on UFOs in more than 50 years.

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47 thoughts on “UAP videos shown during 2022 UFO hearing”

  1. This is so laughable! Nothing new coming out, even though our monitoring technology is the best ever. All I see is reports from decades old cases, asking "Was that an ufo? Maybe! Maybe not! We don´t know!" NO new cases, because there are no new cases. They´re milking this topic dry because in reality there´s no such thing as aliens and super spaceships. WE are at the very beginning of TRYING to harness such an energy ourselves and that´s basically it.
    I went from total believer back to complete skeptic at this point in time and there is nothing that could convince me other than me seeing it myself in person. A hyperspeed vehicle either flying by or landing in front of me, maybe even picking me up. OR: SUPER HD video footage CLOSE UP of such a thing.
    These videos right here are laughable. It´s silly…….

  2. I’m so sick of this bullshit, enough already. Americans have spent trillions of dollars on government programs over the years and this is all they can show us even in 2022? It just proves to me they still aren’t even close to showing us anything. Most of us understand the universe we live in is probably infinite. Additionally, there have been thousands of documented sightings by credible sources including Commander Fravor. I’m just sick of being constantly lied to by our own government. I understand they have to be careful around national security issues but this is all we get, really? Aren’t we owed at least a little more? It’s just criminal that they won’t even give us a sliver of information on one of the biggest questions of all. Are we alone? What does it all mean? Just pay your taxes and then die.

  3. They've a.L.w.A.y.S existed on this planet, it's their planet, as they were here way before humankind existed. The others come from other distant planets & solar systems. I've been seeing their illuminated craft since approximately 1999/2000, I can walk out onto my decking at night, & pretty much instantaneously one, sometimes two or three will appear overhead, often travelling in different directions. They are not planes, as they are way too high, there's never any sound, or flashing red/blue/green lights. Sometimes, I watch them completely disappear, then reappear in a different spot. During 'lockdown" one early summer's evening, again, whilst stood on my decking, I witnessed for the first time, a much larger illuminated orb type sphere, but it was much lower, & it had what appeared to be a much smaller craft tail gaiting it, non of which were a plane, as again, no sound, no flashing lights, they just slowly glided past. When I tried to photograph them on my mobi, my screen kept going out of focus, then it went black, . . . . . . . . so interference, . . . . . . .yup!

  4. I hate it when they pass off these lights in the night sky videos as something amazing. That night-vision clip is just a plane, with the triangular shape being the effect from the shutter. It's desperate of people to do this, it just pollutes the field

  5. Anyone who has ever used a night vision scope knows the effect a bright flashing light has on an object. Even with compression and some blocking, you can still see when the light is off, the features of a winged aircraft. The first video was nothing. It's a nothing video.

  6. We think highly of ourselves and thought we are special and the only intelligent life in the universe..that's how narcissist our race towards other planets and living forms in it when in fact there are more intelligent and far more advance beings in the vast universe..probably they have much better morality than us..

  7. was sat on the cliffs on the coast of Cumbria no light pollution at all shooting stars are visible shooting across the sky every few minutes, but I swear down dead I was sat there when what must of been a huge shadow it blotted out the starts and a large proportion of the sky I could not see what it was it was just a huge shadow floating across the sky I couldn't say how far away it was it was just moving and blotted out the stars and the sky and was no darker or blacker than the sky around it all I know is it was massive it blotted out the starts above it .

  8. I think it’s obvious they picked these particular clips in an effort to reframe this as aerial clutter like balloons and foreign adversarial drones and not for what’s REALLY going on. There’s a reason the new legislation language directs the UAP office to search all the way back to 1947. 😉 Gee, I wonder what event took place that year that would have relevance? The same incident that the OFFICIAL National Archives YouTube page has witness witness testimony of which was quietly uploaded in 2014.

  9. 0:19 do not be fooled people these are not aliens lol this is secret american military testing their new drones on their own military. 1947 Roswell now thats a different story.

  10. I saw something in the sky once during the day that was black and didn’t move. It was so far away I guess it could have been a drone but it was there for ages. I didn’t see it disappear or shoot off I just looked up and it was gone. Always bugged me what it was, probably a drone

  11. 1989. Two friends and myself hanging out in park at night, listening to music. I heard humming and asked what's that? A friend said, I don't know. We turned music off. I looked up and saw an orange orb thing and said, what the!? My friends turned to look and saw it. It swirled a bit and then disappeared. Needless to say, we ran to our car and hit the road pronto.

  12. Jezzz you all really want to believe this stuff, if you understood the vastness of space you’d get the picture that this is all ours. Let’s simplify this. You get into trouble doing something wrong your disciplinarians say did you do it, you reply no, they say well someone must of done this, you agree it was done but don’t want them to know it’s you, so you tell them idk who did it. Same goes for this and the pentagon. It’s easier and smarter to say “we can’t explain it” then “yea this is ours” it leads everyone further away from the truth and it’s very possible these task force truly can’t explain these things because it’s so hush hush insinuating a perfect truthful cover up. Nothing better then your attorney truly believing you didn’t commit the crime he fights just that much more for you. Bare in mind if this is possible then they would be doing so much more then sending probs,crafts and only “observing” and probing humans in the butthole😂

  13. Endless enigmatic book in all languages. You can write a book with mirrors in all languages of the world. You can speak two languages at once, you just need to find the perfect reflection, same content, different translation. Infinite Mirrors. Pi 3.14 XBooks. Hybrid language!!!!!!!

  14. This is not fake. I saw this exact same object in the sky back in 2015. Queens,NY. It was stationary , I thought it was the moon until I turned around to my friends to tell them how weird the moon looked and saw the moon above them..when I tell you the amount of fear and dread that went through my body I’ll never forget it. I literally said “this is it..the worlds about change” Just as I finished saying that the right side began to glow blue and pulsed in a fading pattern as if it was charging up, and then the blue became steady , and then in a blink the object darted East into but seemed to have literally vanished, and it left like sparkling dust in its trail like a firework…it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  15. There is stacks of evidence.
    I can well understand why the State does not want to give what it knows away though as you are telling the 'visitors' you are well aware.
    Just don't know if they will turn nasty or not as they are always on a taunting periphery.

  16. either it's some high military aircraft unknown to the public or a similar aircraft from another country, maybe doing surveillance. It's clearly not a drone, balloon, satellite, etc. If it's not a military aircraft than I would conclude it's from another universe,,


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